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calculus:math_226_227:start [2020/08/20 20:07]
kaz [Textbook]
calculus:math_226_227:start [2024/09/19 13:11] (current)
kaz [Class Meeting Schedule - All Sections]
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 +~~META:​title=Math 226/227 (Calculus 2; formerly Math 222)~~
 +====== Syllabus for Math 226/227, Fall 2024 ======
 +[[:​calculus/​math_226_227:​226_2ndhalf_F20|226 Second Half Schedule (Starting 3/16/20)]]
 +===== Contact Information =====
 +The instructor for your section will provide you with contact information.
 +Course Coordinator:​
 +  * Dr. Walter Carlip, Assistant Director of Calculus [226/​227] ​
 +  * Dr. L. William Kazmierczak,​ Director of Calculus [226/​227] ​
 +===== Class Meeting Schedule - All Sections =====
 +**The withdrawal deadline is Sep 25**
 +Math 226: Integration Techniques and Applications,​ August 21 - October 14.
 +Math 227: Infinite Series, October 18 - Dec 4.
 +(227 Final Exam Date TBA)
 +Math 227: Infinite Series, August 21 - October 14.
 +Math 226: Integration Techniques and Applications,​ October 18 - Dec 4.
 +(226 Final Exam Date TBA)
 +/*Math 226: Integration Techniques and Applications,​ March 25 - May 10, 2019*/
 +===== Prerequisites =====
 +A grade of C- or better in both MATH 224 and 225 is required to take MATH 226, but a grade of C or better is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Historical data shows that students with just C- in Calculus I (224/225) usually had serious trouble in Calculus II (226/227). You have been warned! A grade of a C- or better in MATH 226 is required to take MATH 227.
 +===== Office Hours =====
 +Each instructor will inform you of office hours or scheduled problem sessions outside of class times.
 +===== Textbook =====
 +``Calculus Single Variable''​ by James Stewart, Ninth Edition (with WebAssign Access Code), Cengage ​ Learning, 20 Channel Center Street, Boston, MA.
 +===== Objectives and Course Contents =====
 +Calculus II is being taught in two half-semester courses; Math 226: Integration Techniques and Applications,​ and 
 +Math 227: Infinite Series.
 +The main goal of Calculus II is to continue the development of differential and integral calculus started in Calculus I, including specific topics which have been found to be valuable for applications in many other fields. Students will be introduced to new classes of functions including the exponential functions, logarithm functions, and inverse trig functions. Students will then learn how to apply the techniques of Calculus (differentiation and integration) to those functions. The method of L'​Hospital'​s Rule will be taught for dealing with certain limits. Various techniques for integration will be taught (integration by parts, trig integrals, inverse trig substitutions,​ partial fractions, and improper integrals). We will study several applications of integration,​ including: finding the length of arc of a curve, finding the area of a surface of revolution (even when the equations are given in parametric form, in rectangular or polar coordinates). ​
 +Infinite sequences and series will be studied, and methods for investigation of their convergence will be taught (the integral test, the comparison tests, the ratio and root tests, alternating series, absolute convergence and power series). Methods of representing functions as power series with a radius of convergence will be taught, as well as the Taylor series representations of a given function. ​
 +The course material is vital to the study of Calculus III and Differential Equations, and is very useful in many other courses in the Department of Mathematical Sciences and in other departments (e.g., Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Economics). ​
 +===== Help Outside of Class =====
 +The Calculus 2 Help Room, located in Whitney Hall, is staffed by instructors who teach the course and will be open after the first week of classes. Students can walk in with no appointment and ask questions of any available instructor. **[[https://​​p/​helprooms|Click here for the Help Room schedule.]]**
 +There is free tutoring offered though University Tutoring Services. All information regarding tutoring can be found here: http://​​clt/​tutoring-services/​index.html
 +People learn in many different ways: through reading, listening, practicing and working with others. Students may wish to work with others while doing the practice problems or preparing for an exam. That is acceptable and even encouraged. However, unethical behavior in this class will not be tolerated. Cheating on an examination,​ or any other ethics violation, will result in a serious penalty. See the section below on Academic Honesty. ​
 +===== General Comments =====
 +Regular class attendance is required for success in this course. Lack of attendance will most likely result in a lower grade. The instructor may assign 2% of your total score based on attendance or classroom participation,​ and will decide borderline cases. The material is a combination of theory and calculation,​ and it is necessary to understand the theory in order to do sensible calculations and interpret them correctly. Lectures can be interrupted at any time for questions. At the start of each class be ready to ask questions about homework problems or about the previous lecture. A grade of C or better in Calculus I is strongly recommended for this course. If you do not meet that condition, see the instructor immediately for advice.
 +Student use of cell phones and other electronic devices is becoming increasingly disruptive in class and is actually insulting to the instructor. Holding the cell phone in your lap and looking down to text does not make you invisible! All electronics should be turned off and put away before the beginning of class. Students found using such devices may be asked to leave the class. ​
 +===== University Attendance Policy =====
 +Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes, laboratories and discussions. Instructors may establish their own attendance criteria for a course. They may establish both the number of absences permitted to receive credit for the course and the number of absences after which the final grade may be adjusted downward. In such cases it is expected that the instructor stipulate such requirements in the syllabus and that the syllabus be made available to students at or near the beginning of classes. In the absence of such statements, instructors have the right to deny a student the privilege of taking the final examination or of receiving credit for the course or may prescribe other academic penalties if the student misses more than 25 percent of the total class sessions.
 +Students are expected to attend all scheduled calculus classes. It is important to attend class in order to learn the material and successfully complete the course. University policy states that if a student misses more than 25 percent of the total class sessions, then the instructor has the option to fail that student. University policy states that if a student misses more than 25 percent of the total class sessions, then the instructor has the option to fail that student and not allow them to take the final exam. So, **if a student has more than 5 unexcused absences for our half semester course and they fail the midterm exam, then they will not be permitted to take the final exam and will receive a course grade of "​F"​ if they do not withdraw from the course.**
 +If you are seriously ill (running a fever, upset stomach) you should not come to class. Documented illness of this sort is an excused absence and will not be counted against your attendance grade. Absence for more than one or two days needs to be documented by health services. If you are going to be ill for an extended period of time (a week or more) be sure to contact your instructor as soon as you can so that plans can be made for you to make up the work you will be missing.
