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Summer Challenge (due August 31)

Fix a circle Γ. Let T=ABC be a triangle inscribed in the circle Γ which is not a right triangle and let H be the orthocenter of T. The line HA intersects the circle Γ at A and at a second point A1 (which can be A if the line is tangent to the circle). Likewise, the line HB intersects Γ at a second point B1, and the line HC intersects Γ at a second point C1. The triangle A1B1C1 is again inscribed in Γ. We denote this triangle by Φ(T). Warning: Φ(T) can be a right triangle.

a) Show that triangles T and Φ(T) are congruent if and only if either T is equilateral or the angles of T are π/7, 2π/7, 4π/7.

b) For every integer k>0 find the number tk of non-congruent triangles T inscribed in Γ such that Φk(T) and T are congruent. Here Φk denotes the composition ΦΦΦ of Φ with itself k times. Thus, according to a), we have t1=2.

c) Is it true that if Φk(T) and T are congruent then Φm(T)=T for some m?

d) Find and prove your own results about Φ.

pow/summer_challenge.txt · Last modified: 2020/08/31 00:30 by mazur