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Statistics Seminar
Department of Mathematical Sciences

DATE:Thursday, March 11, 2021
TIME:1:15pm – 2:15pm
LOCATION:Zoom meeting
SPEAKER:Xinhai Zhang, Binghamton University
TITLE:A Simple Method for Estimating Interactions Between a Treatment and a Large Number of Covariates


In the paper 'A Simple Method for Estimating Interactions Between a Treatment and a Large Number of Covariates’ by Lu TIAN, Ash A. ALIZADEH, Andrew J. GENTLES, and Robert TIBSHIRANI, they propose a simple method for modeling interactions between the treatment and covariates. The idea is to modify the covariate in a simple way, and then fit a standard model using the modified covariates and no main effects. They show that coupled with an efficiency augmentation procedure, this method produces clinically meaningful estimators in a variety of settings. It can be useful for practicing personalized medicine: determining from a large set of biomarkers, the subset of patients that can potentially benefit from a treatment.

seminars/stat/210311.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/04 14:51 by qyu