 +===== Homework and WebAssign =====
 +For each section of material covered there will be an assignment of problems on WebAssign. Your WebAssign homework counts towards your grade. Study groups are encouraged, but students should not become too dependent on others. Watching the instructor, or other students, do the problems will not be enough to learn the material. It will be necessary for you to do many exercises yourself in order to be successful on the exams. Attempts to solve homework problems provide the best way to learn the material and to prepare for exams. ​
 +WebAssign is an online homework system which includes an e-book version of our text. If you purchased the textbook/​WebAssign or Cengage Unlimited (1 semester) from our bookstore when taking 224/225, then you do not need to purchase it again. If you bought the book through the [[http://​​webapp/​wcs/​stores/​servlet/​BNCBHomePage?​storeId=19073&​catalogId=10001&​langId=-1|Binghamton University Bookstore]] then it comes with an access code. This Access Code works for multiple semesters including Calculus III. This is the most affordable package with textbook that you'll find. If you did not buy the textbook package through the bookstore, then you'll need to purchase "​Cengage Unlimited"​ (1 semester, 4 months). This comes with the ebook and also gives you access through Calculus III. It can also be purchased through our bookstore. You will have temporary free access to WebAssign for two weeks into the semester without an access code.  ​
 +To gain access to your WebAssign HW section you need to self-enroll by submitting the "Class Key" supplied to you by your instructor. All information regarding how to login with Class Key and purchase an access code can be found here [[https://​​coursepages/​SUNY_Calculus|Binghamton University WebAssign Registration]]
 +Your username is your Binghamton University username and the institution code is "​Binghamton"​.
 +Just submit your section'​s "Class Key" here [[https://​​|WebAssign Login Page]]
 +===== Exams and Grading =====
 +In each half-semester course, Math 226 and Math 227, there will be the following grade distribution:​
 +| WebAssign Homework | 10% |
 +| Quizzes (in-class), Attendance, Other | 15% |
 +| Skills Test (at Math Testing Center) | 13% |
 +| Exam 1 | 31% |
 +| Exam 2 | 31% |
 +A detailed description of the Skills Test, and how it will be administered,​ is given below. The above distribution is not used for online courses.
 +The grade category of "​Quizzes"​ may include written assignments,​ group quizzes, attendance, or in-class work at the discretion of your instructor. But most or all of your score/grade for Quizzes will be determined by the numerical scores from the 15–20 minute quizzes that you take in class. The numerical score of each exam will be given a letter grade interpretation in order to give you some idea of how you stand in relation to all other students in the course. Your Total of all points at the end of the course will also be given a letter grade interpretation,​ which will be your course grade, but borderline cases can be adjusted up or down based on your instructor'​s judgment.
 +We may post some practice exams and their solutions here to help you prepare. They have the questions first, which you should try to answer without looking at the solutions. If you do not understand your mistakes after receiving your graded exam back, or think your exam was not correctly graded, you should immediately (at most within two days) bring the test to your instructor for re-evaluation. DO NOT MAKE ANY CHANGES OR WRITE NEW MATERIAL ON YOUR GRADED EXAM!! Turning in a modified exam for extra points is CHEATING. Instructors may be making copies of random exams before they are returned, so if a student changes a graded exam, it will be clearly shown by comparison with the copy. 
 +Any cases of cheating will be subject to investigation by the Academic Honesty Committee of Harpur College.
 +One final, extremely important, note about grading: instructors do not "give grades."​ Instructors simply award points based on the work the student produces. Each student'​s point total will correspond to a letter grade decided at semester'​s end, and it will be the same for all sections. Very little subjectivity is involved in the grading process. The following is a typical letter grade distribution given for past semesters. This distribution could change due to exam scores.
 +^ Your Percentage ^ Grade ^
 +| 92% - 100%    | A  |
 +| 89% - 91%    | A- |
 +| 86% - 88%    | B+ |
 +| 81% - 85%    | B  |
 +| 78% - 80%     | B- |
 +| 73% - 77%     | C+ |
 +| 69% - 72%     | C  |
 +| 63% - 68%     | C- |
 +| 60% - 62%     | D  |
 +| < 60%         | F  |
 +===== Exams with Solutions =====
 +{{:​calculus/​math_226_227:​226-exam1_and_sols_sp_17_.pdf | 226 Exam 1 with solutions, Spring 2017 }}
 +{{:​calculus/​math_226_227:​math226_spr2016practice_exam1.pdf | 226 Exam 1 with solutions, Spring 2016 A}}
 +{{:​calculus/​math_226_227:​226b_midterm_with_sols_spring2016.pdf | 226 Exam 1 with solutions, Spring 2016 B}} 
 +{{:​calculus/​math_226_227:​226_practice_final_spring_2016.pdf | 226 Final with solutions, Spring 2016 v1}}
 +{{:​calculus/​math_226_227:​math226_spr2016_exam2v2.pdf | 226 Final with solutions, Spring 2016 v2}}
 +{{:​calculus/​math_226_227:​math226final_fall2017_1w_solutions.pdf | 226 Final with solutions, Fall 2017 v1}}
 +{{:​calculus/​math_226_227:​227-exam1_v1-spr2016.pdf | 227 Exam 1 Spring 2016 with solutions }}
 +{{:​calculus/​math_226_227:​math227midterm_fall2017_2w.pdf | 227 Exam 1 Fall 2017 }}_:_  {{:​calculus/​math_226_227:​math227midtermfall2017_2_white_solns.pdf | Solutions Here }}
 +{{:​calculus/​math_226_227:​math227spr2016_exam2.pdf | 227 Final Spring 2016 with solutions }}
 +{{:​calculus/​math_226_227:​227_sample_finals.pdf| 227 Practice Finals (three) }} The solutions for these are located here: {{:​calculus/​math_226_227:​math227samplefinal_1-2-3_solutions_updated2.pdf| solutions}}
 +There are links to three pdf files below (Supplementary Materials and Links) to help guide your strategy understanding series. ​
 +===== Academic Honesty =====
 +Cheating is considered a very serious offense. The full strength of Binghamton Academic Honesty Policy will be applied to anyone caught cheating. This may include failing the course, and further disciplinary action.
 +Exams: According to the University Bulletin, cheating consists of: “Giving or receiving unauthorized help before, during or after an examination”.  ​
 +Homework: Please keep in mind that plagiarism on HW is also considered cheating. You are encouraged to work with others when doing your HW, but you still need to submit your own work. In regards to WebAssign, under NO CIRCUMSTANCE are you permitted to submit an answer from Wolfram Alpha into WebAssign.
