In order to enroll in Math 223, you must pass the Precalculus Screening Test (Placement Test). Click here for details. The Withdrawal Deadline is Tuesday Feb 25 for all 1st half semester courses.
Click here for the syllabus for Spring 2025.
Click here for a weekly schedule of topics, videos, and tests for Spring 2025.
Click here for the Help Room Schedules.
Fall 2015 (midterm) – Solutions
Note: All videos for the course are located in WebAssign under the “Resources” tab located on bottom left, just click on “Stewart:: Precalculus-7e”. The specific precalc section video you are required to watch before lecture are listed in the weekly schedule. When you click on the specific precalc section in Resources there are two sets of videos offered, Kazmierczak videos and Mosley videos. You are only required to view the Kazmierczak videos.