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Actuarial Association
In 1970, the department awarded its first PhD to William Haver, under the supervision of Professor Louis F. McAuley. Since then, the department has regularly awarded PhD degrees. To date, 221 PhDs have been conferred, with an average of approximately 5 dissertations added per year in recent times. Below is a list of PhD dissertations completed in our program.
Year | Author | Title | Advisor(s) |
1970 | William Haver | Cellular Mappings on Manifolds | Louis F. McAuley |
1971 | John Baildon | Open Maps and Maps Onto Two-Manifolds | Louis F. McAuley |
1971 | Myra Reed | Decomposition Spaces and Separation Properties | Louis F. McAuley |
1971 | Edythe Woodruff | Concerning the Condition that a Disk in E3/G be the Image of a Disk in E3 | Louis F. McAuley |
1972 | Carl Pixley | Selection Theory for Infinite Dimensional Spaces and Continuous Single-Valued Approximations to Upper Semi-Continuous Multivalued Mappings | Prabir Roy |
1972 | Robert Reed | Foundations of Vietoris Homology Theory with Applications to Non-Compact Spaces | Louis F. McAuley |
1973 | John Ying | Relations Between Subgroups and Quotient Groups of Finite Groups | Wolfgang Kappe |
1974 | Michael Boyd | Properties of Ultraproduct Spaces | William Transue |
1974 | John Walsh | Monotone, Monotone Open, and Light Open Mappings of Manifolds | Louis F. McAuley |
1975 | Ronald Fintushel | Orbit Maps of Local S1-Actions on Manifolds of Dimension Less Than Five | Louis F. McAuley |
1975 | Richard Gustafson | Construction Algorithms for Knot Spaces Which Contain Incompressible Surfaces of Arbitrarily High Genus | Prabir Roy |
1975 | Eric Robinson | Characterizations and Properties of Some Light-Open Mappings | Louis F. McAuley |
1976 | Diane Schmidt | The Bing Sphere Characterization and Applications of Brick Partitionings | Dick Wick Hall |
1977 | Steve Dibner | Heegaard Splittings for an Infinite Family of Closed Orientable Three-Manifolds | Louis F. McAuley |
1977 | Hari Mukerjee | Stochastic Approximations Using Isotonic Regression | David Hanson |
1977 | Patricia Woodworth | An Analytic Approach to Problems Connected with Plane Tree Enumeration | David Klarner |
1978 | Gerald Jungck | Local Homeomorphisms | Louis F. McAuley |
1979 | William Cody | On the Structure of the Hughes Subgroup | Wolfgang Kappe |
1979 | Michael Mihalik | Ends of Fundamental Groups in Shape and Proper Homotopy | Ross Geoghegan |
1980 | Alan Coppola | On p-Adic Transformation Groups | Louis F. McAuley |
1980 | Ralph Russo | A Stochastic Approximation Procedure | David Hanson |
1981 | Richard Barshinger | Uniform Asymsptotic Expansions for Solutions to Electrostatic, Ideal Flow, and Stokes Flow Problems Exterior to Thin Oblate Body of Revolution | James Geer |
1981 | Deborah Brigham | Discrete Discriminant Analysis Using Log-Linear Models | Eugene Klimko |
1981 | Timothy Masters | Automated Classification of Aerial Photographs | Eugene Klimko |
1981 | David Mauro | Consistency of Kaplan Meier Least Squares Estimators | Eugene Klimko |
1981 | Gary O'Brien | The Missing Boundary Problem for Smooth Manifolds of Dimension Greater Than or Equal to Six | Ross Geoghegan |
1981 | Gene Sprechini | Testing for Robustness of Certain F-Tests in the General Linear Model | Eugene Klimko |
