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See Math 224 Director's page for syllabus, old exams, and so on.
Also there you will find Math 224 weekly schedule of topics
I will assign Exercises in Calculus, Stewart, 9th ed. in addition to WebAssignments.
Sometimes I will collect a few!
WEEK 9/10 Oct 22-29
Fri Oct 22-Sun Oct 24 Read Sections 1.8 (intermediate value theorem) and 1.4 in Stewart Calculus e-book
Mon Oct 25-Wed Oct 27
The WA schedule is here for you to see easily. I want to avoid requests for extensions throughout the week.
CLASS WARMUP: Sec 1.4 Tuesday Oct 26, 8 AM
CLASS WARMUP: Sec 2.1 Wednesday Oct 27, 8 AM
CLASS WARMUP: Sec 2.3 Friday Oct 29 8 AM
Sec 2.2: Saturday Oct 30 11:59 PM
In case you didn't see the home page or the email, Math 224 are T/Th 1-3 at Office hours zoom link
Wed Oct 27-Fri Oct 29
Here is a collection of videos that show how to determine the equation of the line tangent to a function f(x) at a given point via the definition of derivative to get the slope and the point-slope form of the line to get the eqn. Watch as many as you need to:
Finally, the flip learning videos (mine, not Stewart's) to help with the Sec 2.3 WebAssign, watch The basic rules for derivatives and Power rule examples
Proof of quotient rule as welll as Product rule examples, Quotient rule examples
Sec 2.2 Saturday Oct 30 11:59 PM (repeating reminder here)
CLASS WARMUP Sec 2.4 Monday Nov 1 08:00 AM
WEEK 11 Nov 1-Nov 5
View Squeeze theorem
Today's lecture on zoom [Note, by yesterday I hadn't assigned Sec 2.4 exercises, so ignore my comment asking if you had any questions]
QUIZ 1 ON WEDNESDAY covers Sec 2.1 to 2.4: Determine derivative from the definition, properties and rule, power rule shortcut, product and quotient rules, derivatives of the sine, cosine and tangent fcns
Do a bunch of the odd numbered exercises in Stewart Sec 2.4. I'll be more specific later.
Do next scheduled WebAssigns
Friday Nov 5-Sunday Nov 7
Sec 2.4 p 154 #3, 7, 8, 13, 16, 23, 25, 39, 35, 37, 41, 45 (try also #47, 51)
Sec 2.5 p 162 #1, 3, 5, 9, 16, 18, 21, 34, 37, 45, 53, 51, 67
Sec 2.6 p 169 #3, 4 7, 11, 17, 21, 25, 29, 31, 39 (try #41)
WEEK 12 Nov 8-Nov 12
Watch Video 2.6 Implicit Differentiation, and from my collection: Implicit differentiation (ID) and More ID examples
Weekend before exam 1
WEEK 13 Nov 15-19
Mon-Tues Read Sec 2.9, linear approximation (the important corollary to genesis and meaning of derivative)
Watch the Videos 2.9a and 2.9b therein and whatever else I post
Do WA Warm-up Sec 2.9 (see WA site for date and time, which I extended)
Wed-Thurs Read Sec 3.1, max/min values and watch Videos 3.1a and 3.1b and any mini-videos I'll add
Fri-Sun View this: Best video for linear approximation and differentials
Finding critical numbers of a fcn
Finding absolute extrema of f(x) on a closed interval
Finding intervals where f(x) increases and decreases
Determine local extrema of f(x) using first derivative test (FDT)
Determine local extrema of f(x) using second derivative test (SDT)
The function we did in class today, f(x) = x + 1/x, examined for extrema using FDT and SDT
* Bulletin: Mean value theorem/Rolle's theorem are NOT on the final; they show up in Math 225; but finding c such that f' = 0, is the skill needed to find critical numbers so reviewing it in the guise of Rolle's thm is great practice. The algebra is probably most people's difficulty. Imm making up a worksheet that tackles the usual trouble spots in solving all kinds of equations for their zeros.
Weekend assignment
Sec. 2.9 exercises #1-3, 7, 13, 17
Sec. 3.1 exercises #1, 3, 9, 11, 17, 18, 31, 35, 41, 45, 51, 59
Sec. 3.3 exercises #1, 4, 11-14, 15, 17, 20, 21, 27, 43, 49, 62, 63
WEEK 15 Nov 15-19
Mon Thank you all for being flexible with the zoom today. You're great for helping me out so I can recover.
Wednesday lecture will be on Zoom again. I will send the invite directly from zoom at 7:50 a.m.
(DUE WED) On paper, show all work, for quiz grade, no late papers: Sec 3.1 #41, 45; Sec 3.3 #43, 49
Wednesday Today's lecture video
Please keep reading Sec 3.4 carefully! And watch the videos therein. Also:
The following are from the director, Prof Kazmierczak:
Note regarding the above: The function for #1 has one x-intercept (root), and it's difficult to find its value. The root is approximately x = 3.1, so use this value for the x-intercept when doing #1.
Solutions to curve sketching homework
Stewart Sec 2.9 linear approx solns
Stewart Sec 3.4 limits at infinity and HA solns
Stewart Sec 3.5 summary of curve sketching solns
FINAL EXAM TOMORROW Wed. Dec 15, 2021, 03:15-05:15 PM IN LH 001