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dept:alves [2017/01/12 12:34]
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dept:alves [2017/01/12 12:48] (current)
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 +==== In Memoriam: Dr. Almir Olimpio Alves (8/9/1965 - 4/3/2009). ====
 +The Department of Mathematical Sciences mourns the tragic death of visiting scholar Almir Olimpio Alves. He was among the thirteen victims of the shootings at the American Civic A\
 +ssociation in Binghamton on April 3, 2009. Almir was fortythree years old. He is survived by his wife Marcia and his sixteen-year-old son Alan.
 +Almir received his doctorate in mathematics in 2003 from the Federal University of Pernambuco. His thesis was directed by our colleague Pedro Ontaneda, who at that time was a prof\
 +essor at this institution located in northeastern Brazil. After graduation Almir became a faculty member in the Mathematics Department of the University of Pernambuco, where he es\
 +tablished himself as a fine teacher and emerging researcher.
 +Almir was appointed as a Visiting Assistant Professor in our department for the current academic year. His visit was funded by a research grant from a Brazilian government agency.\
 + While here at Binghamton he collaborated with Pedro Ontaneda on common research projects.
 +Almir could write and read English very well, but he was not as fluent in spoken English as he wanted to be. For this reason he took an English language course at the American Civ\
 +ic Association Center in Binghamton, where he became a victim of the horrific shootings on Friday, April 3. This cut short a promising career as a mathematician.
 +Our deepest sympathies are with his family and his many friends.
 +Anton Schick\\ Chair\\ \\
 +==== About Dr. Alves ====
 +Some [[/​dept/​almir2|biographical notes]] by P. Ontaneda.\\ \\  [[dept/​alves/​photos/​|Photographs]].\\ \\
 +=== Some external links ===
 +[[http://​​2009/​04/​06/​nyregion/​06victims.html?​pagewanted=2&​hp|NY Times article]]\\ \\  [[http://​​section/​Binghamtonshooting01|Pressconnects page\
 + with links to articles about the events and the victims]]\\ \\  Two Pressconnects articles relevant to Alves:​\\ ​ [[http://​​apps/​pbcs.dll/​article?​AID=20099040\
 +60361|April 6, 2009]]\\ ​ [[http://​​apps/​pbcs.dll/​article?​AID=2009904070426|April 7, 2009]]\\ \\  [[http://​​s/​ap/​20090406/​ap_on_re_us/​binghamton_\
 +shootings_victim_vignettes|Yahoo News article]] (This site has a nice picture of Almir)\\ \\  [[http://​​gb2/​default.aspx?​bookid=125822736|Guest book]]