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people:grads:eppolito:math314-02-s19 [2019/04/11 14:16]
eppolito hid late semester plans
people:grads:eppolito:math314-02-s19 [2022/08/21 14:28] (current)
eppolito [Discrete Math (Spring 2019)] final update
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 +====== Discrete Math (Spring 2019) ======
 +This is the official website of math314-02-s19.((If you have an idea to improve this space, please email eppolito-at-math-dot-binghamton-dot-edu with your suggestion; I would like this space to be as useful to students as possible...)) ​ Please read our {{:​people:​grads:​eppolito:​syllabus.pdf|syllabus}}...
 +**Our Final Exam is scheduled for 13 May 2019.**
 +Here are documents on {{:​people:​grads:​eppolito:​inference_rules.pdf|basic proof techniques}} and {{:​people:​grads:​eppolito:​proof_style.pdf|proof-writing style}} for your own reference.
 +===== General Information =====
 +**Meetings**:​ Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8am - 9:30am in WH G02
 +**Office Hours**: Tuesday 10am - 1pm in WH236 (or by appointment in WH310)
 +**Textbook**:​ [[https://​​6.042/​spring18/​mcs.pdf|Mathematics for Computer Science]] (Lehman, Leighton, Meyer)
 +**Grading**:​ See the course syllabus for a grade distribution.
 +**Content**:​ Propositional logic, methods of proof, naive set theory, functions and relations, induction and recursion, counting, and basic graph theory.
 +===== Schedule =====
 +==== W 23 Jan (C1) ====
 +  * Discussed Syllabus
 +  * Brief introduction to propositional logic (what is meant by the terms //​statement//,​ //​connective//,​ etc.)
 +  * **HW**: Read textbook section 3.1 (4 pages)
 +==== F 25 Jan (C2) ====
 +  * Translation of English statements into the formal language
 +  * Truth tables (optional: read textbook section 3.2)
 +  * **Practice**:​ {{:​people:​grads:​eppolito:​practice1.pdf|problem set 1}}
 +  * **HW**: Read textbook sections 3.3 and 3.4 (2 pages and 5 pages)
 +==== M 28 Jan (C3) ====
 +  * Quiz: Truth table construction
 +  * Validity, satisfiability,​ and logical equivalence
 +  * Developed several basic equivalences of propositional statements.
 +==== W 30 Jan (C4) ====
 +  * Disjunctive Normal Form and Conjunctive Normal Form
 +  * Algebra of propositions (textbook section 3.4)
 +  * {{:​people:​grads:​eppolito:​logical_equivalence.pdf|Basic rules of equivalence}}
 +  * **Practice**:​ {{:​people:​grads:​eppolito:​practice2.pdf|problem set 2}}
 +  * **HW**: Read textbook section 3.6 (5 pages)
 +==== F 1 Feb (C5) ====
 +  * Quantified predicate logic (textbook section 3.6)
 +==== M 4 Feb (C6) ====
 +  * Basics of sets (textbook section 4.1)
 +  * Example proofs involving sets (direct proof)
 +==== W 6 Feb (C7) ====
 +  * More proofs of set theoretic identities (proof by cases, proof via a string of equivalent statements).
 +  * Introduced general relations (lots of examples)
 +  * Defined equivalence relations
 +  * **HW**: Read about {{:​people:​grads:​eppolito:​functions_and_relations.pdf|functions and relations}} for Friday'​s class (caution: I'm NOT following the textbook here!)
