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Peter Hilton Memorial Lecture - 2020

Cancelled due to COVID

Exotic Smooth Structures on R4

Speaker: Robert Gompf, University of Texas at Austin
Location: Binghamton University,
Abstract: One of the most surprising discoveries in 4-manifold topology was the existence of smooth manifolds homeomorphic, but not diffeomorphic, to Euclidean 4-space. For fundamental reasons, this phenomenon can only occur in 4 dimensions. We will survey the subject, from its origin to recent developments regarding symmetries of such manifolds.

The lecture will be followed by a reception at 4:15 p.m. in The President's Reception Room, Anderson Performing Arts Center, Binghamton University. This reception is for the whole Binghamton Mathematics Community as well as for our visitors.

hiltonmemorial/lecture2020.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/22 19:42 by mazur