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Geometry and Topology Seminar

We meet Thursdays at 2:50–3:50 pm in Whitney Hall 100E. This semester's organizer is Cary Malkiewich. The seminar has an announcement mailing list open to all.

Topics include: geometric group theory, differential geometry and topology, low-dimensional topology, algebraic topology, and homotopy theory.

Fall 2024

  • August 22nd
    Organizational meeting, meet in WH 100E at 2:50pm
  • August 29th
    No seminar this week
  • September 5th
    Speaker: Ezekiel Lemann (Binghamton University)
    Title: Scissors Automorphism Groups and Homological Stability

    Abstract: In this talk we will outline the proof of homological stability for scissors automorphism groups and highlight a number of consequences and related results. These include plus and group completion constructions for assembler K-theory, interpreting higher K-theory in terms of automorphism groups, and homology calculations for some scissors automorphism groups. The content of the talk is joint work with Kupers, Malkiewich, Miller, and Sroka.

  • September 12th
    Speaker: Kimball Strong (Cornell University)
    Title: Strictification of $\infty$-groupoids

    Abstract: An $\infty$-groupoid is a mathematical object which generalizes a groupoid by possessing not just objects and morphisms, but also $2$-morphisms between morphisms, $3$-morphisms between $2$-morphisms, etc. Grothendieck conjectured that the category of $\infty$-groupoids up to homotopy was equivalent to the category of topological spaces up to homotopy, a still—unproven statement known as the “Homotopy Hypothesis.'' In this talk I will introduce a simpler object called a \textit{strict} $\infty$-groupoid, which encodes less information than an ordinary $\infty$-groupoid, but is easier to work with—much in the same way that homology groups are easier to work with than homotopy groups. I will then define a strictification functor that takes an ordinary $\infty$-groupoid and returns a strict $\infty$-groupoid, and prove that, up to homotopy, this functor can be used to encode the data of a topological space coalgebraically as a strict $\infty$-groupoid. Time permitting, I will discuss progress and open questions on generalizing this to $\infty$-categories.

  • September 19th
    Speaker: Chase Vogeli (Cornell University)
    Title: The Galois-equivariant $K$-theory of finite fields

    Abstract: Abstract: Algebraic $K$-theory is an important invariant of rings defined using tools from homotopy theory. Recent progress in equivariant homotopy theory has enabled the study of equivariant algebraic $K$-theory for rings with actions by finite groups. In this talk, I will focus on the case of finite fields, where there is an action by their cyclic Galois groups. The nonequivariant $K$-groups of finite fields were computed by classical work of Quillen, and I will describe joint work with David Chan which extends this to a computation of the Galois-equivariant $K$-groups. In particular, we show the computation reduces to the well-studied coefficient groups of ordinary equivariant cohomology.

  • September 26th
    Speaker: Lorenzo Ruffoni (Binghamton University)
    Title: TBA

    Abstract: TBA

  • October 3rd
    No seminar this week (Rosh Hashanah/Fall break)
  • October 10th
    Speaker: Hanh Vo (Arizona State University)
    Title: TBA

    Abstract: TBA

  • October 17th
    Speaker: Yu-Chan Chang (Wesleyan University)
    Title: TBA

    Abstract: TBA

  • October 24th
    Speaker: Kate Ponto (University of Kentucky)
    Title: TBA

    Abstract: TBA

  • October 31st
    Speaker: Danika Van Niel (Binghamton University)
    Title: TBA

    Abstract: TBA

  • November 7th
    Speaker: Shuchen Mu (Binghamton University)
    Title: TBA

    Abstract: TBA

  • November 14th
    Speaker: Ismael Sierra (University of Toronto)
    Title: TBA

    Abstract: TBA

  • November 21st
    Speaker: Hari Rau-Murthy (University of Rochester)
    Title: TBA

    Abstract: TBA

  • November 28th
    No seminar this week (Thanksgiving break)
  • December 5th
    Speaker: TBA (Institution)
    Title: TBA

    Abstract: TBA

seminars/topsem.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/10 08:06 by malkiewich