September 8th
Speaker: Geran Zhao (Binghamton University)
Title: StarGAN: Unified Generative Adversarial Networks for Multi-Domain Image-to-Image Translation Abstract
September 15th
Speaker: Wenshu Dai (Binghamton University)
Title: Zero-Inflated Gaussian mixed models for analyzing longitudinal microbiome data Abstract
September 22nd
Speaker: Ming Yuan (Columbia)
Title: Spectral Learning for High Dimensional Tensors Abstract
September 29th
Speaker: Baozhen Wang (Binghamton University)
Title: Predictive Inference with the Jackknife+ Abstract
October 6th
Speaker: Jingze Liu (Binghamton University)
Title: Towards Deep Learning Models Resistant to Adversarial Attacks Abstract
October 13th
Speaker: Wei Yang (Binghamton University)
Title: Correlation Matrices with Random Matrix Theory Abstract
October 20th
Fall Break
October 27th
Speaker: Zhou Wang (Binghamton University)
Title: Latent Outlier Exposure for Anomaly Detection with Contaminated Data Abstract
November 3rd
Speaker: Zifan Huang (Binghamton University)
Title: A Proper Selection Among Multiple Buckley-James Estimates Abstract
November 10th
Speaker: Sumanta Basu (Cornell University)
Title: Graphical Models for Stationary Time Series Abstract
November 17th
Speaker: Brandon Stewart (Princeton University)
Title: How to make Causal Inferences using Texts Abstract
November 24th
Thanksgiving Break
December 1st
Speaker: Yangsheng Wang (Binghamton University)
Title: Manifold Data Analysis with Applications to High-Frequency 3D Imaging Abstract
December 8th
Speaker: Xinhai Zhang (Binghamton University)
Title: Estimation and Inference of Heterogeneous Treatment Effects using Random Forests Abstract
seminars/stat/fall2022.txt · Last modified: 2023/01/14 14:12 by rakhi