January 30 Speaker: Qiqing Yu (Binghamton University) Topic:Consistency Of The MLE Under The Distribution Without Expectation Of Log-Likelihood Abstract
February 13 Speaker: Mengyu Chen (Binghamton University) Topic:Maximum Empirical Likelihood Estimators for Linear Regression Models with Symmetric Errors Abstract
Feruary 20 Speaker: Kexuan Li (Binghamton University) Topic: On the Minimax Performance of the Generalized Shiryaev-Roberts Quickest Change-Point Detection in Continuous Time Abstract
Feruary 27 Speaker: Kexuan Li (Binghamton University) Topic: On the Minimax Performance of the Generalized Shiryaev-Roberts Quickest Change-Point Detection in Continuous Time Abstract
March 12 Speaker: Yifei Zeng (Binghamton University) Topic:Genome-wide mapping of global-to-local genetic
effects on human facial shape Abstract
March 26 Speaker: Wangshu Tu (Binghamton University) Topic: A family of mixture models for biclustering Abstract
April 2 Speaker: Shaofei Zhao (Binghamton University) Topic:Feature Screening via Distance Correlation Learning Abstract
April 15 CANCELED Speaker: Xiao-Li Meng (Harvard University) Topic: TBA
April 16 Speaker: Yunhui Liu and Man Shi (Binghamton University) Topic: Capstone Projects Abstract
April 23 Speaker: Yuan Fang (Binghamton University) Topic:Variational inference of logistic-normal multinomial mixture model
for clustering microbiome data Abstract
April 30 Speaker: Yingsong Chen (Binghamton University) Topic:Counting and Sampling Ribbon Tilings of Rectangles Abstract