 +==== F 8 Feb (C8) ====
 +  * Equivalence relations (many examples)
 +  * Introduction to functions (defined injective, surjective, and bijective)
 +  * **Written Homework 1**: Complete this {{:​people:​grads:​eppolito:​hw1.pdf|list of problems}} (Due 15 Feb 2019)
 +==== M 11 Feb (C9) ====
 +  * Quiz: Equivalence relations
 +  * Images and preimages, right and left inverses (many examples)
 +  * Various {{:​people:​grads:​eppolito:​functions_and_relations.pdf|propositions,​ examples, and practice problems}} concerning functions
 +  * **HW**: Read textbook section 5.1 through section 5.1.4 (5 pages)
 +==== W 13 Feb (C10) ====
 +  * Quiz: Functions and equivalence relations
 +  * Relationship between functions inverses and injectivity,​ surjectivity,​ and bijectivity
 +  * Introduction to the Principle of Mathematical Induction (textbook section 5.1.1-5.1.4)
 +==== F 15 Feb (C11) ====
 +  * Collected {{:​people:​grads:​eppolito:​hw1.pdf|Written Homework 1}}
 +  * Quiz: Induction and Well Ordering
 +  * More proofs by induction
 +  * A false proof by induction (to illustrate the importance of the base case)!
 +  * Number Theory: Properties of Divisibility (textbook section 9.1.1)
 +==== M 18 Feb (C12) ====
 +  * Recursion and the relationship to induction
 +  * Fibonacci numbers and relations therebetween (more induction proofs!)
 +  * Here is a {{:​people:​grads:​eppolito:​fibonacci_numbers.pdf|list of cool problems}} involving Fibonacci numbers!
 +==== W 20 Feb (C13) ====
 +  * The Quotient-Remainder Theorem (i.e. the Division Algorithm, i.e. textbook Theorem 9.1.4 "The Division Theorem"​)
 +  * Proof of the Quotient-Remainder Theorem (for the case n and d are natural numbers)
 +  * **HW**: Finish the proof of the Quotient-Remainder Theorem for n and d integers.
 +==== F 22 Feb (C14) ====
 +  * Quiz: Quotient-Remainder Theorem
 +  * Using the Quotient-Remainder Theorem
 +  * Modular Arithmetic
 +  * **HW**: Read my {{:​people:​grads:​eppolito:​number_theory.pdf|notes on basic number theory}}
 +  * **Written Homework 2**: Complete this {{:​people:​grads:​eppolito:​hw2.pdf|list of problems}} (Due 4 Mar 2019)
 +==== M 25 Feb (C15) ====
 +  * Greatest common divisor
 +  * Bezout'​s Identity (one proof given in {{:​people:​grads:​eppolito:​number_theory.pdf|this pdf}})
 +  * Euclid'​s (Extended) Algorithm
 +  * Examples involving Euclid'​s Algorithm
 +==== W 27 Feb (C16) ====
 +  * Quiz: Modular Arithmetic and Euclid'​s Algorithm
 +  * Using Euclid'​s Algorithm to solve modular equations
 +  * Prime numbers
 +    * Definition
 +    * Prop: Every natural number n > 1 is divisible by some prime number.
 +    * Prop: There are infinitely many prime numbers.
 +==== F 1 Mar (C17) ====
 +  * Proved Euclid'​s Lemma
 +  * Proved the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic via Strong Induction ​
 +    * **Exercise**:​ Translate the proof into a Well Ordering Principle type of proof
 +  * Introduced the Sieve of Eratosthenes
 +  * **NB**: I updated the {{:​people:​grads:​eppolito:​number_theory.pdf|number theory notes}}.
 +==== M 4 Mar (C18) ====
 +  * Collected {{:​people:​grads:​eppolito:​hw2.pdf|Written Homework 2}}.
 +  * Computed the list of primes not exceeding 50 via the Seive of Eratosthenes.
 +  * Briefly discussed some ways of improving the Seive of Eratosthenes.
 +  * Discussed the RSA Cryptosystem (including a small example).
 +  * **HW**: Read textbook section 9.11 (on RSA Cryptography)
 +==== W 6 Mar (C19) ====
 +  * More work on RSA ({{:​people:​grads:​eppolito:​rsa.pdf|try these problems}}).
 +  * **HW** (assigned in class, sent also by email): Let p = 11, q = 19, and e = 13.
 +    * What is the corresponding public key?
 +    * Encrypt m = 19 using RSA encryption.
