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The five main areas of concentration are Algebra, Analysis, Combinatorics, Geometry/Topology, and Statistics/Probability.
Algebraic and Geometric Topology
Algebra related to logic and computer science
Applied and Computational Mathematics
Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry
Combinatorial Geometry
Geometric Analysis
Geometric Group Theory
Geometry of Manifolds
Group Theory
Machine Learning
Number Theory
Partial Differential Equations
Representation Theory
John Abou-Rached - Robert Riley Visiting Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest:
Laura Anderson - Associate Professor
Areas of Interest: Combinatorics, Topology
Description: My research focuses on interactions between combinatorics and topology,
particularly those involving oriented matroids, convex polytopes, and other
concepts from discrete geometry. Much of my work involves combinatorial
models for topological structures such as differential manifolds and vector
bundles. The aims of such models include both combinatorial answers to
topological questions (e.g., combinatorial formulas for characteristic
classes), and topological methods for combinatorics (e.g. on topology of
Robert Bieri - Visiting Professor
Areas of Interest: Geometric, homological, combinatorial and asymptotic methods in group theory
Description: My original interest in homological methods for
infinite groups (cohomological dimension and Poincare type duality) shifted
towards geometric and -- more recently -- asymptotic methods. I find it
interesting to relate geometric properties at infinity of groups and G-spaces
with algebraic properties of these groups, their group rings and their
modules. The focus is on familar groups like metabelian, soluble, free and
linear ones, or fundamental groups of 3-manifolds, but I also met Thompson's
group F and other PL-homeomorphism groups on the way, and had an encounter
with tropical geometry.
Alexander Borisov - Associate Professor
Areas of Interest:
Description: My general research area is algebraic geometry and number theory, broadly interpreted. Particular topics of interest include birational geometry, toric geometry and convex discrete geometry, polynomial morphisms, integer polynomials, Arakelov geometry.
Walter Carlip - Visiting Associate Professor
Areas of Interest:
Mei-Hsiu Chen - Director of Statistical Consulting
Areas of Interest: Biostatistics, Statistics
Description: My initial research focuses on designing and conducting clinical trials in evaluating imaging as screening tools for cancers. After a long hiatus from research, my current research focuses on statistical education via statistical consultation in matching appropriate statistical methods with different objectives from various disciplines. My work includes uncovering racial biases in crimes and in public school disciplinary actions, and identifying the role of mechanobiology on endothelial to mesenchymal transformation.
Zeyu Ding - Assistant Professor (by courtesy)
Areas of Interest: Data privacy, statistical disclosure control, formal methods, machine learning
Description: My research lies in the intersection of data privacy, statistical disclosure control, formal methods and machine learning. The overarching goal of my work is to protect sensitive personal information from being leaked in unintended ways. My current research focuses on differential privacy and its interactions with formal verification, numerical optimization, privacy-preserving statistical inference and machine learning.
Michael Dobbins - Associate Professor
Areas of Interest:
Description: My research is primarily on discrete geometry, particularly geometric problems arising from computer science. I also work in computational geometry, complexity, convexity, combinatorics, and topology.
Yuan Fang - Assistant Professor (by courtesy)
Areas of Interest: Statistics, bioinformatics
Description: My current research focuses on studying lipid profiles for ceramide pathways in boys with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy using multi-omics statistical and bioinformatics approaches. I am also interested in extending existing models and statistical approaches for clustering longitudinal data.
Alex Feingold - Professor
Areas of Interest: Algebra, Lie algebras, conformal field theory
Description: Finite dimensional semisimple Lie algebras, tensor product
decomposition of irreducible modules, representation theory of
the infinite dimensional Kac-Moody Lie algebras, bosonic and
fermionic creation and annihilation operators, affine and
hyperbolic Kac-Moody algebras, topics in combinatorics, power
series identities, modular forms and functions, Siegel modular
forms, conformal field theory, string theory, and statistical
mechanical models, vertex operator algebras, their modules and
intertwining operators, the theory of fusion rules.
Guifang Fu - Associate Professor
Areas of Interest: Statistics, high-dimensional inference, functional data analysis
Description: My main focus is to develop advanced statistical models and computational methodologies to unravel the genetic and environmental mechanisms that regulate complex biological traits, including morphology/shape, biomedical problems and disease. I am particularly interested in high-dimensional, "big data" modeling, and functional data analysis. My genetic leaf shape project was awarded a three-year NSF grant. I enjoy collaborating on interdisciplinary projects, working with researchers from the application domains and addressing real-life data analysis questions.
