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people:qiao:start [2017/01/12 05:10] external edit
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 +===== Xingye Qiao =====
 +Professor and Chair \\
 +Ph.D., 2010, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill \\
 +At Binghamton since 2010 \\
 +**Areas of Interest:** Statistics, machine learning, causal inference \\
 +[[ :​research#​qiao | Summary of research interests ]] \\
 +| **E-mail:** |,​ |
 +| **Office:​** ​ | WH 122       |
 +| **Phone:​** ​ | (607) 777-2540 ​              |
 +| **Fax:​** ​   | (607) 777-2450 ​            |
 +</​WRAP>​ |
 +  * **Office hours:​** ​
 +    * R  10:00 - 11:00 \\ 
 +  * **Ph. D. Students:**
 +    * Zhou Wang, Summer, 2024  \\ **Thesis:** Set-valued Classification and Conformal Prediction in Out-of-distribution Detection and Bandit Feedback Settings
 +    * Haomiao Meng, Spring, 2020  \\ **Thesis:** Machine Learning Methods on Selected Topics of Precision Medicine
 +    * Chen Liang, Fall, 2019 (Co-advisor Ganggang Xu) \\ **Thesis:** Goodness-of-fit Tests for Spatial Cluster Point Process Models
 +    * Wenbo Wang, Spring, 2019  \\ **Thesis:** Set-Valued Classification Via Confidence Set Learning
 +    * Lin Yao, Spring, 2019 (Co-advisor Ganggang Xu) \\ **Thesis:** James-Stein-Type Optimal Weight Choice for Frequentist Model Average Estimator
 +    * Qiyi Lu, Fall, 2015  \\ **Thesis:** Learning Partially Labeled Data in the High-dimensional,​ Low-sample Size Setting
 +/* ============================================================== */
 +/* ========= Start writing your web page below this line ======== */
 +I am also the chair of the Steering Committee of the [[https://​​transdisciplinary-areas-of-excellence/​data-science/​index.html|Data Science Transdisciplinary Area of Excellence]] at Binghamton University. Visit our [[https://​​transdisciplinary-areas-of-excellence/​data-science/​index.html|website]] to learn more about Data Science at Binghamton University.
 +Here's a link to my [[http://​​qiao|personal web page]] with more information.