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Department of Mathematics and Statistics

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The Department of Mathematics and Statistics (DOMS) is a vibrant community where mathematicians and statisticians converge to explore, innovate, and educate. We offer a comprehensive range of academic programs, spanning the bachelor's, master's, and doctoral levels. Thus, besides our faculty and postdoctoral visitors, our community includes a large and valuable cadre of hard-working and talented undergraduate and graduate students.

At the undergraduate level, we have two kinds of degrees: general degrees for majors in Mathematical Sciences are labeled Bachelor of Arts (BA), while our more intensive undergraduate degrees are labeled Bachelor of Science (BS). There is both a track in Mathematics and a track in Actuarial Science within each degree. For the BA degree, there is also a track in Statistics. For more details, see the page on the undergraduate programs. Additionally, we offer a minor in mathematics, enabling students from other disciplines to enrich their academic journey.

At the graduate level, we have the PhD in Mathematical Sciences, Master of Arts (MA) in Mathematics, and MA in Statistics degrees. There is also a 4+1 option for both the MA in Statistics program and the Master of Arts in Teaching program offered at the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Educational Leadership, allowing a student to obtain both a bachelor's degree and a master's degree within five years. Read the page on Graduate Programs for more details, including information about financial support for graduate students.

While our highest degree is a PhD in Mathematical Sciences, a significant number of our doctoral dissertations are written on research topics in Statistics.

All faculty members and postdoctoral visitors are active researchers. The main areas of concentration in the department are: Algebra, Analysis, Combinatorics, Geometry/Topology and Statistics. Additionally, there is active research that falls between and bridges the main areas. See the Research Areas page for more specific research topics.

The photos above were taken by Jinghao Li, Ph.D. 15'.

Latest Department News

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David Lee Hanson [1935 - 2020]

With sadness we announce the passing, on March 13, 2020, of our friend and colleague David Lee Hanson.

Dave grew up in Kansas, did his undergraduate work at MIT, and received his PhD degree in probability at Indiana University under the direction of J. R. Blum. Mathematical Reviews lists authorship or co-authorship of 54 research papers.

The enormous development of SUNY in the 1960's led to a fundamental change in the role of our department. Prior to 1968 it was an undergraduate teaching department, but starting in that year its mission was enlarged, making it also a graduate and research department. As part of that development, Dave was hired 1973 as a “leading professor”. He was an early architect and supporter of our entry into the field of statistics, still to this day a major component of our program.

At a difficult time in the department's development - a time marked by strong disagreements among faculty members - Dave took on the arduous role of Department Chair in 1983. He remained in that role for the next sixteen years, steering the department through those difficulties.

Binghamton University's transition from being a liberal arts college to being a research university was slow and not always easy. Perhaps Dave's greatest achievement during his long chairmanship was his success at guiding the deans of that period on how a research mathematical sciences department should be structured.

Long after his retirement he also continued to teach a course each semester right up to two weeks ago.

In his retirement Dave served several terms as an elected member of the Vestal School Board.

His wife Alison passed away last Fall. He is survived by his three daughters and one son.

2020/03/26 10:25

The 2020 Peter Hilton Memorial Lecture

The 2020 Peter Hilton Memorial Lecture will be postponed to Fall 2020 due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Stay tune for our updates.

Robert Gompf, University of Texas at Austin will give the annual Peter Hilton Memorial Lecture for 2020. The lecture will be given on Thursday April 30, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. in Lecture Hall 9. Prof. Gompf is the Jane and Roland Blumberg Centennial Professor in Mathematics at the University of Texas at Austin. For more see:

The lecture will be followed by a reception at 4:15 p.m. in The President's Reception Room, Anderson Performing Arts Center, Binghamton University. This reception is for the whole Binghamton Mathematics Community as well as for our visitors.

Peter Hilton Memorial Lecture is an annual event in memory of Peter Hilton, 1923-2010, a member of the Binghamton Mathematics Department from 1982 until his death in November 2010. He was an internationally famous member of the mathematical community. His contributions included a major role in the code-breaking operation at Bletchley Park during World War II, where he worked with Alan Turing, and important research contributions to topology, homological algebra, elementary number theory, combinatorics, and polyhedral geometry, as well as mathematics education at all levels. A collection of memoirs by people who knew Peter has been published in the December 2011 issue of Notices of the American Mathematical Society.

Peter gave a talk to the department about his wartime codebreaking. You can watch it here.

2020/01/31 13:55

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