James Hyde - Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest:
Quaid Iqbal - Robert Riley Visiting Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest:
Dikran Karagueuzian - Associate Professor
Areas of Interest: Algebraic topology, representation theory, group cohomology
Description: My research for the past few years has been primarily in the
representations and cohomology of finite groups. For the past few
years I have been studying problems in algebra that arise from
techniques of algebraic topology. Sometimes there is a theorem
hidden behind the feasibility of a well-known method. An example
of this phenomenon is my most recent preprint, written in
collaboration with Peter Symonds of the University of Manchester
Institute of Science and Technology. In this case the theorem
was uncovered through exploration with the computer algebra
package Magma, which is well worth checking out. Often such
software lets us investigate mathematical phenomena which would
be very difficult to understand otherwise.
Vladislav Kargin - Associate Professor
Areas of Interest:
Description: I am particularly interested in random matrices and its applications, in particular, statistical analysis of large data, zeroes of zeta functions, statistical mechanics of random media, and free probability.
Tae Young Lee - Robert Riley Visiting Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Finite groups and their representation theory
Description: I am interested in finite (or sometimes algebraic) groups, their representations, and connections to other topics in mathematics. My last few papers were about local systems (continuous representations of étale fundamental groups) and their monodromy groups (the images of these representations). I classified a specific kind of local systems, called hypergeometric sheaves, when they have specific type of finite monodromy groups, using representation theory of these groups and some number theoretic method. I would be also happy to discuss general problems about finite groups and their representations, or even some problems in discrete mathematics with algebraic points of view.
Paul Loya - Associate Professor
Areas of Interest: Global and geometric analysis, Elliptic theory of differential operators on manifolds with singularities, Partial differential equations
Description: The underlying theme of my research is the investigation of topological,
geometric, and spectral invariants of (singular) Riemannian manifolds using
techniques from partial differential equations. For example, the Euler
characteristic of a surface is a topological invariant based its usual
definition in terms of a triangulation of the surface. However, it may also
be considered geometric in view of the Gauss-Bonnet theorem or spectral in
view of the Hodge theorem. I am interested in such relationships on general
singular Riemannian manifolds.
Cary Malkiewich - Associate Professor
Areas of Interest: Algebraic topology, especially stable homotopy theory, algebraic K-theory, applications to manifolds and cell complexes.
Description: My primary research area is algebraic topology. I like to apply stable homotopy theory (spectra) to questions about manifolds and cell complexes. My work has taken a recent turn towards scissors congruence: in 2002 I proved that it is described by a Thom spectrum, and I am developing the consequences of this surprising result for the higher scissors congruence groups.
Marcin Mazur - Professor
Areas of Interest: Algebraic number theory, group theory
Description: My research interests concentrate around areas where number theory and group
theory intersect. Topics of particular interest are group rings, group schemes
over rings of algebraic integers, Galois module structures and Galois
Ryan McCulloch - Visiting Associate Professor
Areas of Interest: Group theory, combinatorics
Description: My research interests are in general group theory, finite group theory, and related structures such as lattices of subgroups of a group. I am also interested in combinatorics, and have recently been looking at relationships between designs and other combinatorial objects.
Pedro Ontaneda - Distinguished Professor
Areas of Interest: Topology and differential geometry
Description: My general interest is the geometry and topology of aspherical spaces.
I have done some work in the study of the relationship between exotic
structures and (negative, non-positive) curvature, and its applications
to the limitations of PDE methods in geometry. Other interests: geometric
group theory, K-theory, mechanics.
Aleksey Polunchenko - Associate Professor
Areas of Interest: Statistics, sequential analysis.
Description: Mathematical
statistics and specifically the problem of sequential (quickest)
change-point detection, currently focusing on the case of composite
Xingye Qiao - Professor and Chair
Areas of Interest: Statistics, machine learning, causal inference
Description: My research interests encompass statistics, machine learning, and data science. I develop and analyze predictive and inferential tools for complex data problems such as imbalanced classes, high-dimensional data, transfer learning, and observational studies. My focus is on designing theoretically sound and efficient learning algorithms that address sample, time, and space complexity challenges.
I aim to enhance the trustworthiness and reliability of statistics and machine learning methods, particularly in critical domains like healthcare. My work includes developing user-friendly prediction tools with built-in confidence measures and methods for individualized estimation, prediction, and recommendation from observational and interventional data.
