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Weekly schedule

Math 223 Fall 2017

Week Dates Sections Topics Videos to view before class in WebAssign (click on “Resources” tab)
1 August 23-25Appendix AInequalities & Absolute ValuesKazmierczak video in precalc text section 1.8
Appendix B Coordinate Geometry & LinesKazmierczak video in precalc text section 1.10
2 Aug 28 - Sept 1 Appendix CGraphs of Second-Degree EquationsKazmierczak video in precalc text section 1.9
1.1FunctionsKazmierczak videos in precalc text sections 1.4, 2.2 “Graphing a Piecewise Funct”, 2.3, and 2.6 “Even & Odd Functs”
1.2Mathematical ModelsKazmierczak videos in precalc text sections 1.5, 3.1, and 3.2
3 Sept 4-8 (Wednesday is Drop Deadline) Labor DayNo Class
1.3 (Drop Deadline)New Functions from Old FunctionsKazmierczak video in precalc text section 2.6 and 2.7
no section in book, material comes from class notesDividing Polynomials and FactoringKazmierczak and Mosely videos in precalc text section 3.3 and Kazmierczak videos in section 3.4
4 Sept 11-15Appendix DTrigonometryKazmierczak videos in precalc text sections 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3
Appendix DTrigonometryKazmierczak videos in precalc text sections 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3
5 Sept 18-22Exam 1All exams in class
6.1 & 6.6 (no calculus)Inverse Functions & Inverse Trig FunctionsKazmierczak videos in precalc text sections 2.8, 5.5, and 6.4
Rosh HashanahNo class
6 Sept 25-29 (Tues Sept. 26 is withdraw with a “W” deadline) 6.2 (no calculus)Exponential FunctionsKazmierczak videos in precalc text sections 4.1 & 4.2
6.3 (no calculus) Logarithmic FunctionsKazmierczak videos in precalc text sections 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, and 4.6
1.5Limit of a Function (intuitive)Kazmierczak and Mosely videos in precalc text section 13.1
7 October 2-61.6Calculating LimitsKazmierczak and Mosely videos in precalc text section 13.2
1.6 & 1.8More Limits & Continuityno video or Warmup
1.8 ContinuityNo video or warmup
8 October 9-13Review
Final Exam covering all topics from the course with a focus on Appendix D through continuityAll exams in class
9 October 20, 224 Begins1.4Tangent and Velocity ProblemsKazmierczak videos in precalc text sections 2.4 and 13.3
calculus/math_223_224/weekly_schedule.txt · Last modified: 2017/11/29 17:06 by kaz