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calculus:math_323:start [2025/01/20 00:43]
kaz [Tentative Schedule]
calculus:math_323:start [2025/01/20 01:13] (current)
kaz [Sections]
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-===== Math 323 Calculus III, Fall 2024 ======+===== Math 323 Calculus III, Spring 2025 ======
 ====Sections==== ====Sections====
 ^ Section Number ^ Instructor ​             ^ Meeting times ^ ^ Section Number ^ Instructor ​             ^ Meeting times ^
-| 01 | [[ https://​​p/​people/​grads/​lamoureux/start|Sarah Lamoureux ​]] | MWF 8:​00-9:​30, ​LN G412 +| 01 | [[ https://​​p/​people/​tlee40/start|Tae Young Lee ]] | MWF 8:​00-9:​30, ​CW 212 
-| 02 | [[ https://​​p/​people/​grads/​xu/start|Xiangjin Xu]] | MWF 9:40-11:10, CW 204 +| 02 | [[ https://​​p/​people/​grads/​jyothis/start|Meenakshy Jyothis]] | MWF 8:00-9:30, CW 214 
-| 03 | [[ https://​​p/​people/​wolak/​start| ​Matt Wolak]] | MWF 11:10-12:50, CW 112 +| 03 | [[ https://​​p/​people/​grads/​jyothis/​start| ​Meenakshy Jyothis]] | MWF 9:40-11:10, CW 214 
-| 04 | [[ https://​​p/​people/​grads/wolak/start |Matt Wolak ]] | MWF 1:10-2:40LN G412+| 04 | [[ https://​​p/​people/​rmccull1/start |Ryan McCulloch ​]] | MWF 11:20-12:50CW 112
-| 05 | [[ https://​​p/​people/​abraham/start | Abraham Berman ​]] | MWF 2:50-4:20LN G412+| 05 | [[ https://​​p/​people/​gzhou/start | Gang Zhou ]] | MWF 1:10-2:40CW 112
-| 06 | [[ https://​​p/​people/​kazmierczak/start|L. William Kazmierczak ​]] | MWF 4:40-6:10, CW 112+| 06 | [[ https://​​p/​people/​behr/start|Richard Behr ]] | MWF 1:10-2:40, CW 214
-| 07 | [[ https://​​p/​people/​mcculloch/start |Ryan McCulloch ​]] | MWF 4:40-6:10LN G412 +| 07 | [[ https://​​p/​people/​abraham/start |Abraham Berman ​]] | MWF 2:50-4:20CW 214 
-| 08 | [[ https://​​p/​people/​grads/​mcculloch/start |Ryan McCulloch ]] | MWF 11:20-12:50FA 209 |+| 08 | [[ https://​​p/​people/​rmccull1/start |Ryan McCulloch ]] | MWF 4:40-6:10LN G412 |
-Course coordinator:​ Dr. Xiangjin Xu+Course coordinator:​ Dr. Gang Zhou
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 | 7 | March 3-7 | 14.6 | Directional Derivatives and the Gradient | | 7 | March 3-7 | 14.6 | Directional Derivatives and the Gradient |
 | ::: | ::: | 14.7 | Maxima and Minima | | ::: | ::: | 14.7 | Maxima and Minima |
-| ::: | ::: | 14.8 (Class on Wed, Oct 9) |Lagrange Multipliers |+| ::: | ::: | 14.8 |Lagrange Multipliers |
 | 8 | March 10-14| **Spring Break**| | | 8 | March 10-14| **Spring Break**| |
 | 9 | March 17-21 | 15.1 | Double Integrals over Rectangles | | 9 | March 17-21 | 15.1 | Double Integrals over Rectangles |
calculus/math_323/start.1737351787.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/20 00:43 by kaz