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Marcin Mazur

Professor and Chair
Ph.D., 1999, University of Chicago
At Binghamton since 2002

Areas of Interest: Algebraic number theory, group theory
Summary of research interests

Phone: (607) 777-6540
Fax: (607) 777-2450
  • Office: WH 113
  • Office hours: By appointment
  • Courses:
    • Spring 2024

      Math 503 Section 01 : Algebra I
      M W F 12:00 - 1:00 WH 100E
  • Ph. D. Students:
    • Rachel Skipper, Spring, 2018
      Thesis: On a generalization of the Hanoi towers group
    • Andrew Kelley, Spring, 2017
      Thesis: Maximal subgroup growth of some groups
    • Slobodan Tanusevski, Fall, 2014
      Thesis: Generalized Thompson Groups
    • Ilir Snopce, Fall, 2009
      Thesis: Lie Methods on Pro-p Groups

Here's a link to my personal web page.

people/mazur/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/26 05:10 (external edit)