 +The shift to remote and hybrid teaching due to the COVID-19 pandemic has required that both instructors and students make changes to their normal working protocols for courses. Students are asked to practice extra care and attention in regard to academic honesty, with the understanding that all cases of plagiarism, cheating, multiple submission, and unauthorized collaboration are subject to penalty. Students may not collaborate on exams or assignments,​ directly or through virtual consultation,​ unless the instructor gives specific permission to do so. Posting an exam, assignment, or answers to them on an online forum (before, during, or after the due date), in addition to consulting posted materials, constitutes a violation of the university’s Honesty policy. Likewise, unauthorized use of live assistance websites, including seeking “expert” help for specific questions during an exam, can be construed as a violation of the honesty policy. All students should be familiar with the University’s [[https://​​8443/​exist/​rest/​bulletin/​2021-2022/​xq/​02_acad_policies_procedures_all_students.xq?​_xsl=/​bulletin/​2021-2022/​xsl/​MasterCompose.xsl#​d3339e15|Student Academic Honesty Code]].
 +===== Basic Skills Test =====
 +Math 226 and 227 will have a Basic Skills Test which will cover basic computational skills that you absolutely must be able to do for any class that has Math 226/227 as a prerequisite. There will be one Basic Skills Test for 226 and one Basic Skills Test for 227. The Basic Skills test will be administered and evaluated by computer, with no partial credit, but you may take it twice. A Practice Basic Skills Test will be available on WebAssign containing all the possible problems you could be asked on the actual Basic Skills Test. 
 +The Basic Skills Test will be administered by computer in Whitney Hall, Rooms G12 & G18, using the same software as the WebAssign homework, so you must have a WebAssign key for the Skills Test section before you take the test. For security reasons, you must use the computers provided. You are not assigned a particular time to take the test – you will reserve a time for your test via the following link: [[http://​​ctc|Calculus Testing Center Reservation System]]. You'll receive an email once the Reservation System is ready.
 +You have a window of about 10 weekdays to take it twice. You cannot take it twice in one day.
 +Only exact answers are accepted in WebAssign. For example, 1/3 cannot be written as .33 and pi cannot be written as 3.14. No calculators or electronic devices are permitted during the test. No calculators or electronic devices are permitted during the test. **You cannot use your cell phone for any reason while taking the test.** If a proctor catches a student looking at their cell phone while taking the test then that student will receive a score of "​0"​ and their instructor will be notified.
 +If you take the Basic Skills test more than once, only your highest score is counted. ​
 +To take into account the lack of partial credit, scores on the Skills Test will be rounded up, so that scores between 70% and 79% will count as a 79%, scores between 80% and 89% will be recorded as 89%, and scores 90% to 100% will receive 100%. If a student'​s highest score is lower than 70%, their highest percentage among the attempts will be recorded and will not be rounded up. 
 +===== Administration of Exams =====
 +Exams for all sections will be administered at your normal meeting time, except for the Math 227 Exam 2 (Final Exam).
 +The dates and times are given in the weekly schedule below and will be confirmed or modified before each exam.
 +The Exam 2 (Final Exam) for Math 227 for all sections will be administered on a common exam date.
 +A detailed contents of each exam will be determined one week before the exam, but we expect it to be as follows:
 +Math 226 Basic Skills Test: Sec. 6.2*, 6.3*, 6.4*, 6.6. 
 +Math 226 Exam 1: Sec. 6.1, 6.2*, 6.3*, 6.4*, 6.5, 6.6, 6.8, 7.1
 +Math 226 Exam 2: Sec. 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.8, 8.1, 10.1, 10.2
 +Math 227 Basic Skills Test: Sec. 10.3, 11.1, 11.2
 +Math 227 Exam 1: 10.3 - 10.4, 11.1 - 11.5.
 +Math 227 Exam 2 (Final Exam): Will cover 11.2 - 11.11 with a focus on 11.5 - 11.11.
 +**Students may need to know and use results from the Chapter 11 sections covered on Exam 1 in order to answer questions on each Exam 2, so you should treat Exam 2 as if it were a Final Exam for that course.**
 +**Important Note: No use of calculators,​ cellphones or laptop computers will be allowed during exams.** ​
 +**Students are not allowed to take a cellphone to the lavatory during any exam.**
 +Scientific calculators may be needed for some homework. ​
 +Note: Students who miss an exam because of illness must contact the instructor ahead of the exam (or as soon afterwards as possible) and provide proof of the illness (doctor'​s note or call from health service).  ​
 +===== Schedule for Math 226/227 (Beginning Wednesday, August 21) =====
 +Next to certain sections below you'll see "​**Video Required**"​. These videos are located at the beginning of that section'​s assignment in WebAssign. You are required to watch these videos before that section is covered in class. ​
 +|<100% 8% 26% 22% 22% 22%>|
 +| Week | Dates | Sections | Topics | Basic Skills Tests |
 +| 1 | Aug 21 - 23 |6.1 (Video Required)|Functions and their Inverses|None|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.2*|The Natural Logarithmic Function|:::​|
 +|2| Aug 26 - 30 \\ (**Add Deadline** - Monday, August 26)|6.2*|The Natural Logarithmic Function|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.3*|The Natural Exponential Function|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|6.4* |General Logarithmic & Exponential Functions|:::​|
 +|3| Sep 2 - 6\\ (**Drop Deadline** - Tuesday, September 3)|**No Class**|**Labor Day**|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|6.4* |Finish General Logarithmic & Exponential Functions|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|6.5 (Video Required) |Exponential Growth and Decay|:::|
 +|4| Sep 9 - 13|6.6|Inverses of Trigonometric Functions|Basic Skills Tests begin on Sep 10. **You have until Sep 18 to take your 1st attempt and until Sep 27 to take your last attempt**|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.8|"​Indeterminate Forms" & L'​Hospital'​s Rule|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|7.1 (Video Required)|Integration by Parts|:::|
 +|5| Sep 16 - 20|7.2|Trigonometric Integrals|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|Review| |Sep 18 is the last day to take your 1st attempt of the Skills Test|
