Student Organizations
Math Club
Actuarial Association
The table below shows photos of our teaching assistants, their offices and their email addresses in the parentheses. The email address (abc,def) means the Bmail address is and the Math mail address is Each graduate student name links to a web page for that graduate student. Each name links to a web page for that person.
The department has 40 teaching assistants.
Hari Asokan WH 302 (hasokan1,hari) | Bahareh Baharinezhad WH 310 (bbahari1,baharinb) | David Collins WH 304 (dcolli10,dcolli10) | Wenshu Dai (wdai4,dai) |
Thomas Galvin WH 304 (tgalvin2,galvint) | Michael Gottstein WH 326 (mgottst2,gottstein) | Zifan Huang WH 333 (zhuang91,zifan) | Han Lim Jang WH 312 (hjang46,jangh) |
Chaitanya Joglekar WH 313 (cjoglekar,cjoglekar) | Meenakshy Jyothis WH 314 (mjyothi1,jyothis) | Brian Kirby WH 310 (bkirby1,kirbyb) | Naftoli Kolodny WH 313 (nkolodn1,nkolodn1) |
Tara Koskulitz WH 316 (tkoskul1,koskulitz) | Sarah Lamoureux WH 326 (alamour1,lamoureux) | Ezekiel Lemann WH 316 (elemann1,lemanne) | Jingze Liu WH 333 (jliu262,jliu) |
Shiyi Ma WH 302 (sma52,shiyima) | Marwa Mosallam WH 313 (mmosallam,mmosallam) | Shuchen Mu WH 316 (smu2,shuchen) | Chad Nelson WH 312 (cnelson5,nelsonc) |
Praveen Niranda WH 310 (knirand1,nirandap) | Mithun Padinhare Veettil WH 302 (mpadinh1,mithunp) | Bruce Phillips WH 308 (bphill10,phillipb) | Thi Hoai Thu Quan WH 304 (tquan1,quant) |
Robert Rust WH 308 (rrust,rrust) | Alireza Salahshoori WH 306 (asalahs1,salahsha) | Chris Schroeder WH 312 (cschroe2,schroedc) | Roman Semenko WH 308 (rsemenko,rsemenko) |
Sayak Sengupta WH 326 (ssengup1,sengupta) | Isaac Stamper WH 306 (istampe1,stamperi) | Justin Steinberg WH 315 (jsteinb9,steinbej) | Samruddhi Thakar WH 315 (sthakar1,thakars) |
Andrew Manuel Velasquez-Berroteran WH 304 (avelasq4,velasqua) | Stefan Viola WH 316 (sviola2,viola) | Yangsheng Wang WH 333 (ywang471,wangy) | Lucas Williams WH 302 (lwilli39,williaml) |
Xinhai Zhang WH 314 (xzhan222,zhangxi) | Geran Zhao WH 333 (gzhao10,zhaog) | Zhongyuan Zhao WH 310 (zzhao62,zhaoz) | Jake Zukaitis WH 312 (jzukait1,zukaitij) |