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people:mazur:start [2019/01/27 20:32]
people:mazur:start [2024/09/23 05:10] (current)
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 +/* ====================== IMPORTANT ========================= */
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 +/* generated and are updated every night. If you desire to edit them, */
 +/* remove the lines with DEPT_INFO and DEPT_INFO_END so that you will not */
 +/* lose your editing. */
 +| <​WRAP> ​
 +</​WRAP>​ | <​WRAP>​
 +<WRAP centeralign>​
 +===== Marcin Mazur =====
 +Professor \\
 +Ph.D., 1999, University of Chicago \\
 +At Binghamton since 2002 \\
 +**Areas of Interest:** Algebraic number theory, group theory \\
 +[[ http://​​p/​research#​mazur | Summary of research interests ]] \\
 +| **E-mail:** | |
 +| **Fax:​** ​   | (607) 777-2450 ​            |
 +</​WRAP>​ |
 +  * **Office:** WH 113
 +  * **Office hours:** By appointment <WRAP 30%>
 +  * **Courses:​**
 +     * **Fall 2024** \\ \\ <WRAP 85% indent>
 +| [[http://​​mazur/​teach/​52524/​52524.html|Math 525]] | Section 01 :| Rings and Algebras I |
 +| |M W F 2:20 - 3:20 | WH 100E |
 +  * **Ph. D. Students:**
 +    * Rachel Skipper, Spring, 2018  \\ **Thesis:** On a generalization of the Hanoi towers group
 +    * Andrew Kelley, Spring, 2017  \\ **Thesis:** Maximal subgroup growth of some groups
 +    * Slobodan Tanusevski, Fall, 2014  \\ **Thesis:** Generalized Thompson Groups
 +    * Ilir Snopce, Fall, 2009  \\ **Thesis:** Lie Methods on Pro-p Groups
 +/* ============================================================== */
 +/* ========= Start writing your web page below this line ======== */
 +Here's a link to my [[http://​​mazur|personal web page]]. ​