Student Organizations
Math Club
Actuarial Association
Organizers: Laura Anderson, Matthias Beck, and Thomas Zaslavsky.
Speaker: Matthias Beck (Binghamton)
Title: The Linear Diophantine Problem of Frobenius
Speaker: Laura Anderson (Binghamton)
Title: Coxeter Matroids
Speaker: Steven Dougherty (University of Scranton)
Title: 36 Officers and Latin Squares
Speaker: Thomas Zaslavsky (Binghamton)
Title: Dowling Lattices, Quasigroups, and Latin Squares
Speakers: Rigoberto Florez and Lori Koban (Binghamton)
Title: Tutte-Grothendieck Invariance and the Chromatic and Characteristic Polynomials
Speaker: Béla Bajnok (Gettysburg College and Cornell University)
Title: Spherical Designs and the Independence Number of a Subset of an Abelian Group
Speaker: Sinai Robins (Temple University)
Title: Functional Equations for Zeta Functions of Cones
Time: 4:30 - 5:30
Room: LN-2205
Speaker: Debra Waugh (Alfred University)
Title: Upper Bounds in Affine Weyl Groups Under the Weak Order
Time: 4:30 - 5:30
Speaker: Federico Ardila (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Title: Tutte Polynomials of Semimatroids and Hyperplane Arrangements
Time: 3:30 - 4:30 – SPECIAL TIME –
Speaker: Ed Swartz (Cornell University)
Title: The Broken Circuit Complex
Time: 3:30 - 4:30 – SPECIAL TIME –
Speaker: Stephanie van Willigenburg (Cornell University)
Title: Peak Functions and Eulerian Enumeration
Time: 4:30 - 5:30
Speaker: Richard Pollack (New York University/Courant Institute)
Title: On the Betti Numbers of Semi-Algebraic Sets
Time: 4:40 - 5:40
Room: LN-2205
Speaker: Margaret Readdy (University of Kentucky)
Title: An Application of Combinatorial Commutative Algebra to String Theory
Speaker: Steven Tedford
Title: A Characterization of the Mixed Branching Greedoid
Time: 12:40 - 1:40 – SPECIAL TIME –
Room: LN-2205
This is Mr. Tedford's dissertation defense. The public portion will last about 1 hour. All are invited.
Speaker: Gary Gordon (Lafayette College)
Title: How to Fix an Antimatroid
Speaker: Konstantin Rybnikov (Cornell University)
Title: Geometry of Positive Quadratic Forms over Integers
Time: 4:30 - 5:30
Speaker: Laura Anderson (Binghamton)
Title: Hyperplane Transversals and a Combinatorial Borsuk-Ulam Theorem
Past Semesters: Fall 2001 | Spring 2001 | Fall 2000 | Spring 2000 | Fall 1999 | Spring 1999 | Fall 1998