Sept. 10 Speaker: Qiqing Yu (Binghamton University) Topic:The MLE of The Uniform Distribution
With Right-censored Data Abstract
Sept. 17 Speaker:Kexuan Li (Binghamton University) Topic: A Review of Deep Generative Models and Normalizing Flows Abstract
Sept. 24 Speaker:Zhou Wang (Binghamton University) Topic: Consistency of Plug-in Confidence Sets for Classification in Semi-supervised Learning Abstract
Oct. 1 Speaker:Yishi Wang(University of North Carolina Wilmington) Topic: Inference of a two-sample order free trend test Abstract
Nov. 5 Speaker: Yifei Zeng (Binghamton University) Topic: Comparison of shape quantification methods for genomic prediction, and genome-wide association study of sorghum seed morphology. Abstract
Nov. 12 Speaker: Xiaoke Qin (Binghamton University) Topic: Variable selection for sparse Dirichlet-Multinomail regression with an application to microbiome data analysis. Abstract
Nov. 19 Speaker: Wei Yang (Binghamton University) Topic: Physical Motivations for Random Matrices Abstract
Dec. 3 Speaker: Mengyu Chen (Binghamton University) Topic: An Empirical Likelihood Approach on Bivariate Random Variables. Abstract
seminars/stat/fall2020.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/07 18:19 by qyu