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Andrew Manuel Velasquez-Berroteran


Personal wesbite: Velasquez-Ber

  • Office: WH 304
    • Fall 2024

      Math 224 Section 29 : Differential Calculus
      MWF 8:00–9:30 (08/20-10/14) Classroom Wing 215
      Math 225 Section 29 : Integral Calculus
      MWF 8:00–9:30 (10/18 -12/05) Classroom Wing 215
  • About Me: The branch of mathematics I am most interested in learning about is that of algebra, particularly group theory and its applications. Other branches I am interested in are complex analysis and differential equations.
    I minored in psychology during my undergraduate and I hope to teach college mathematics through a psychological approach, aiming to use psychological principles and methods to engage students in the classroom and facilitate their comprehension of material.
    During my free time, I like watching comedy and horror shows/movies and listening to pop, alternative, and metal music.
people/grads/velasqua/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/26 05:10 (external edit)