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Dennis Pixton

Professor Emeritus
Ph.D., 1974, University of California at Berkeley
At Binghamton since 1977
Areas of Interest: Dynamical systems, formal languages
Summary of research interests

Math Reviews list of published papers .
(Institutional subscription to MathSciNet is needed for viewing.)

Fax: (607) 777-2450
  • Ph. D. Students:
    • Peggy Sullivan, Summer, 2008
      Thesis: DNA Computing with Cutting, Pasting, Filtering and Washing
    • Elizabeth Laun, Summer, 1999 (Co-advisor Tom Head)
      Thesis: Constants and Splicing Systems
    • David Harris, May, 1995
      Thesis: The Mapping Class Group of a Rotation Domain

Here's a link to my personal web page.

people/dennis/start.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/15 05:10 (external edit)