Evariste Galois Emmy Noether

The Algebra Seminar

The seminar will meet in-person on Tuesdays in room WH-100E at 2:50 p.m. There should be refreshments served at 4:00 in room WH-102. As of Saturday, March 26, masks are optional.

Anyone wishing to give a talk in the Algebra Seminar this semester is requested to contact the organizers at least one week ahead of time, to provide a title and abstract. If a speaker prefers to give a zoom talk, the organizers will need to be notified at least one week ahead of time, and a link will be posted on this page.

If needed, the following link would be used for a zoom meeting (Meeting ID: 981 8719 2351) of the Algebra Seminar:

Algebra Seminar Zoom Meeting Link

Organizers: Alex Feingold and Hung Tong-Viet

To receive announcements of seminar talks by email, please join the seminar's mailing list.

Spring 2022