 +| ::: |:::|**Exam 1** Topics cover Sections 6.1-7.1|Exam will take place in person during regular class time|:::|
 +|6| Sep 23 - 27 \\ (**Withdraw Deadline** is Wednesday, September 25)|7.2 & 7.3 (Video Required) |Inverse Trig Substitution|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|7.3 (Video Required)| More Inverse Trig Substitution|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|7.4 (Video required)| Integration of Rational Functions|The last day to take your last (2nd) attempt of the Skills Test|
 +|7| Sep 30 - Oct 4 |7.8 (Video Required)|Improper Integrals|None|
 +| ::: |:::|**No Class**|**Rosh Hashanah Holiday**|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|**No Class**|**Rosh Hashanah Holiday**|:::​|
 +|8| Oct 7 - 11 |8.1 (Video Required) & 10.1|Arc Length & Parametric Curves|:::|
 +| ::: |(**Friday Classes Meet** - Tuesday, October 8)|10.2 (Video Required)|Calculus with Parametric Curves|:::|
 +| ::: |:::| Review for Final | | ::: |
 +| ::: |:::|**No Class**|**Yom Kippur Holiday**|:::​|
 +|9| Oct 14 - 16|**Final Exam**|Final Exam covers all topics from the course but with focus on Sections 7.2-10.2|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|No class|(Math 226 is over)|:::|
 +**Math 227 Begins Monday, October 18**
 +|<100% 8% 26% 22% 22% 22%>|
 +| Week | Dates | Sections | Topics | Basic Skills Tests |
 +|9| Oct 18 |10.3|Polar Coordinates|None|
 +|10| Oct 21 - 25  \\ (**Add Deadline** - Thursday, October 24)|10.4|Calculus Using Polar Coordinates|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|10.4|More Calculus Using Polar Coordinates|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|11.1 (Video)|Sequences|:::​|
 +|11| Oct 28 - Nov 1 \\ (**Drop Deadline** - Thursday, October 31)|11.1 (Video)|More Sequences|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.2|Infinite Series|The Basic Skills Test Begins on Monday, Oct 30 and covers Sections 10.3, 11.1, & 11.2. **Last day to take your last attempt is Tuesday, Nov 19**|
 +| ::: |:::|11.2 & 11.3 (Video) |More Infinite Series & Integral Test|None|
 +|12| Nov 4 - 8 |11.4|Comparison Tests|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.5|Alternating Series|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|Review| |:::|
 +|13| Nov 11 - 15|**Exam 1** Topics cover Sections 10.3 - 11.5|Exam will take place in person during regular class time|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|11.5 & 11.6|Absolute Convergence,​ Ratio & Root Tests|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.8|Power Series |:::|
 +|14| Nov 18 - Nov 22 \\ (**Withdraw Deadline** - Tuesday, November 19) |11.8|More Power Series|**The last day to take your last attempt of the Skills Test is Tuesday, Nov 19**|
 +| ::: |:::|11.9 (Video)|Representing Functions as a Power Series|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|11.9 (video) |Differentiation & Integration of a Power Series |:::|
 +|15| Nov 25 - 29|11.10 |Taylor Series |:::|
 +| ::: |(**Friday Classes Meet** - Tuesday, November 26)|11.10 |More Taylor Series|:::|
 +| ::: | |**No Class**| **Thanksgiving Break** |:::|
 +| ::: |:::|**No Class**| **Thanksgiving Break** |:::|
 +|16| Dec 2 - 6 |11.11 |Taylor Polynomials|:::​|
 +| ::: | ::: | Review for Final | | ::: |
 +| ::: |:::| Reading Day| |:::|
 +|17| Dec 9 - 13 | Exam Period |**Final Exam on Date and Time Assigned by Registrar, View Final Exam [[http://​​exams/​ | schedule here]]**|Final Exam covers all topics from the course but with focus on Sections 11.5 - 11.11|
 +===== Schedule for Math 227 (Beginning Wednesday, August 21) =====
 +Next to certain sections below you'll see "​**Video Required**"​. These videos are located at the beginning of that section'​s assignment in WebAssign. You are required to watch these videos before that section is covered in class. ​
 +|<100% 8% 26% 22% 22% 22%>|
 +| Week | Dates | Sections | Topics | Basic Skills Tests |
 +|1| Aug 21 - 23 |10.3|Polar Coordinates|None|
 +| ::: |:::​|10.4|Calculus Using Polar Coordinates|:::​|
 +|2| Aug 26 - 30 \\ (**Add Deadline** - Monday, August 26)|10.4|More Calculus Using Polar Coordinates|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|11.1 (Video)|Sequences|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|11.1 (Video)| More Sequences|:::​|
 +|3| Sep 2 - 6\\ (**Drop Deadline** - Tuesday, September 3)|**No Class**|**Labor Day**|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|11.2| Infinite Series|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|11.2 & 11.3|More Infinite Series and Integral Test|:::|
 +|4| Sep 9 - 13|11.4|Comparison Tests|The Basic Skills Test Begins on Monday, Sep 9 and covers Sections 10.3, 11.1, & 11.2. **Last day to take your last (2nd) attempt is Wednesday, Sep 25**|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.5|Alternating Series|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|Review| |:::|
 +|5| Sep 16 - 20|**Exam 1** Topics cover Sections 10.3 - 11.5|Exam will take place in person during regular class time|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.5|Absolute Convergence|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.6|Ratio & Root Test|:::|
 +|6| Sep 23 - 27 \\ (**Withdraw Deadline** is Wednesday, September 25)|11.8|Power Series|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|11.8 | More Power Series|**The last day to take your last attempt of the Skills Test is Wed, Sep 25**|
 +| ::: |:::|11.9 (Video)|Representing Functions as a Power Series|None|
 +|7| Sep 30 - Oct 4 |11.10 |Taylor Series|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|**No Class**|**Rosh Hashanah Holiday**|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|**No Class**|**Rosh Hashanah Holiday**|:::​|
 +|8| Oct 7 - 11 |11.10 |More Taylor Series|:::|
 +| ::: |(**Friday Classes Meet** - Tuesday, October 8)| 11.11 |Taylor Polynomials|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|Review for Final|Final Exam covers all topics from the course but with focus on Sections 11.5 - 11.11|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|**No Class**|**Yom Kippur Holiday**|:::​|
 +|9| Oct 14 - 16|**225 Final Exam**|Exam will take place in person during regular class time in your regular classroom |:::|
 +| ::: |:::|No Class| (Math 227 is over)|:::|
 +===== Schedule for Math 226 (Beginning Monday, October 18) =====
 +Next to certain sections below you'll see "​**Video Required**"​. These videos are located at the beginning of that section'​s assignment in WebAssign. You are required to watch these videos before that section is covered in class. ​
 +|<100% 8% 26% 22% 22% 22%>|
 +|9| Oct 18 |6.1 (Video Required)|Functions and their Inverses| None |
 +|10| Oct 21 - 25  \\ (**Add Deadline** - Thursday, October 24)|6.2*|The Natural Logarithmic Function|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.2*|The Natural Logarithmic Function|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.3*|The Natural Exponential Function|:::​|
 +|11| Oct 28 - Nov 1 \\ (**Drop Deadline** - Thursday, October 31)|6.4*|General Logarithmic & Exponential Functions|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|6.5 (Video Required) |Exponential Growth and Decay|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.6|Inverses of Trigonometric Functions|The Basic Skills Test begins on Nov 1 and you have until Sep 18 to take at least your first attempt. **Last day to take your last (2nd) attempt is Sep 27.**|
 +|12| Nov 4 - 8 |6.8|"​Indeterminate Forms" & L'​Hospital'​s Rule|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|6.8 & 7.1 (Video Required)|L'​Hospital'​s Rule & Integration by Parts|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|7.1 (Video Required)|Integration by Parts|:::|
 +|13| Nov 11 - 15 |Review| |:::|
 +| ::: |:::|**Exam 1** Topics cover Sections 6.1-7.1|Exam will take place in person during regular class time|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|7.2|Trigonometric Integrals|:::​|
 +|14| Nov 18 - Nov 22 \\ (**Withdraw Deadline** - Tuesday, November 19) |7.2 & 7.3 (Video Required)|Trig Integrals & Inverse Trig Substitution|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|7.3 (Video Required) |Inverse Trig Substitution|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|7.4 (Video required)| Integration of Rational Functions|The last day to take your last (2nd) attempt of the Skills Test|
 +|15| Nov 25 - 29|7.8 (Video Required)|Improper Integrals|None|
 +| ::: |(**Friday Classes Meet** - Tuesday, November 26)|10.1|Parametric Curves|:::|
 +| ::: | |**No Class**| **Thanksgiving Break** |:::|
 +| ::: |:::|**No Class**| **Thanksgiving Break** |:::|
 +|16| Dec 2 - 6 |10.2 (Video Required)|Calculus with Parametric Curves|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|Review for Final|The final is cumulative and covers all topics from the course with emphasis on sections 7.2-7.4, 7.8, 10.1-10.2|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::| Reading Day| |:::|
 +|17| Dec 9 - 13 | Exam Period | **Final Exam on Date and Time Assigned by Registrar, View Final Exam [[http://​​exams/​ | schedule here]]**|
 +===== Schedule for Math 226/227 (Beginning Wednesday, January 17) =====
 +Next to certain sections below you'll see "​**Video Required**"​. These videos are located at the beginning of that section'​s assignment in WebAssign. You are required to watch these videos before that section is covered in class. ​
 +|<100% 8% 26% 22% 22% 22%>|
 +| Week | Dates | Sections | Topics | Basic Skills Tests |
 +|1| Jan 17 - 19|6.1 (Video Required)|Functions and their Inverses|None|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.2*|The Natural Logarithmic Function|:::​|
 +|2| Jan 22 - 26 \\ (**Add Deadline** - Monday, January 22)|6.2*|The Natural Logarithmic Function|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.3*|The Natural Exponential Function|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|6.4* |General Logarithmic & Exponential Functions|:::​|
 +|3| Jan 29 - Feb 2 \\ (**Drop Deadline** - Monday, January 29)| 6.5 (Video Required) |Exponential Growth and Decay|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.6|Inverses of Trigonometric Functions|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.8|"​Indeterminate Forms" & L'​Hospital'​s Rule|The Basic Skills Test begins on Friday Feb 2 and you have until Feb 9 to take at least your first attempt. **Last day to take your last (2nd) attempt is Feb 16.**|
 +|4| Feb 5 - 9|7.1 (Video Required)|Integration by Parts|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|7.2|Trigonometric Integrals|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|Review| |Feb 9 is the last day to take your 1st attempt of the Skills Test|
 +|5| Feb 12 - 16|**Exam 1** Topics cover Sections 6.1-7.2|Exam will take place in person during regular class time| |
 +| ::: |:::|7.3 (Video Required) |Inverse Trig Substitution|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|7.4 (Video Required)| Integration of Rational Functions|Feb 16 is the last day to take your last (2nd) attempt of the Skills Test|
 +|6| Feb 19 - 23 \\ (**Withdraw Deadline** - Monday, February 19) |7.4 (Video required)| More Integration of Rational Functions|None|
 +| ::: |:::|7.8 (Video Required)|Improper Integrals|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|8.1 (Video Required) & 10.1|Arc Length & Parametric Curves|:::|
 +|7| Feb 26 - Mar 1 |10.2 (Video Required)|Calculus with Parametric Curves|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|Review for Final | | ::: |
 +| ::: |:::​|**Final Exam**|Final Exam covers all topics from the course but with focus on Sections 7.2-10.2|:::​|
 +|8| Mar 4 - 8 |**Spring Break**||:::​|
 +| ::: |:::| **Spring Break** ||:::|
 +| ::: |:::| **Spring Break** ||:::|
 +**Math 227 Begins Wednesday, March 13**
 +|<100% 8% 26% 22% 22% 22%>|
 +| Week | Dates | Sections | Topics | Basic Skills Tests |
 +|9| Mar 13 - 15 |10.3|Polar Coordinates|None|
 +| ::: |:::​|10.4|Calculus Using Polar Coordinates|:::​|
 +|10| Mar 18 - 22 \\ (**Add Deadline** - Tuesday, March 19) |10.4|More Calculus Using Polar Coordinates|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|11.1 (Video)|Sequences|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|11.1 (Video)|More Sequences|:::​|
 +|11| Mar 25 - 29 \\ (**Drop Deadline** - Tuesday, March 26)|11.2|Infinite Series|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.2|More Infinite Series|:::​| ​
 +| ::: |:::|11.3 (Video) |Integral Test|Skills Test 1 Begins on Friday, Mar 29 and covers sections 10.3, 11.1, & 11.2. **Last day to take your last attempt is Monday, Apr 15**|
 +|12 | Apr 1 - 5 |**Easter Break**| |:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.4|Comparison Tests|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.5|Alternating Series|:::|
 +|13| Apr 8 - 12 |Review| |:::| 
 +| ::: |:::|**Exam 1** Topics cover Sections 10.3 - 11.5|Exam will take place in person during regular class time|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|11.5 & 11.6|Absolute Convergence,​ Ratio & Root Tests|:::|
 +|14| Apr 15 - 19 \\ (**Withdraw and P/F Grade Option Deadline** - Wednesday, April 17)|11.8|Power Series |**The last day to take your last attempt of the Skills Test is Monday, Apr 15**|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.8|More Power Series |None|
 +| ::: |:::|11.9 (Video)|Representing Functions as a Power Series|:::|
 +|15| April 22 - 26 \\ (**Monday Classes Meet on Thursday, April 25**)|11.9 (video) |Differentiation & Integration of a Power Series |:::|
 +| ::: |Tue-Wed, Apr 23-24|**Passover Break**| |:::|
 +| ::: |Thurs, Apr 25|11.10 |Taylor Series |:::|
 +| ::: |Fri, Apr 26|11.10 |More Taylor Series|:::|
 +|16| April 29 - May 1 |11.11 |Taylor Polynomials|:::​|
 +| ::: | ::: | Review for Final | | ::: |
 +|17| May 3 - 9 |**Final Exam on Date and Time Assigned by Registrar, View Final Exam [[http://​​exams/​ | schedule here]]**|Final Exam covers all topics from the course but with focus on Sections 11.5 - 11.11|:::|
 +===== Schedule for Math 227 (Beginning Wednesday, January 17) =====
 +Next to certain sections below you'll see "​**Video Required**"​. These videos are located at the beginning of that section'​s assignment in WebAssign. You are required to watch these videos before that section is covered in class. ​
 +|<100% 8% 26% 22% 22% 22%>|
 +| Week | Dates | Sections | Topics | Basic Skills Tests |
 +|1| Jan 17 - 19|10.3|Polar Coordinates|None|
 +| ::: |:::​|10.4|Calculus Using Polar Coordinates|:::​|
 +|2| Jan 22 - 26 \\ (**Add Deadline** - Monday, January 22)|10.4|More Calculus Using Polar Coordinates|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|11.1 (Video)|Sequences|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|11.1 & 11.2|More Sequences & Intro to Series|:::|
 +|3| Jan 29 - Feb 2 \\ (**Drop Deadline** - Monday, January 29) |11.2|More Infinite Series|The Basic Skills Test begins on Friday, Feb 2 and covers sections 10.3, 11.1, & 11.2. You have until Feb 9 to take at least your first attempt. **Last day to take your last attempt is Friday, Feb 16**|
 +| ::: |:::|11.3 (Video) |Integral Test|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.4|Comparison Tests|:::|
 +|4| Feb 5 - 9|11.5|Alternating Series|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|Review| |:::|
 +| ::: |:::|**Exam 1** Topics cover Sections 10.3 - 11.5|Exam will take place in person during regular class time|:::|
 +|5| Feb 12 - 16|11.5 & 11.6|Absolute Convergence,​ Ratio & Root Tests|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.8|Power Series |:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.8|More Power Series |**The last day to take your last attempt of the Skills Test is Friday, Feb 16**|
 +|6| Feb 19 - 23 \\ (**Withdraw Deadline** - Monday, February 19) |11.9 (Video)|Representing Functions as a Power Series|None|
 +| ::: |:::|11.10 |Taylor Series |:::|
 +| ::: |:::|11.10 |More Taylor Series|:::|
 +|7| Feb 26 - Mar 1 |11.11 |Taylor Polynomials|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|Review for Final | | ::: |
 +| ::: |:::​|**Final Exam**|Final Exam covers all topics from the course but with focus on Sections 11.5 - 11.11|:::|
 +|8| Mar 4 - 8 |**Spring Break**||:::​|
 +| ::: |:::| **Spring Break** ||:::|
 +| ::: |:::| **Spring Break** ||:::|
 +===== Schedule for Math 226 (Beginning Wednesday, March 13) =====
 +Next to certain sections below you'll see "​**Video Required**"​. These videos are located at the beginning of that section'​s assignment in WebAssign. You are required to watch these videos before that section is covered in class. ​
 +|<100% 8% 26% 22% 22% 22%>|
 +| Week | Dates | Sections | Topics | Basic Skills Tests |
 +|9| Mar 13 - 15 |6.1 (Video Required)|Functions and their Inverses|None|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.2*|The Natural Logarithmic Function|:::​|
 +|10| Mar 18 - 22 \\ (**Add Deadline** - Tuesday, March 19) |6.2*|The Natural Logarithmic Function|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.3*|The Natural Exponential Function|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|6.4* |General Logarithmic & Exponential Functions|:::​|
 +|11| Mar 25 - 29 \\ (**Drop Deadline** - Tuesday, March 26)|6.5 (Video Required) |Exponential Growth and Decay|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.6|Inverses of Trigonometric Functions|:::​| ​
 +| ::: |:::​|6.8|"​Indeterminate Forms" & L'​Hospital'​s Rule|The Basic Skills Tests begin on Mar 29.  **Last day to take last attempt is Apr 15**|
 +|12 | Apr 1 - 5 |**Easter Break**| |:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.8|More "​Indeterminate Forms" & L'​Hospital'​s Rule|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|7.1 (Video Required)|Integration by Parts|:::|
 +|13| Apr 8 - 12 |Review| |:::| 
 +| ::: |:::|**Exam 1** Topics cover Sections 6.1-7.1|Exam will take place in person during regular class time|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|7.2|Trigonometric Integrals| ::: |
 +|14| Apr 15 - 19 \\ (**Withdraw and P/F Grade Option Deadline** - Wednesday, April 17)|7.3 (Video Required) |Inverse Trig Substitution|Apr 15 is the last day to take your last (2nd) attempt of the Skills Test|
 +| ::: |:::|7.3 (Video Required) |More Inverse Trig Substitution|None|
 +| ::: |:::|7.4 (Video required)| Integration of Rational Functions|:::​|
 +|15| April 22 - 26 \\ (**Monday Classes Meet on Thursday, April 25**)|7.4 (Video required)| More Integration of Rational Functions|:::​|
 +| ::: |Tues-Wed, Apr 23-24|**Passover Break**| |:::|
 +| ::: |Thurs Apr 25|7.8 (Video Required)|Improper Integrals|:::​|
 +| ::: |Fri, Apr 26|10.1|Parametric Curves| ::: |
 +|16| April 29 - May 1 |10.2 (Video Required)|Calculus with Parametric Curves| ::: |
 +| ::: | ::: | Review for Final | | ::: |
 +|17| May 3 - 9 |**Final Exam on Date and Time Assigned by Registrar, View Final Exam [[http://​​exams/​ | schedule here]]**|Final Exam cover sections 7.2-7.4, 7.8, 10.1-10.2|:::​|
 +===== Schedule for Math 226/227 (Beginning Wednesday, August 23) =====
 +Next to certain sections below you'll see "​**Video Required**"​. These videos are located at the beginning of that section'​s assignment in WebAssign. You are required to watch these videos before that section is covered in class. ​
 +|<100% 8% 26% 22% 22% 22%>|
 +| Week | Dates | Sections | Topics | Basic Skills Tests |
 +| 1 | Aug 23 - 25 |6.1 (Video Required)|Functions and their Inverses|None|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.2*|The Natural Logarithmic Function|:::​|
 +|2| Aug 28 - Sep 1 \\ (**Add Deadline** - Monday, August 28)|6.2*|The Natural Logarithmic Function|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.3*|The Natural Exponential Function|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|6.4* |General Logarithmic & Exponential Functions|:::​|