 +    * Compute the private key d in this encryption scheme.
 +    * Decrypt an encoded message m' = 47 using RSA.
 +  * **Question**:​ Why does RSA work? (Answer: Euler'​s Totient Theorem!)
 +  * Set the stage to study Euler'​s Totient Function
 +==== F 8 Mar (C20) ====
 +  * Studied Euler'​s Totient Function, laying groundwork for the proof
 +  * Proof of Correctness of RSA (assuming Euler'​s Totient Theorem)
 +  * **HW**: Study for our Midterm Exam
 +    * Material for the Midterm stops at RSA
 +    * Know definitions and major theorems and be ready to use them
 +    * Be sure to look over your notes
 +    * By popular request, here is a {{:​people:​grads:​eppolito:​practice_midterm.pdf|practice midterm}}.
 +      * //​Disclaimer//:​ The practice midterm DOES NOT pretend to be comprehensive,​ and I make no claims about its fitness as a study guide.
 +==== M 11 Mar (C21) ====
 +  * Exam Review (questions from students)
 +  * Proof of Euler'​s Totient Theorem
 +    * Remember that this implies correctness of the RSA Cryptosystem
 +//NB: I leave for a visit to the IAS early Tuesday morning--I return after the midterm. //
 +==== W 13 Mar (C22) ====
 +  * Exam Review (led by guest lecturer David Cervantes Nava)
 +  * Student questions on the Practice Exam
 +  * {{:​people:​grads:​eppolito:​practice_midterm_solutions.pdf|Here are solutions to the practice midterm}}
 +==== F 15 Mar--Midterm Exam (in class) ====
 +  * Happy Spring Break! :-/
 +    * **HW**: Read textbook sections 15.1 - 15.3 on basic counting techniques
 +==== M 25 Mar (C23) ====
 +  * Returned Midterm Exams
 +  * {{:​people:​grads:​eppolito:​counting_principles.pdf|Basics of counting}}
 +    * Addition Principle
 +    * Product Principle
 +    * Bijective Counting
 +==== W 27 Mar (C24) ====
 +  * More counting (with many examples and some recursive counting)
 +==== F 29 Mar (C25) ====
 +  * Problem session on basic counting techniques
 +    * Counting with binomial coefficients
 +  * **HW**: Finish the in-class problems for Monday
 +  * **HW**: Complete {{:​people:​grads:​eppolito:​counting_poker_hands.pdf|these problems}} for 5 Apr.
 +==== M 1 Apr (C26) ====
 +  * More counting with binomial coefficients
 +    * Algebraic Formula for the binomial coefficients
 +    * Counting anagrams of a word
 +  * Learned the methods "Count Dracula"​ and the method of Monte Cristo((APRIL FOOLS!))
 +==== T 2 Apr--Withdrawal Deadline ====
 +==== W 3 Apr (C27) ====
 +  * Quiz: Binomial coefficients and counting
 +  * {{:​people:​grads:​eppolito:​counting_principles.pdf|More advanced counting techniques}}
 +    * Inclusion-Exclusion Principle
 +    * Pigeonhole Principle
 +  * More counting!