1982 | John Kavanagh | Extensions of Homeomorphisms and Generalizations | Louis F. McAuley |
1983 | Donco Dimovski | Non-Simply Connected Casson Handles | Ross Geoghegan |
1983 | Seyedkazem Mahdavianary | Groups with many subgroups two-subnormal | Luise-Charlotte Kappe |
1983 | Ronald Menton | A Population Model for Linear Calibration | John Orban |
1984 | L. Brian Lawrence | General Product Spaces | Prabir Roy |
1985 | Robert Johnson | Uniform Inverse Set Convergence and Inverse Limits | Louis F. McAuley |
1985 | Michael Kelly | Minimizing the Number of Fixed Points for Self-Maps of Compact Surfaces | Ross Geoghegan |
1985 | Russ Miller | Pyramid Computer Algorithms | Quentin Stout |
1985 | Abraham Wender | Types of Equilibria for Non-Deterministic Economies | David Hanson |
1987 | Robert Chamberlain | Groups With Certain Finite Homomorphic Images Cyclic | Luise-Charlotte Kappe |
1987 | John Kulesza | Dimension Theory of non-separable metric spaces | Louis F. McAuley |
1987 | Andrea Nadel | Weighted Least Squares Regression with Censored Data | V. Susarla |
1987 | Daniel Normolle | Comparing the Performance of Classification Methods | Eugene Klimko |
1988 | Marian Baumler | Dose Escalation Themes for Phase I Clinical Trials for Discrete Observations | Shelemyahu Zacks |
1988 | Benzion Boukai | On the Change-Point Problem and Related Topics | Shelemyahu Zacks |
1988 | Jeff Norden | Homeomorphisms Between Pixley-Roy Spaces | Louis F. McAuley |
1988 | Norman Spier | Some Large Sample Linear and General Regression Results Under Variable Censoring | V. Susarla |
1989 | Maiwei Chen | Contributions to Estimation Theory of LLPD Time Series | Shelemyahu Zacks |
1989 | Randall Holmes | Systems of Combinatory Logic Related to Quine's “New Foundations” | Louis F. McAuley |
1990 | Robert F. Morse | Levi Properties in Groups | Luise-Charlotte Kappe |
1990 | George F. Yeh | Subclasses of M-Groups | Benjamin Brewster |
1991 | Theresa Engel | Deformation and Rigidity Along Paths of Manifolds | Steve Ferry |
1991 | Robert R. Militello | On the Cayley-Hamilton Property in Groups | Peter Hilton |
1992 | Michael Bacon | The Nonabelian Tensor Square and Powers of a Group | Luise-Charlotte Kappe |
1992 | Gang Li | Almost Sure Convergence of Stochastic Approximation Procedures | David Hanson |
1992 | Heather Ries | Torsionfree Abelian Groups Which Are Almost Finitely-Generated | Peter Hilton |
1992 | Christopher Schuck | Some Contributions to the Study of Nilpotent Groups | Peter Hilton |
1992 | Leonard VanWyk | Graph Groups are Biautomatic | Craig Squier |
1993 | Marc Brodie | Finite Coverings by Subgroups | Luise-Charlotte Kappe |
1993 | John Harrison | The Dynamics of Piecewise Endomorphisms of Finitely Generated Free Monoids | Tom Head |
1993 | Natasa Jonoska | Synchronizing Representations of Sofic Subshifts | Tom Head |
1993 | Jeffrey Scott Reitz | An Approximation to the Bayes Estimate of a Time-Varying Parameter Vector | Shelemyahu Zacks |
1994 | Boris Okun | Non-zero degree tangential maps between dual symmetric spaces | Thomas Farrell |
1994 | Mike Weiner | Bosonic Construction of Vertex Operator Para-Algebras from Symplectic Affine Kac-Moody Algebras | Alex Feingold |
1995 | James Babb | Estimating Change Points in Linear and Non-Linear Time Series | Shelemyahu Zacks |
1995 | Victor Brunsden | Cohomology, Local Rigidity, and Fixed Points | Thomas Farrell |
1995 | Matthew Fisher | Two-groups with a Self-centralizing element | Wolfgang Kappe |
1995 | David Garrison | Subnormality Conditions in Metabelian Groups | Luise-Charlotte Kappe |
1995 | David Harris | The Mapping Class Group of a Rotation Domain | Dennis Pixton |
1995 | Mile Krajcevski | Tilings of the plane, and hyperbolic groups. | Ross Geoghegan and Craig Squier |
1995 | Elizabeth Lamprecht | A Bernoulli One-Armed Bandit Problem Involving a Changepoint | Shelemyahu Zacks |
1995 | Gary Raduns | Erogodic Decompositions and Sweeping in Riesz Spaces | Radu Zaharopol |
1996 | Francisco Fernandez-Lasheras | Fake surfaces, thickenings and cohomology of groups | Ross Geoghegan |
1997 | Manuel Cardenas | Localization For Exact Categories | Erik Kjær Pedersen |
1997 | Elizabeth Gumustop | Varieties of Codes and Codifiable Varieties of Monoids | Fernando Guzman |
1997 | Thomas Kimber | System Permutability in Finite Solvable Groups | Benjamin Brewster |
1997 | Karl Lorensen | Local-Global Principles for Nilpotent Group Extensions | Peter Hilton |
1997 | Douglas Mennella | A Comparison of Steenrod Homology Theories | Erik Kjær Pedersen |
1997 | Tom Plavchak | A Polyhedral Transversality Theorem For One-Parameter Fixed Point Theory | Ross Geoghegan |
1997 | Patrick Ratchford | On Centralizer-like Subgroups | Luise-Charlotte Kappe |
1997 | Shashidhar Upadhyay | Bounding Questions for Almost Flat Manifolds | Thomas Farrell |
1997 | Xiaodong Wang | Contribution to Dynamical Systems | Shelemyahu Zacks |
1998 | Steve Pagano | Separability and Representability of Bias Matroids of Signed Graphs | Thomas Zaslavsky |
1998 | Denise Reboli | On Generalized Hamiltonian Groups | Luise-Charlotte Kappe |
1998 | Ranja Roy | Integrality Questions for Virtual Signature | Thomas Farrell |
1998 | Norhaniza Sarmin | On Two-Generator Groups of Nilpotency Class Two and their Nonabelian Tensor Squares | Luise-Charlotte Kappe |
1998 | Matthew Visscher | On the Nonabelian Tensor Product of Groups | Luise-Charlotte Kappe |
1998 | Arthur Weinberger | Reducing Fuzzy Algebra to Classical Algebra | Tom Head |
1998 | Qinhai Zhang | On Abnormal Subgroups of Finite Groups | Benjamin Brewster |
1999 | James Beuerle | Metacyclic Groups and their Nonabelian Tensor Squares | Luise-Charlotte Kappe |
1999 | Elizabeth Laun | Constants and Splicing Systems | Tom Head and Dennis Pixton |
2000 | Sergio Ardanza-Trevijano | Exotic Smooth Structures on Non-Locally Symetric Negatively Curved Manifolds | Thomas Farrell |
2000 | Joseph Evan | Permutability in Direct Products of Finite Groups | Benjamin Brewster |
2000 | Daniel Farley | Finiteness and CAT(0) Properties of Diagram Groups | Ross Geoghegan |
2000 | Daniel Slilaty | Orientations of Biased Graphs and Their Matroids | Thomas Zaslavsky |
2000 | Joanna Su | Homotopy Theory of Modules | Peter Hilton |
2000 | Zoran Sunik | On a Class of Periodic Spinal Groups of Intermediate Growth | Fernando Guzman |
2000 | Shaohua Yu | Consistency of GMLE with Multivariate Mixed IC Data | Qiqing Yu |
2001 | John Best | On 3/2-Transitive Groups | Benjamin Brewster |
2001 | Jeffrey Forrester | Efficient Estimation of the Regression Parameter in a Heteroscedastic Regression Model Where Heteroscedasticity is Modeled as a function of the mean response | Anton Schick |
2001 | Daniel Ghezzi | Estimation of and confidence intervals for the common variance of correlated normal random variables | Shelemyahu Zacks |
2001 | William Hooper | Efficient Estimation of Transformation Parameters in Nonparametric Regression | Anton Schick |
2001 | Fred Kluempen | On the power structure of finite p-groups | Luise-Charlotte Kappe |
2001 | Hanxiang Peng | Efficient Estimation of Linear Functionals of a Bivariate Probability with Equal Marginals | Anton Schick |
2001 | Dirk Schuetz | Torsion properties of the Novikov complex | Ross Geoghegan |
2002 | Dan Clouse | A Dual Representation of Boolean Semirings In a Category of Structured Topological Spaces | Fernando Guzman |
2002 | Gary Greenfield | Variance Estimation After Using the Chow-Robbins Stopping Rule to Determine a Fixed Width Confidence Interval For the Mean of a Normal DistributionFall | Shelemyahu Zacks |
2002 | Matthew Haner | Random Designs in Factorial Experiments For Estimation And Searching | Shelemyahu Zacks |
2002 | David H. Rosenthal | Splitting With Continuous Control In Algebraic K-Theory | Erik Kjær Pedersen |
2002 | Steven Tedford | A Characterization of the Mixed Branching Greedoid | Thomas Zaslavsky |
2003 | John Donnelly | Properties of Richard Thompson's group F related to amenability | Matthew G. Brin |
2003 | Ivonne Ortiz | The Lower Algebraic K-theory of Gamma_3 | Thomas Farrell |
2003 | Joe Petrillo | The Cover-Avoidance Property in Finite Groups | Benjamin Brewster |
2003 | Xueqin Wang | The Properties of the Theil-Sen Estimator | Qiqing Yu |
2004 | Marlo Brown | Detection of Change-Points in Categorical Data | Shelemyahu Zacks |
2004 | Nicholas Koban | Controlled Topology Invariants of Translation Actions | Ross Geoghegan |
2004 | Lori Koban | Two Generalizations of Biased Graph Theory: Circuit Signatures and Modular Triples of Matroids, and Biased Expansions of Biased Graphs | Thomas Zaslavsky |
2004 | Omar Saldarriaga | Fusion Algebras, Symmetric Polynomials, Orbits of Elementary N-Groups, and Rank-Level Duality | Alex Feingold |
2004 | Ron Sperber | A Comparison of Assembly Maps in Algebraic K-Theory | Erik Kjær Pedersen |
2005 | Collin Bleak | Solvability in Groups of Piecewise Linear Homeomorphisms of the Unit Interval | Matthew G. Brin |
2005 | Rigoberto Florez | Four Studies in the Geometry of Biased Graphs | Thomas Zaslavsky |
2005 | Fanhui Kong | Asymptotic Distributions of Buckley-James Estimator | Qiqing Yu |
2005 | Joshua Palmatier | M-Zeroids: Structure and Categorical Equivalences | Fernando Guzman |
2006 | Olga Salazar-Diaz | Thompson's Group V From A Dynamical Viewpoint | Matthew G. Brin |
2006 | Joseph Smith | Groups whose normalizers form a chain | Benjamin Brewster |
2006 | Yishi Wang | Some New Tests for Normality | Miguel Arcones |
2007 | Risto Atanasov | Groups of Geometric Dimension 2 | Ross Geoghegan |
2007 | Cuixian Chen | Asymptotic Properties of the Buckley-James Estimator for a Bivariate Interval Censorship Regression Model | Qiqing Yu |
2007 | Jichang Du | Covariate-matched estimator of the error variance in nonparametric regression | Anton Schick |
2007 | Tom Klein | Filtered ends of pairs of groups | Ross Geoghegan |
2007 | John Loftus | Powers of Words in Language Families | Tom Head |
2007 | Gabriela Mendoza | On some minimality conditions involving elements of prime order in a group G | Luise-Charlotte Kappe |
2008 | Leandro Junes | Duality of Higher Order Non-Euclidean Property for Oriented Matroids | Laura Anderson |
2008 | Silvia Millan-Vossler | The Whitehead Group and the Lower Algebraic K-Theory of Braid Groups on S2 and RP2 | Thomas Farrell |
2008 | Seshendra Pallekonda | Bounded Category of an Exact Category | Erik Kjær Pedersen |
2008 | Peggy Sullivan | DNA Computing with Cutting, Pasting, Filtering and Washing | Dennis Pixton |
2008 | Nigar Tuncer | Globalization Theorems in Topology | Patricia McAuley |
2008 | Bronlyn Wassink | Subgroups of R. Thompson's Group F that are Isomorphic to F | Matthew G. Brin |
2009 | Garry Bowlin | Maximum Frustration of Bipartite Signed Graphs | Thomas Zaslavsky |
2009 | Ilir Snopce | Lie Methods on Pro-p Groups | Marcin Mazur |
2009 | Jiaping Wang | The Generalized MLE with the Censored and Masked Competing Risks Data | Qiqing Yu |
2010 | Keith Jones | Controlled Connectivity for Cocompact Isometric Actions on Simplicial Trees | Ross Geoghegan |
2010 | Gina Kucinski | Duality for the Algebra of Conditional Logic | Fernando Guzman |
2010 | Lucas Rusnak | Oriented Hypergraphs | Thomas Zaslavsky |
2010 | Viji Thomas | The Box-Tensor Product: A Generlization of the Nonabelian Tensor Product | Fernando Guzman and Luise-Charlotte Kappe |
2010 | Elizabeth Wilcox | Complete Finite Frobenius Groups and Wreath Products | Benjamin Brewster |
2010 | Peng Zhang | Prediction in heteroskedastic autoregressive models | Anton Schick |
2011 | Yu-Ting Hsu | Statistical Analysis of Firm Interdependence Using Duration Data | Qiqing Yu |
2011 | Dandrielle Lewis | Containment of subgroups in a direct product of groups | Benjamin Brewster |
2011 | Xiao Xiao | Invariants of F-crystals | Adrian Vasiu |
2012 | Adriano DeOliveira | A Geometric Version of the Twisted Nil-Groups | Pedro Ontaneda |
2012 | Dina Haner | On Two-Stage and Three-Stage Sampling Procedures for Fixed-Width Interval Estimation of the Common Variance of Correlated Normal Random Variables | Shelemyahu Zacks |
2012 | Martha Kilpack | The Lattice of Closure Operators and the Algebraic Lattice of Algebraic Closure Operators | Fernando Guzman |
2012 | Jiahui Li | Nonparametric Estimation with Right-Censored and Masked Competing Risks Data | Qiqing Yu |
2012 | Quincy Loney | Decomposition of Level-1 Representations of D4(1) With Respect to its Subalgebra G2(1) in the Spinor Construction | Alex Feingold |
2012 | Nathan Reff | Gain Graphs, Group-Oriented Hypergraphs, and Matrices | Thomas Zaslavsky |
2012 | Cristina Salviano | The Index Space of a Geodesic | Pedro Ontaneda |
2013 | Fatima Jaafari | Adaptive Method for Estimating The Mean of a Finite Population | Shelemyahu Zacks |
2013 | Jackie Kaminski | Classification of Factored Gain-Graphic Hyperplane Arrangements | Thomas Zaslavsky |
2013 | Christopher Mauriello | Branching Rule Decomposition of Irreducible Level-1 E6(1)-modules with respect to F4(1) | Alex Feingold |
2013 | Barry Minemyer | Isometric Embeddings of Polyhedra | Pedro Ontaneda |
2013 | Adam Perry | Modular subgroups and related transitive algebraic relations in direct products of finite groups. | Benjamin Brewster |
2013 | Amanda Ruiz | Realization Spaces of Phased Matroids | Laura Anderson |
