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people:renfrew:346-19 [2019/04/22 15:47]
people:renfrew:346-19 [2019/05/01 11:19] (current)
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 +Math 346
 +1/23 - Section 1a(i-v)
 +1/25 - Section 1a(i-v) Homework: Section 1a(i)-1a(v) #1, 8, 10, 11, 12 & Calculator notes #1
 +The first quiz will be on Wednesday Jan. 30.
 +1/28 - Section 1a(vi-ix) Homework: Section 1a(vi)-1a(ix) #4, 7, 10, 11 & Calculator notes #2
 +1/30 - Section 1a(vi-ix) ​
 +2/1 - Section 1b-f Homework: Section 1b-f #5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 17
 +2/4 - Section 1g Homework Section 1g #3, 5
 +2/6 - Section 1h No Homework problem, Do Calculator Notes #3
 +2/8 - Section 1h, 2a Homework Section 1h #3, 6  Section 2a Homework: #10, 11, 14 Calculator Notes #4
 +2/11 - Section 2a, 2b Homework: ​ Section 2b  #5, 9, 13
 +2/13 - Section 2b
 +2/15 - Midterm 1. It will cover all of Sections 1 and 2. It will last 1.5 hours and have approximately 15 multiple choice questions, similar to the textbook, but not quite as similar as the quizzes have been. You can only use approved calculators on this exam.
 +2/18 - Section 3a-b Calculator Notes #5, There will just be one quiz on Friday this week.
 +2/20 - Section 3a-b Homework: Section 3a-3c #4, 6, 11, 12, 13
 +2/22 - Section 3c-3d Homework: Section 3d-3f # 6, 11
 +2/25 - Section 3f Homework: Section 3d-3f # 3, 4, 9, 13, 16, 17
 +2/27 - Section 3f-3g Homework: Section 3g # 4, 5
 +3/1 - Section 3h Homework: Section 3h # 3, 5, 11, 13 Note Section 3h is basically just calculator notes, if you don't use a BA calculator you need to guess and check for unknown interest annuity problems.
 +3/4 - Section 3i Homework: Section 3i # 2, 3
 +3/6 - Section 4a-c Homework: Section 4a-c # 3, 6, 7, 9, 13, 16
 +3/8 - Section 4a-d Homework: Section 4d-g # 2, 3, 7
 +3/11 - Section 4e-g
 +Second Midterm 3/13 it will cover Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 up to 4g. Class will be 1.5 hours on 3/11 and 3/13. There will be no class on 3/15.
 +Homework: Due by Friday, March 29 (to be turned in). Do the problems you got wrong on the midterm, solutions must be clearly written, include a time diagram and the corresponding equations of value. You should also include how you solved the problem to help yourself in future studying. ​
 +3/25 - Section 4h Homework: Section 4h # 5, 6, 8, 12, 15, 19, 22, 23 
 +3/27 - Section 4h-4i Calculator Notes #6
 +3/29 - Section 4h-4j Homework: Section 4j # 5, 6, 7
 +4/1 - Section 4h-4k Homework: Section 4j # 12, 13 and Section 4k 2,4 "Due Friday"​
 +4/3 - Section 4k-4m Homework: Section 4l 1-3 
 +4/5 - Section 5a-c Homework: Section 5a-c #3, 8, 9, 11, 13
 +4/8 - Section 5c
 +4/10 - Section 5d-e Homework: Section 5d-e #3, 5, 6, 11, 12
 +4/12 - Section 6a Calculator notes #7, if you haven'​t done it yet.
 +4/15 - Section 6a Homework: Section 6a #4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 17 and Calculator notes #8.
 +4/17 - Midterm 3, Sections 4h-4m and all of 5
 +4/19 - Holiday
 +4/22 - There will be a presentation by actuaries from Columbian Financial Group in Lecture Hall 010.
 +{{people:​renfrew:​346-presentation.pptx|Presentation Slides}} ​
 +4/24 - Section 6b - Homework: Section 6b #2, 4, 7, 11
 +I posted Midterm 3 on There was a problem with 3, 11, 14 and 15, the correction with a comment is posted. Your scores are also posted.
 +4/26 - Holiday
 +4/29 - Section 6c - Homework: Section 6c #4, 5, 7
 +5/1 - Section 6d - Homework: Section 6d #4, 5, 8, 14 
 +5/3 - Section 6 and beginning of 7
 +5/5 - This week we'll do parts of Section 7 and review. If there are any Sections that you would like more practice with, let me know.