David Renfrew - Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest:
Description: My research lies in Probability and Random Matrices. I am particularly interested in non-Hermitian random matrices and the interplay between random matrices and free probability. I am also interested in applications to biologic systems.
Minghao Rostami - Associate Professor
Areas of Interest:
Lorenzo Ruffoni - Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Algebraic and Geometric Topology, Geometry of Manifolds, Geometric Group Theory
Description: I am interested in Geometry and Topology, and in particular: geometric group theory, geometric structures on manifolds and cell complexes.
Eugenia Sapir - Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest:
Anton Schick - Professor
Areas of Interest: Statistics, probability
Description: Uses of large sample theory in statistics, the characterization
and construction of efficient estimators and tests for
semiparametric and nonparametric models, statistical inference
for Markov chains and stochastic processes, estimation and
comparison of curves, the behavior of plug-in estimators,
optimal inference for bivariate distributions with constraints on
the marginal, modelling with incomplete data, and the theory and
application of finite and infinite order U-statistics.
Rakhi Singh - Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Statistics, machine learning, design of experiments, subdata selection
Description: I am interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the high-dimensional stochastic processes with both small and large data sizes. My current and future research focuses on developing this understanding by means of (a) design and analysis of screening experiments, implying the efficient planning and execution of high-dimensional experiments, and (b) developing statistically- and computationally-efficient subdata selection tools, facilitating the extraction of vital insights from large and ever-growing datasets while maintaining quality. In particular, the designs used for the screening experiments frequently exhibit constrained practical applicability due to (a) a disconnect between existing design selection criteria and the methods used for their analysis, (b) their traditional construction and analysis within the confines of the main effects model, despite real experimental dynamics being influenced by interactions, and (c) a scarcity of simulation and empirical studies illustrating the contexts wherein these designs hold significance versus when they do not. I focus on mitigating these challenges by means of developing the efficient design and analysis of screening experiments. I harness high-performance computing to develop analytically rigorous tools for advanced "design of experiments" and "sampling" to better understand these high-dimensional stochastic processes.
Daniel Studenmund - Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest:
Description: My research addresses questions arising at the intersection of geometric group theory and the study of discrete subgroups of Lie groups. I am particularly interested in invariants associated to the collection of finite-index subgroups of a given group G. One example is the abstract commensurator Comm(G), the group of all isomorphisms between finite-index subgroups of G, modulo equivalence. Other examples are growth rates of various functions associated to the collection of finite-index subgroups, which can be thought of as helping to quantify residual finiteness of G. I also study other invariants of groups, such as superrigidity and cohomology of arithmetic groups, using algebraic and geometric methods.
Hung Tong-Viet - Professor
Areas of Interest: Representation theory and character theory of finite groups, permutation groups and abstract finite groups.
Description: My main research interests lie in the representation and character theory of finite groups, permutation groups and applications to number theory and combinatorics, and finite group theory in general. I am interested in studying groups or group structures using several important numerical invariants of the groups such as character degrees (ordinary and modular), p-parts of the degrees or character values such as zeros of characters. In permutation group theory, I study derangements, that is, permutations without fixed points, and their applications in number theory and graph theory, permutation characters and permutation polytopes. Recently, I am also interested in studying the influence of real conjugacy class sizes on the group structures.
Tan Nhat Tran - Robert Riley Visiting Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Algebraic Combinatorics, Hyperplane Arrangement
Description: I am dedicated to research in combinatorics, and especially its connections with commutative algebra, algebraic topology and probability theory. My research over the past few years has focused on the theory of arrangements of hyperplanes, especially how the combinatorial properties of hyperplane arrangements interact with the discrete geometric structures (e.g., graph, polytope, root system), topological objects (e.g., Poincare ? polynomial, CW-complex), algebraic concepts (e.g., logarithmic derivation, Hopf algebra) and probabilistic models (e.g., expectation, vine copula).
Danika Van Niel - Robert Riley Visiting Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Algebraic and Geometric Topology
Adrian Vasiu - Professor
Areas of Interest: Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry
Description: My area of research is Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry, which is the common
part of Number Theory, Algebra, and Geometry. I am very much interested in
moduli spaces, group schemes, Lie algebras, formal group schemes,
representation theory, cohomology theories, Galois theory, and the
classification of projective, smooth, connected varieties.
My research is focused on: