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 +~~META:​title=Daily topics~~
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 +===== Math 401 - 01 Daily Topics - part 3 (Fall 2018)=====
 +[[people:​fer:​401ws:​fall2018:​home| Home]]
 +^Week 12^Topics^
 +|11/​05/​2018|Sylow Theorems |
 +| |Examples: (1) $|G|=35$ <​html>&​nbsp;&​nbsp;</​html>​ (2) $|G|=455$ <​html>&​nbsp;&​nbsp;</​html>​ (3) $|G|=21$ <​html>&​nbsp;&​nbsp;</​html>​ (4) $|G|=256$|
 +|11/​06/​2018|Test 2|
 +|11/​07/​2018|Rings. Definitions:​ ring, unity, ring with unity (unitary ring), commutative ring, units of a unitary ring|
 +| |Examples|
 +| |Prop: The units of a ring, $U(R)$ form a multiplicative group.|
 +|11/​09/​2018|No class.|
 +^Week 13^Topics^
 +|11/​12/​2018|Thm. 12.1|
 +| |Thm. 12.2|
 +| |Subrings, definition, examples|
 +| |Direct Products (Sums), definition, examples|
 +| |Ring homomorphisms,​ definition|
 +| |kernel, Ideal|
 +| |Homo, mono, epi, iso, endo, auto|
 +|11/​13/​2018|Test 2 returned|
 +| |R/I definition|
 +| |Thm. 12.3|
 +| |Integral Domains, zero-divisors|
 +| |Prop. Let $R$ be a commutative ring.  TFAE|
 +| |(1) $R$ has no zero-divisors|
 +| |(2) $R$ satisfies the cancellation law: $ab=ac$ and $a\neq 0 \imp b=c$.|
 +| |(3) $R$ satisfies: $ab=0 \imp a=0\ \text{or}\ b=0$|
 +| |Definition:​ integral domain|
 +| |Examples: $\Z$, $\Q$, $\R$, $\C$, $\Q(\sqrt{2})$,​ $\Z_p$.|
 +| |Thm. (1) Any field is an integral domain.|
 +| |(2) Any finite ID is a field.|
 +| |Cor: $\Z_n$ is a field iff it is an ID iff $n$ is a prime.|
 +|11/​14/​2018|Examples:​ $\Q(\sqrt{2})$ is a field.|
 +| |$\Z_3[i]$ is a field.|
 +| |$\Z_5[i]$ is not a field.|
 +| |Prop: If $R$ is an ID, then $R[x]$ is an ID, and for any $f,g\in R[x]$ we have $\deg(fg)=\deg(f)+\deg(g)$.|
 +| |Example: $\Z_6[x]$ is not an ID and the degree formula does not hold.|
 +|11/​16/​2018|Snow day.  Class cancelled.|
 +^Week 14^Topics^
 +|11/​19/​2018|Prop:​Let $R$ be a commutative ring with unity, and $a\in R$.
 +| |(1) $\pbr{a}:​=aR=\{ar|r\in R\}$ is an ideal of $R$.|
 +| |(2) $a\in\pbr{a}$.|
 +| |(3) If $I\normaleq R$ and $a\in I$ then $\pbr{a} \leq I$.|
 +| |Def: $\pbr{a}$ is called the ideal generated by $a$. It is the smallest ideal of $R$ that contains $a$.|
 +| |Example: In the ring $\Q[x]/​\pbr{x^2-2}$ the element $u=x+I$ where $I=\pbr{x^2-2}$,​ satisfies $u^2=2$, i.e. it is a root of the polynomial $x^2-2$.|
 +| |Characteristic of a ring. Thms. 13.3 and 13.4.|
 +|11/​20/​2018|Comparison of $\Q[\sqrt{2}]$ and $\Q[x]/​\pbr{x^2-2}$. Intuitive motivation for the construction $\Q[x]/​\pbr{x^2-2}$. |
 +| |Given a commutative ring with unity $R$, and an ideal $I\normaleq R$, |
 +| |(Q1) when is $R/I$ an I.D.?|
 +| |(Q2) when is $R/I$ a field?|
 +| |Def: prime ideal|
 +| |Thm 14.3.  $R/I$ is an ID iff $I$ is a prime ideal.|
 +^Week 15^Topics^
 +|11/​26/​2018|Lemma:​ Let $R$ be a commutative ring with unity, and $I, J\normaleq R$. |
 +| |(1) * $I\intersection J \normaleq R$|
 +| | * $I\intersection J \leq I, J$|
 +| | * if $K\normaleq R$ and $K\leq I, J$ then $K\leq I\intersection J$.|
 +| |(2) * $I+J := \{x+y|x\in I, y\in J\} \normaleq R$|
 +| | * $I, J \leq I+J$ |
 +| | * if $K\normaleq R$ and $I, J\leq K$ then $I+J\leq K$.|
 +| |Prop: The set $\idl(R):​=\{I|I\normaleq R\}$ of ideals of $R$ is a lattice, i.e. a partially ordered set, in which any two elements have a $\glb$ and a $\lub$.|
 +| |Thm 14.4  $R/I$ is a field iff $I$ is a maximal proper ideal.
 +| |Cor: Let $R$ be a commutative ring with unity and $I\normaleq R$. If $I$ is maximal then it is prime.|
 +|11/​27/​2018|Board presentation,​ PS 11.|
 +| |Example: $R=\Z[x]$, $I=\pbr{x}$ is a prime ideal but it is not maximal.|
 +| |Fact: In the ring $\Z$ every ideal is a principal ideal, and every prime ideal is maximal.|
 +|11/​28/​2018|Def:​ Principal ideal domain (PID).|
 +| |Prop: $\Z$ is a principal ideal domain.|
 +| |Thm: If $R$ is a PID and $I\normaleq R$ is prime then $I$ is a maximal proper ideal.|
 +| |Cor: $\Z[x]$ is not a PID.|
 +| |Example: in $\Z[x]$ the ideal $K=\pbr{2}+\pbr{x}$ is not a principal ideal.|
 +| |Chapter 15. Divisibility by $9$ criterion.|
 +| |Divisibility by $7$ criterion: $n=10m+d_0$ is divisible by $7$ iff $m-2d_0$ is divisible by $7$|
 +|11/​30/​2018|Thm 15.1|
 +| |Thm. 15.3|
 +| |Lemma: Let $R$ be a ring with unity. For $a,b\in R$, $n,m\in \Z$, $(m\cdot a)(n\cdot b)=(mn)\cdot(ab)$|
 +| |Thm. 15.5|
 +^Week 16^Topics^
 +|12/​03/​2018|Corollaries 1, 2, and 3.|
 +| |Field of fractions(quotients)|
 +| |Alternative construction of number fields, by constructing $\Q$ from $\Z$.
 +|12/​04/​2018|Thm. 15.6 Moreover, $F$ is minimal. If $E$ is a field that contains a copy of $D$, then $E$ contains a copy of $F$.|
 +| |Examples. 1) The field of fractions of $\Z$ is $\Q$.|
 +| |2) Let $D$ be an integral domain, and $D[x]$ the ring of polynomials over $D$. The field of fractions of $D[x]$ is denoted by $D(x)$, and its elements are called //rational functions// over $D$. A //rational function// is a quotient of two polynomials $f(x)/​g(x)$,​ with $g(x)\neq 0$.|
 +| |External and internal direct product of groups.|
 +| |Def: Internal semi direct product of groups. Given a group $G$, $N\normaleq G$, $H\leq G$ such that $N\intersection H=1$ and $NH=G$, we say that $G$ is the (internal) semi direct product of $N$ and $H$.|
 +| |Example: The dihedral group $D_n$ is the semi direct product of the subgroup of rotations $\pbr{R}$ and the subgroup $\pbr{F}$ generated by one reflection $F$.
 +|12/​05/​2018|Def:​ External semi direct product. Given two groups $N$ and $H$ and a homomorphism $\alpha:​H\to\aut(N)$,​ write $\alpha(h)$ as $\alpha_h$. Consider the cartesian product ​ $N\times H$ with the following operation: $$(n_1,​h_1)(n_2,​h_2)=(n_1\alpha_{h_1}(n_2),​h_1h_2)$$|
 +| |Thm: 1) The operation just defined makes $N\times H$ into a group. We denote it by $N\rtimes_\alpha H$.  We omit the subscript $\alpha$ is it is understood from the context.|
 +| |2) $\bar{N}=\{(n,​1)\mid n\in N\}$ is a normal subgroup of $N\rtimes_\alpha H$, isomorphic to $N$, via the map $$N\to N\rtimes_\alpha H\\ n\mapsto \bar{n}=(n,​1)$$.|
 +| |3) $\bar{H}=\{(1,​h)\mid h\in H\}$ is a subgroup of $N\rtimes_\alpha H$, isomorphic to $H$, via the map $$H\to N\rtimes_\alpha H\\ h\mapsto \bar{h}=(1,​h)$$.|
 +| |4) $\bar{N}\intersection \bar{H}=1$ and $\bar{N}\bar{H}=N\rtimes_\alpha H$.|
 +| |5) $N\rtimes_alpha H$ is the internal semi direct product of $\bar{N}$ and $\bar{H}$.|
 +| |6) Given $h\in H$ and $n\in N$, conjugation of $\bar{n}$ by $\bar{h}$ is given by $$\varphi_{\bar{h}}(\bar{n}) =\overline{\alpha_h(n)}.$$|
 +| |Cor: When $\alpha$ is the trivial homomorphism,​ i.e. $\alpha_h=1$ for all $h\in H$, then the semi direct product is equal to the direct product, $N\rtimes_\alpha H=N\oplus H$. |
 +| |Cor: The operation in $N\rtimes_\alpha H$ is completely determined by the operations in $N$ and $H$, and the relation $$\bar{h}\ \bar{n}=\overline{\alpha_h(n)}\ \bar{h}.$$|
 +| |Example: Let $N=\pbr{a}$ be cyclic of order $7$, and $H=\pbr{b}$ cyclic of order $3$. $\aut(N)\isom U_7$ is abelian of order $6$, hence cyclic. |
 +| |$s:N\to N, a\mapsto a^2$ is an automorphism of $N$ of order $3$ since $a^{2^3}=a^8=a$. |
 +| |$\aut(N)$ is generated by $c:N\to N, a\mapsto a^3$, and $s=c^2$, since $a^{3^2}=a^9=a^2$.|
 +| |Any homomorphism $\alpha:​H\to\aut(N)$ has to map $b$, which has order $3$, to an element of $\aut(N)$ of order a divisor of $3$.  The only such elements are $1$, $s$ and $s^{-1}=c^4=s^2$.|
 +|12/​07/​2018|Board presentation PS 12|
 +| |Continuation of example. There are three different semi direct product of $N$ and $H$, given by the three automorphisms $\alpha(b)=1$,​ $\beta(b)=s$,​ and $\gamma(b)=s^2$. Let's write down the three.|
 +| |Case 1: $\alpha(b)=1$ is trivial. In this case $N\rtimes_\alpha H = N\oplus H\isom C_{21}$.|
 +| |Case 2: $\beta(b)=s$. $$ba = \beta_b(a)b = s(a)b = a^2b$$|
 +| |so $N\rtimes_\beta H$ is not abelian, and not isomorphic to case 1.|
 +| |Case 3: To distinguish from case 2, let's write $N=\pbr{u}$ cyclic of order $7$, and $H=\pbr{v}$ cyclic of order $3$, $\gamma(v)=s^2$. $$vu = \gamma_v(u)v = s^2(u)v = u^4v$$|
 +| |Again $N\rtimes_\gamma H$ is not abelian, not isomorphic to case 1.|
 +| |Claim: $N\rtimes_\beta H$ is isomorphic to $N\rtimes_\gamma H$ via the map $a\mapsto u, b\mapsto v^{-1}$.|
 +| |Cor: there are only two non-isomorphic semi direct products of a cyclic group of order 7 and a cyclic group of order 3, namely, the direct product, and the non-abelian semi direct product of case 2.|
 +| |Example: Let $G$ be a group of order $21$.  By Sylow'​s theorem we have $n_7=1$. Let $N$ be the Sylow 7-subgroup of $G$.  We also know that $n_3$ is either 1 or 7.  Let $H$ be a Sylow 3-subgroup of $G$. When $n_3=1$ $H$ is a normal subgroup of $G$ and $G$ is the direct product of $N$ and $H$. When $n_3=7$, then $H$ is not normal, and $G$ is the non-abelian semi direct product of $N$ and $H$.|
 +| |Therefore, there are exactly two non-isomorphic groups of order 21. |
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