2013 | Yifan Xu | On First Crossing Times of Mixed Compound Poisson Processes Under Various Boundary Conditions with Applications in Queuing and Risk Theories | Shelemyahu Zacks |
2013 | Can Zhang | Two-Stage and Sequential Procedures for the Behrens-Fisher Problem | Shelemyahu Zacks |
2014 | Ryan McCulloch | The Chermak-Delgado Lattice of Finite Groups | Benjamin Brewster |
2014 | Slobodan Tanusevski | Generalized Thompson Groups | Marcin Mazur |
2014 | Xiaolei Wu | Farrell-Jones Conjecture for the Solvable Baumslag-Solitar Groups | Thomas Farrell |
2015 | Ding Ding | Canonical Barsotti - Tate Groups of Level m | Adrian Vasiu |
2015 | Wenyu Du | Accurate and efficient numerical performance evaluation of the Generalized Shiryaev-Roberts procedure for quickest change-point detection. | Aleksey Polunchenko |
2015 | Jinghao Li | Purity Results on F-crystals | Adrian Vasiu |
2015 | Qiyi Lu | Learning Partially Labeled Data in the High-dimensional, Low-sample Size Setting | Xingye Qiao |
2015 | Gangotryi Sorcar | Non Triviality of the Fundamental Group of the Teichmuler Space of Negatively Curved Metrics of a Non-Locally Symmetric Negatively Curved Manifold | Thomas Farrell |
2016 | Nan Bi | Empirical Likelihood for a Class of Semiparametric Regression Models | Anton Schick |
2016 | Mauricio Bustamante | On the topology of the space of pinched negatively curved metrics with finite volume and identical ends | Thomas Farrell and Pedro Ontaneda |
2016 | Qinggang Diao | Cox Proportional Hazards Model with Time-Dependent Covariates | Qiqing Yu |
2016 | Diego Penta | Decomposition of the Rank 3 Kac-Moody Lie Algebra F with Respect to the Rank 2 Hyperbolic Subalgebra Fib | Alex Feingold |
2016 | Yilin Zhu | Estimation of the Error Distribution in a Varying Coefficient Regression Model | Anton Schick |
2017 | Jeremy Hauze | Restrictions on potential automatic structures on Thompson's group F | Matthew G. Brin |
2017 | Simon Joyce | Interaction Graphs Derived From Activation Functions and Their Application to Gene Regulation | Thomas Zaslavsky |
2017 | Andrew Kelley | Maximal subgroup growth of some groups | Marcin Mazur |
2017 | Alexander Schaefer | Permutable Matchings and Negative Cycle Vectors | Thomas Zaslavsky |
2017 | Amanda Taylor | Locally solvable subgroups of PLo(I) | Matthew G. Brin |
2018 | Richard Behr | Edge Coloring and Special Edges of Signed Graphs | Thomas Zaslavsky |
2018 | Eran Crockett | On a Class of Nilpotent Algebras | Fernando Guzman |
2018 | Junyi Dong | Marginal Distribution Method for Checking Regression Model Assumption | Qiqing Yu |
2018 | Xiaojie Du | Inference in Linear Regression with Symmetric Errors: An Empirical Likelihood Approach | Anton Schick |
2018 | Binbin Huang | On a Pseudodifferential Calculus with Modest Boundary Condition | Paul Loya |
2018 | Ruiqi Liu | Identification and estimation in panel models with over specified number of groups | Anton Schick |
2018 | Patrick Milano | Mixed Ghost Space | Alexander Borisov |
2018 | Rachel Skipper | On a generalization of the Hanoi towers group | Marcin Mazur |
2018 | Ting Su | Extensions of Matroids Over Tracts and Doubly Distributive Partial Hyperfields | Laura Anderson |
2018 | Adam Weisblatt | Geometric techniques for Laplace and Dirac Operators | Paul Loya |
