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Shelemyahu Zacks

Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Ph.D., 1962, Columbia University
At Binghamton since 1980
Areas of Interest: Statistics
Summary of research interests

Fax: (607) 777-2450
  • Ph. D. Students:
    • Fatima Jaafari, Summer, 2013
      Thesis: Adaptive Method for Estimating The Mean of a Finite Population
    • Fatima Jaafari, Summer, 2013
      Thesis: Adaptive Method for Estimating The Mean of a Finite Population
    • Yifan Xu, Spring, 2013
      Thesis: On First Crossing Times of Mixed Compound Poisson Processes Under Various Boundary Conditions with Applications in Queuing and Risk Theories
    • Can Zhang, Spring, 2013
      Thesis: Two-Stage and Sequential Procedures for the Behrens-Fisher Problem
    • Dina Haner, Spring, 2012
      Thesis: On Two-Stage and Three-Stage Sampling Procedures for Fixed-Width Interval Estimation of the Common Variance of Correlated Normal Random Variables
    • Marlo Brown, Spring, 2004
      Thesis: Detection of Change-Points in Categorical Data
    • Gary Greenfield, Fall, 2002
      Thesis: Variance Estimation After Using the Chow-Robbins Stopping Rule to Determine a Fixed Width Confidence Interval For the Mean of a Normal DistributionFall
    • Matthew Haner, Spring, 2002
      Thesis: Random Designs in Factorial Experiments For Estimation And Searching
    • Daniel Ghezzi, Spring, 2001
      Thesis: Estimation of and confidence intervals for the common variance of correlated normal random variables
    • Xiaodong Wang, Spring, 1997
      Thesis: Contribution to Dynamical Systems
    • James Babb, Fall, 1995
      Thesis: Estimating Change Points in Linear and Non-Linear Time Series
    • Elizabeth Lamprecht, January, 1995
      Thesis: A Bernoulli One-Armed Bandit Problem Involving a Changepoint
    • Jeffrey Scott Reitz, Spring, 1993
      Thesis: An Approximation to the Bayes Estimate of a Time-Varying Parameter Vector
    • Maiwei Chen, Spring, 1989
      Thesis: Contributions to Estimation Theory of LLPD Time Series
    • Marian Baumler, June, 1988
      Thesis: Dose Escalation Themes for Phase I Clinical Trials for Discrete Observations
    • Benzion Boukai, Spring, 1988
      Thesis: On the Change-Point Problem and Related Topics

people/shelly/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/27 05:10 (external edit)