 +==== F 5 Apr (C28) ====
 +  * Quiz: Pigeonhole principle
 +  * Collected Homework on counting poker hands
 +  * Simple graphs (textbook chapter 12)
 +    * Basic definitions
 +    * Many examples (the Petersen graph is my favorite)
 +    * Handshake Lemma
 +==== M 8 Apr (C29) ====
 +  * Quiz: examples of simple graphs
 +  * {{:​people:​grads:​eppolito:​graph_matchings.pdf|Matchings in graphs}}
 +    * Examples
 +    * Basic results
 +    * Hall's Marriage Theorem for bipartite graphs
 +      * Statement
 +      * Proof of sufficiency
 +==== W 10 Apr (C30) ====
 +  * Quiz: perfect matchings
 +  * Hall's Marriage Theorem
 +    * Proof of necessity
 +  * **Written Homework 3**: Complete this {{:​people:​grads:​eppolito:​hw3.pdf|list of problems}} (due 26 Apr 2019)
 +==== F 12 Apr (C31) ====
 +  * Quiz: Hall's Marriage Theorem
 +  * Algorithms to compute matchings in bipartite graphs
 +    * Algorithm suggested by Hall's Marriage Theorem
 +    * Augmenting Paths Algorithm
 +  * Connection in graphs
 +==== M 15 Apr (C32) ====
 +  * Quiz: Augmenting Paths Algorithm
 +  * Graph coloring
 +    * Many examples
 +    * Basic properties
 +==== W 17 Apr (C33) ====
 +  * Quiz
 +  * More graph coloring
 +    * Brooks'​s Theorem
 +      * Every finite simple graph has chromatic number bounded above by one more than its maximum degree.
 +==== F 19 Apr No Classes :/ ====
 +==== M 22 Apr (C34) ====
 +  * {{:​people:​grads:​eppolito:​graph_theory_quiz.pdf|Group Quiz}} (discussion led by guest lecturer Kunle Abawonse)
 +    * {{:​people:​grads:​eppolito:​graph_theory_quiz_solutions.pdf|Solutions to these problems}}
 +==== W 24 Apr (C35) ====
 +  * Quiz: Graph coloring
 +  * More on connection in graphs
 +    * Reducing problems on graphs to problems on their connected components
 +    * **Exercise**:​ Prove that the chromatic number of a graph is the maximum of the chromatic numbers of its components.
 +  * Eulerian graphs (short introduction)
 +==== F 26 Apr (C36) ====
 +  * Quiz: Euler trails
 +  * {{:​people:​grads:​eppolito:​hw3.pdf|Collected Homework 3}}
 +  * Eulerian graphs
 +    * Proved Euler'​s characterization of Eulerian graphs
 +      * A graph has an Euler trail if and only if it has at most one component with edges and at most two vertices of odd degree.
 +  * Hamiltonian graphs
 +    * No nice equivalent conditions are known
 +    * **Homework**:​ Does the Petersen graph have a Hamilton cycle?
 +      * {{:​people:​grads:​eppolito:​petersen_is_not_hamiltonian.pdf|Solution is in this pdf}}
 +  * [[https://​​wiki/​Leonhard_Euler|You should read about Leonhard Euler...]]
 +==== M 29 Apr (C37) ====
 +  * Quiz
 +  * Trees (Textbook section 12.11)
 +    * Equivalent descriptions of trees
 +    * Spanning trees
 +    * Minimum weight spanning trees
 +      * Kruskal'​s Algorithm
 +==== W 1 May (C38) ====
 +  * Quiz: Kruskal'​s Algorithm
 +  * Algorithms and state machines (Textbook chapter 6)
 +    * State machine definitions and examples
 +    * Evaluations
 +    * Preserved Invariant Lemma (Textbook "​Preserved Invariant Principle"​)
 +  * Here are {{:​people:​grads:​eppolito:​state_machines_and_algorithms.pdf|my notes on state machines}}.
 +==== F 3 May (C39) ====
 +  * Quiz
 +  * More algorithms and state machines
 +    * Examples encoding algorithms into state machines
 +    * Examples interpreting state machines as algorithms
 +==== M 6 May (C40) ====
 +  * The fast exponentiation algorithm
 +    * State machine model
 +    * Proof of correctness
 +==== W 8 May (C41) ====
 +  * Review for Final
 +    * Student questions
 +  * Gave comment forms
 +==== F 10 May (C42) ====
 +  * Review for Final
 +    * Student questions
 +  * I will hold extra office hours today!
 +    * **Room**: WH 236
 +    * **Time**: 11am - 4pm
 +==== FINAL EXAM ====
 +  * **Date**: Monday 13 May 2019 
 +  * **Time**: 8am - 10am
 +  * **Room**: S1 149