 +|3| Sep 4 - 8 \\ (**Drop Deadline** - Tuesday, September 5) |**No Class**|**Labor Day**|:::|
 +| ::: |(**Monday Classes Meet - ** Tuesday, September 5)|6.4* |Finish General Logarithmic & Exponential Functions|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|6.5 (Video Required) |Exponential Growth and Decay|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.6|Inverses of Trigonometric Functions|:::​|
 +|4| Sep 11 - 15|6.8|"​Indeterminate Forms" & L'​Hospital'​s Rule|The Basic Skills Test begins on Sep 11 and you have until Sep 20 to take at least your first attempt. **Last day to take your last (2nd) attempt is Sep 29.**|
 +| ::: |:::|6.8 & 7.1 (Video Required)|L'​Hospital'​s Rule & Integration by Parts|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|**No Class**|**Rosh Hashanah Holiday**|:::​|
 +|5| Sep 18 - 22|7.1 (Video Required)|Integration by Parts|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|7.2|Trigonometric Integrals|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|Review| |Sep 21 is the last day to take your 1st attempt of the Skills Test|
 +|6| Sep 25 - 29 |**No Class**|**Yom Kippur Holiday**|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|**Exam 1** Topics cover Sections 6.1-7.2|Exam will take place in person during regular class time|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|7.3 (Video Required) |Inverse Trig Substitution|The last day to take your last (2nd) attempt of the Skills Test|
 +|7| Oct 2 - 6 \\ (**Withdraw Deadline** - Tuesday, October 3)|7.4 (Video Required)| Integration of Rational Functions|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|7.4 (Video required)| More Integration of Rational Functions|None|
 +| ::: |:::|7.8 (Video Required)|Improper Integrals|:::​|
 +|8| Oct 9 - 13|8.1 (Video Required) & 10.1|Arc Length & Parametric Curves|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|10.2 (Video Required)|Calculus with Parametric Curves|:::|
 +| ::: |:::| Review for Final | | ::: |
 +|9| Oct 16 - 20|**Final Exam**|Final Exam covers all topics from the course but with focus on Sections 7.2-10.2|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|No class|(Math 226 is over)|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|No class|** Fall Break **|:::|
 +**Math 227 Begins Monday, October 23**
 +|<100% 8% 26% 22% 22% 22%>|
 +| Week | Dates | Sections | Topics | Basic Skills Tests |
 +|10| Oct 23 - 27 \\ (**Add Deadline** - Friday, October 27)|10.3|Polar Coordinates|None|
 +| ::: |:::​|10.4|Calculus Using Polar Coordinates|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|10.4|More Calculus Using Polar Coordinates|:::​|
 +|11| Oct 30 - Nov 3 \\ (**Drop Deadline** - Friday, November 3) |Cancelled| |:::|
 +| ::: |:::|11.1 (Video)|Sequences|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.2|Infinite Series|:::|
 +|12| Nov 6 - 10 |11.2 & 11.3 (Video) |More Infinite Series & Integral Test|Skills Test 1 Begins on Monday, Nov 6 and covers sections 10.3, 11.1, & 11.2. **Last day to take your last attempt is Tuesday, Nov 21**|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.4|Comparison Tests|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.5|Alternating Series|:::|
 +|13| Nov 13 - 17 |Review| |:::|
 +| ::: |:::|**Exam 1** Topics cover Sections 10.3 - 11.5|Exam will take place in person during regular class time|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|11.5 & 11.6|Absolute Convergence,​ Ratio & Root Tests|:::|
 +|14| Nov 20 - 24 |11.8|Power Series |:::|
 +| ::: |(**Monday Classes Meet - ** Tuesday, November 21)|11.8|More Power Series |**The last day to take your last attempt of the Skills Test is Tuesday, Nov 21**|
 +|:::| ::: |**No class**|**Thanksgiving Break**|None|
 +| ::: | ::: |**No class**|**Thanksgiving Break**|:::​|
 +|15| Nov 27 - Dec 1 \\ (**Withdraw Deadline** - Monday, November 27)|11.9 (Video)|Representing Functions as a Power Series|:::|
 +| ::: |:::| 11.9 (video) |Differentiation & Integration of a Power Series |:::|
 +| ::: |:::|11.10 |Taylor Series |:::|
 +|16| Dec 4 - 8  |11.10 |More Taylor Series|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|11.11 |Taylor Polynomials|:::​|
 +| ::: | ::: | Review for Final | | ::: |
 +|17| Dec 11 - 15 |**Final Exam on Date and Time Assigned by Registrar, View Final Exam [[http://​​exams/​ | schedule here]]**|Final Exam covers all topics from the course but with focus on Sections 11.5 - 11.11|:::|
 +===== Schedule for Math 227 (Beginning Wednesday, August 23) =====
 +Next to certain sections below you'll see "​**Video Required**"​. These videos are located at the beginning of that section'​s assignment in WebAssign. You are required to watch these videos before that section is covered in class. ​
 +|<100% 8% 26% 22% 22% 22%>|
 +| Week | Dates | Sections | Topics | Basic Skills Tests |
 +| 1 | Aug 23 - 25 |10.3|Polar Coordinates|None|
 +| ::: |:::​|10.4|Calculus Using Polar Coordinates|:::​|
 +|2| Aug 28 - Sep 1 \\ (**Add Deadline** - Monday, August 28)|10.4|More Calculus Using Polar Coordinates|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|11.1 (Video)|Sequences|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|11.1 (Video)| More Sequences|:::​|
 +|3| Sep 4 - 8 \\ (**Drop Deadline** - Tuesday, September 5) |**No Class**|**Labor Day**|:::|
 +| ::: |(**Monday Classes Meet** - Tuesday, September 5)|11.2| Infinite Series|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.2|More Infinite Series|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|11.3 (Video) |Integral Test|:::|
 +|4| Sep 11 - 15|11.4|Comparison Tests|The Basic Skills Test begins on Sep 11 and you have until Sep 20 to take at least your first attempt. **Last day to take your last (2nd) attempt is Sep 29.**|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.5|Alternating Series|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|**No Class**|**Rosh Hashanah Holiday**|:::​|
 +|5| Sep 18 - 22|Review | |:::|
 +| ::: |:::|**Exam 1** Topics cover Sections 10.3 - 11.5|Exam will take place in person during regular class time|Sep 20 is the last day to take your 1st attempt of the Skills Test|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.6|Absolute Convergence,​ Ratio & Root Tests|:::|
 +|6| Sep 25 - Sep 29 |**No Class**|**Yom Kippur Holiday**|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.6|More Absolute Convergence,​ Ratio & Root Tests|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.8|Power Series |The last day to take your last (2nd) attempt of the Skills Test|