2019 | Kyle Bayes | Index Theorem for Closed Geodesics | Pedro Ontaneda |
2019 | Joseph Cyr | Subdirectly Irreducible Binary Modes | Fernando Guzman |
2019 | Chen Liang | Goodness-of-fit Tests for Spatial Cluster Point Process Models | Xingye Qiao and Ganggang Xu |
2019 | Kunal Sharma | Adiabatic Limit of Calderon Projector on Manifold with Cylindrical End | Paul Loya |
2019 | Wenbo Wang | Set-Valued Classification Via Confidence Set Learning | Xingye Qiao |
2019 | Lin Yao | James-Stein-Type Optimal Weight Choice for Frequentist Model Average Estimator | Xingye Qiao and Ganggang Xu |
2019 | Changwei Zhou | Some Results on Arakelov Theory of Arithmetic Surfaces | Alexander Borisov |
2020 | Yinsong Chen | Counting and Sampling Ribbon Tilings of Rectangles | Vladislav Kargin |
2020 | Charles (Matt) Evans | Spectral Properties of Commutative BCK-Algebras | Fernando Guzman |
2020 | Yuan Fang | Model-based Clustering Approaches For Non-Gaussian Data | Sanjeena Dang |
2020 | Amelia Mattern | Deficiency in Signed Graphs | Thomas Zaslavsky |
2020 | Haomiao Meng | Machine Learning Methods on Selected Topics of Precision Medicine | Xingye Qiao |
2020 | Theodore Ofner | Warped Product Constructions Relating to Graphs of Groups | Pedro Ontaneda |
2021 | Kexuan Li | On the Characteristics of the Generalized Shiryaev-Roberts Procedure for Quickest Change-Point Detection in Continuous Time | Aleksey Polunchenko |
2021 | Wangshu Tu | Model-based clustering approaches for microbiome data | Sanjeena Dang |
2022 | Olakunle Abawonse | On the topology of flags of oriented matroids & spaces of flattenings of spheres | Laura Anderson |
2022 | Ulysses Alvarez | On the topology of corank 1 tropical phased matroids | Laura Anderson and Ross Geoghegan |
2022 | Joshua Carey | Branching rule decomposition of the level-1 E(1)8-module with respect to the irregular subalgebra F(1)4⊕G(1)2 | Alex Feingold |
2022 | Mengyu Chen | An Empirical Likelihood Approach with Bivariate Data | Anton Schick |
2022 | Zachary Costanzo | Fields of values of characters of finite groups | Hung Tong-Viet |
2022 | Jonathan Doane | Boolean twice monoids | Fernando Guzman |
2022 | Christopher Eppolito | Matroids: Mystic Monoliths, Meta Missiles, and Myopic Meadows | Thomas Zaslavsky and Laura Anderson |
2022 | Shaofei Zhao | Theory and application about variable selection approaches for high dimensional genomic data | Guifang Fu |
2023 | Pat Carney | Application of the Theory of Farey Fractions to the Combinatorics of Some Compactifications of the Affine Plane | Alexander Borisov |
2023 | Nicholas Lacasse | Signed Graphs & Gain Graphs:Packing, Root Systems,Alcoves & Arrangements | Thomas Zaslavsky |
2023 | Sarah Lamoureux | Arithmetic Differential Operators on Compact DVRs | Adrian Vasiu |
2024 | Michael Gottstein | Partitions and Gain Graphs | Thomas Zaslavsky |
2024 | Shiyi Ma | Continuity of Curve Shortening Flow and Enumeration of Nerves | Michael Dobbins |
2024 | Sayak Sengupta | Iteration of Polynomials over Integers | Alexander Borisov and Adrian Vasiu |
2024 | Zhou Wang | Set-valued Classification and Conformal Prediction in Out-of-distribution Detection and Bandit Feedback Settings | Xingye Qiao |
2024 | Zengyan Zhang | Numerical Approximations and Model Order Reduction for Phase Field Equations with Application in Cellular Dynamics | Jia Zhao |