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seminars:stat [2019/01/26 19:00]
seminars:stat [2024/09/11 14:55] (current)
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 +===== Statistics Seminar =====
 +The Statistics seminar aims to cover topics from all areas of statistics both from a traditional perspective but also from a more data science perspective. The seminar is also offered as MATH 567, Seminar in Statistics, Section 01. 
 +**Location**:​ Whitney 100E ([[:​directions|See the directions to the department]])\\ ​
 +**Time**: Thursdays, from 1:15 pm to 2:40 pm\\ Organizer: [[people:​rakhi:​]] and [[https://​​pharmacy-and-pharmaceutical-sciences/​academics/​departments/​pharmaceutical-sciences/​profile.html?​id=yfang8|Yuan Fang]] ​
 +{{ :​seminars:​stat:​stat.png?​direct&​400 |}}
 +See also: [[datasci]] and the [[seminars:​mas_capstone]].
 +Previous organizer(s):​ [[people:​qyu:​]]
 +<select id="​setit"​ style="​color:​ #​0000FF"​ size="​1"​ name="​test">​
 +<option value="">​Previous semesters:</​option>​
 +    <option value=[[.:​stat:​Spring2024]]>​Spring 2024</​option>​
 +    <option value=[[.:​stat:​Fall2023]]>​Fall 2023</​option>​
 +    <option value=[[.:​stat:​Spring2023]]>​Spring 2023</​option>​
 +    <option value=[[.:​stat:​Fall2022]]>​Fall 2022</​option>​
 +    <option value=[[.:​stat:​Spring2022]]>​Spring 2022</​option>​
 +    <option value=[[.:​stat:​Fall2021]]>​Fall 2021</​option>​
 +    <option value=[[.:​stat:​Spring2021]]>​Spring 2021</​option>​
 +    <option value=[[.:​stat:​Fall2020]]>​Fall 2020</​option>​
 +    <option value=[[.:​stat:​spring2020]]>​Spring 2020</​option>​
 +    <option value=[[.:​stat:​Fall2019]]>​Fall 2019</​option>​
 +    <option value=[[.:​stat:​spring2019]]>​Spring 2019</​option>​
 +    <option value=[[.:​stat:​fall2018]]>​Fall 2018</​option>​
 +    <option value=[[.:​stat:​spring2018]]>​Spring 2018</​option>​
 +    <option value=[[.:​stat:​fall2017]]>​Fall 2017</​option>​
 +    <option value=[[.:​stat:​spring2017]]>​Spring 2017</​option>​
 +    <option value=[[.:​stat:​fall2016]]>​Fall 2016</​option>​
 +    <option value=[[.:​stat:​summer2016]]>​Summer 2016</​option>​
 +    <option value=[[.:​stat:​spring2016]]>​Spring 2016</​option>​
 +    <option value=[[.:​stat:​fall2015]]>​Fall 2015</​option>​
 +    <option value=[[.:​stat:​spring2015]]>​Spring 2015</​option>​
 +    <option value=[[.:​stat:​fall2014]]>​Fall 2014</​option>​
 +    <option value= "​http://​​dept/​sttseminar/​index.html">​Prior to Fall 2014</​option>​
 +    ​
 +     <​input type="​button"​ value="​Go"​
 +==== Fall 2024 ====
 +  * **September 5** \\ Speaker: ** David Collins (internal)** \\ Title: Nonconcave Penalized Likelihood With NP-Dimensionality \\  [[seminars:​stat:​Sep52024|Abstract]]
 +  * **September 12** \\ Speaker: ** Bahareh Baharinezhad (internal) ** \\ Title: Revenge of the stock pickers\\ ​ [[seminars:​stat:​Sep122024|Abstract]]
 +  * **September 19** \\ Speaker: ** Dan Kowal (Cornell) ** \\ Title: Monte Carlo inference for semiparametric Bayesian regression \\  [[seminars:​stat:​Sep192024|Abstract]]
 +  * **October 10** \\ Speaker: ** Yangsheng Wang (internal) ** \\ Title: \\  ​
 +  * **October 17** \\ Speaker: ** Samruddhi Thakar (internal) ** \\ Title: \\  ​
 +  * **October 24** \\ Speaker: ** Giles Hooker (University of Pennsylvania) ** \\ Title: \\  ​
 +  * **October 31** \\ Speaker: ** Geran Zhao (internal) ** \\ Title: \\  ​
 +  * **November 7** \\ Speaker: ** Zifan Huang (internal) ** \\ Title: \\   
 +  * **November 21** \\ Speaker: ** Xinwei Deng (Virginia Tech) ** \\ Title: \\  ​
 +  * **December 5** \\ Speaker: ** Baozhen Wang (internal)** \\ Title: \\