This year the Zassenhaus Groups and Friends Conference

will consist of two parts:
May 27-29, 2022 online through Zoom, and
June 3–5, 2022 in person at
Hofstra University.

Time alloted per talk

Schedule and ZOOM link to talks for the online portion of the conference

Friday, May 28, Midday Session
Speaker Title Time(EDT)
Agota Figula "Akivis algebra of abelian extensions and tangent prolongations of loops"12:00 NN
Chris Schroeder"The 2-parts of relative character degrees"12:35 PM
Wil Cocke "A Groupth Theoretic Correspondence"1:10 PM
Jeffrey Riedl "Iterated commutators of powers of an element"1:45 PM
Friday, May 28, Afternoon Session
Speaker Title Time(EDT)
Ryan McCulloch "Central Products and the Chermak-Delgado Lattice "3:45 PM
Mark Sapir "A survey about F "4:20 PM
Santiago Barrera Acevedo "Cocyclic Two-Circulant Core Hadamard Matrices"4:55 PM
Heiko Dietrich "Galois trees for p-groups of maximal class"5:30 PM
Saturday, May 29, Morning Session
Speaker Title Time(EDT)
Viji Thomas "Schurs Exponent Conjecture and Related Problems"8:40 AM
Patali Komma "Non-inner automorphisms of order p in finite p-groups of coclass 4 and 5"9:15 AM
Marshal Sampson "On Existence of Minimal Generating Sets and Maximal Independent Sets in Groups and the Additive Semigroup of Integers" 9:50 AM
Costantino Delizia "On anticommutative Engel groups"10:25 AM
Saturday, May 29, Midday Session
Speaker Title Time(EDT)
Juan Martinez Madrid "On the fields of values of irreducible characters"12:00 NN
Mihai-Silviu Lazorec "Zeta functions of the joint algebras over finite fields" 12:35 PM
Chimere Anabanti "Which finite groups are filled? " 1:10 PM
Tung Nguyen "Zeta functions of the joint algebras over finite fields"1:45 PM
Saturday, May 29, Afternoon Session
Speaker Title Time(EDT)
Lucas Gagnon "A Hopf algebra approach to induced supercharacters"3:10 PM
Jonathan Doane "Subquasivariety lattice of Boolean semirings"3:45 PM
Mark Lewis "Groups having all elements off a normal subgroup with prime power order" 4:20 PM
Zekeriya (Yalcin) Karatas "A Brief History on Classification of Groups Whose Proper Subgroups Satisfy Certain Conditions"4:55 PM
Sunday, May 29, Morning Session
Speaker Title Time(EDT)
""8:40 AM
Ekaterina Kompantseva and Thi Quynh Trang"Filial rings on quotient divisible Abelian groups"9:15 AM
Gareth Jones "Simple groups of order a product of six primes"9:50 AM
J. Miquel Martínez "The number of irreducible characters in a Brauer block" 10:25 AM

Detailed program with abstracts (to be posted)

Zassenhaus Conference Main Website