 +|7| Oct 2 - 6 \\ (**Withdraw Deadline** - Tuesday, October 3)| 11.8 | More Power Series ​ |:::|
 +| ::: |:::|11.9 (Video)|Representing Functions as a Power Series |:::|
 +| ::: |:::|11.10 |Taylor Series |:::|
 +|8| Oct 9 - 13|11.10 |More Taylor Series|:::|
 +| ::: |:::| 11.11 |Taylor Polynomials|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::| Review for Final | | ::: |
 +|9| Oct 16 - 20|**Final Exam**|Final Exam covers all topics from the course but with focus on Sections 11.5 - 11.11|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|No class|(Math 227 is over)|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|No class|**Fall Break**|:::​|
 +===== Schedule for Math 226 (Beginning Monday, October 23) =====
 +Next to certain sections below you'll see "​**Video Required**"​. These videos are located at the beginning of that section'​s assignment in WebAssign. You are required to watch these videos before that section is covered in class. ​
 +|<100% 8% 26% 22% 22% 22%>|
 +| Week | Dates | Sections | Topics | Basic Skills Tests |
 +|10| Oct 23 - 27 \\ (**Add Deadline** - Friday, October 27)|6.1 (Video Required)|Functions and their Inverses|None|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.2*|The Natural Logarithmic Function|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.2*|The Natural Logarithmic Function|:::​|
 +|11| Oct 30 - Nov 3 \\ (**Drop Deadline** - Friday, November 3) |6.3*|The Natural Exponential Function|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|6.4* |General Logarithmic & Exponential Functions|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|6.5 (Video Required) |Exponential Growth and Decay|:::|
 +|12| Nov 6 - 10 | 6.6|Inverses of Trigonometric Functions|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.8|"​Indeterminate Forms" & L'​Hospital'​s Rule|The Basic Skills Tests begin on Nov 8.  **Last day to take last attempt is Nov 21**|
 +| ::: |:::|6.8 & 7.1 (Video Required)|L'​Hospital'​s Rule & Integration by Parts| ::: |
 +|13| Nov 13 - 17 |7.1 (Video Required)|Integration by Parts|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|Review| |:::|
 +| ::: |:::|**Exam 1** Topics cover Sections 6.1-7.1|Exam will take place in person during regular class time|:::|
 +|14| Nov 20 - 24 |7.2|Trigonometric Integrals| ::: |
 +| ::: |(**Monday Classes Meet - ** Tuesday, November 21)|7.2 & 7.3 (Video Required)|Trig Integrals & Inverse Trig Substitution|**Last day to take the last attempt of the Basic Skills Test is Tues Nov 21**|
 +| ::: | ::: |**No class**|**Thanksgiving Break**|None|
 +| ::: | ::: |**No class**|**Thanksgiving Break**|:::​|
 +|15| Nov 27 - Dec 1 \\ (**Withdraw Deadline** - Monday, November 27)|7.3 (Video Required) |Inverse Trig Substitution|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|7.4 (Video required)| Integration of Rational Functions|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|7.8 (Video Required)|Improper Integrals|:::​|
 +|16| Dec 4 - 8  |10.1|Parametric Curves| ::: |
 +| ::: |:::|10.2 (Video Required)|Calculus with Parametric Curves| ::: |
 +| ::: |:::|Review for Final | | ::: |
 +|17| Dec 11 - 15 |**Final Exam on Date and Time Assigned by Registrar, View Final Exam [[http://​​exams/​ | schedule here]]**|Final Exam cover sections 7.2-7.4, 7.8, 10.1-10.2|:::​|
 +===== Schedule for Math 226/227 (Beginning January 18) =====
 +Next to certain sections below you'll see "​**Video Required**"​. These videos are located at the beginning of that section'​s assignment in WebAssign. You are required to watch these videos before that section is covered in class. ​
 +|<100% 8% 26% 22% 22% 22%>|
 +| Week | Dates | Sections | Topics | Basic Skills Tests |
 +| 1 | Jan 18 - 20 |6.1 (Video Required)|Functions and their Inverses|None|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.2*|The Natural Logarithmic Function|:::​|
 +|2| Jan 23 - 27 \\ (**Add Deadline** - Monday, January 23)|6.2*|The Natural Logarithmic Function|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.3*|The Natural Exponential Function|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.4*|General Logarithmic & Exponential Functions|:::​|
 +|3| Jan 30 - Feb 3 \\ (**Drop Deadline** - Monday, January 30) |6.5 (Video Required) |Exponential Growth and Decay|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.6|Inverses of Trigonometric Functions|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.8|"​Indeterminate Forms" & L'​Hospital'​s Rule|:::|
 +|4| Feb 6 - 10|7.1 (Video Required)|Integration by Parts|The Basic Skills Test begins on Feb 6 and you have until Feb 10 to take at least your first attempt. \\ **Last day to take your last (second) attempt is Feb 21.**|
 +| ::: |:::​|7.2|Trigonometric Integrals|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|Review| |:::|
 +|5| Feb 13 - 17|**Exam 1** \\ Topics cover Sections 6.1 - 7.1|Exam will take place in person during regular class time|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|7.3 (Video Required) |Inverse Trig Substitution|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|7.4 (Video Required)| Integration of Rational Functions|:::​|
 +|6| Feb 20 - 24 \\ (**Withdraw & Pass/Fail Grade Option Deadline** - Monday, February 20)|7.4 (Video Required)| More Integration of Rational Functions|The last day to take your last (second) attempt of the Skills Test is Tues Feb 21|
 +| ::: |:::|7.8 (Video Required)|Improper Integrals|None|
 +| ::: |:::​|10.1|Parametric Curves|:::|
 +|7| Feb 27 - Mar 3 |10.2 (Video Required)|Calculus with Parametric Curves|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|Review for Final| | ::: |
 +| ::: |:::​|**Spring Break**||:::​|
 +|8| Mar 6 - 8 |**Final Exam**|Final Exam covers all topics from the course but with focus on Sections 7.2-10.2|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|No class|(Math 226 is over)|:::|
 +**Math 227 Begins Friday, March 10**
 +|<100% 8% 26% 22% 22% 22%>|
 +| Week | Dates | Sections | Topics | Basic Skills Tests |
 +|8| Mar 10|10.3|Polar Coordinates|None|
 +|9| Mar 13 - 17 \\ (**Add Deadline** - Thursday, March 16)|10.4|Calculus Using Polar Coordinates|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|10.4|More Calculus Using Polar Coordinates|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|11.1 (Video Required)|Sequences|:::​|
 +|10| Mar 20 - 24 \\ (**Drop Deadline** - Thursday, March 23)|11.1|More Sequences|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.2|Infinite Series|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.2|More Infinite Series|:::|
 +|11| Mar 27 - 31|11.3 (Video Required) |Integral Test|The Basic Skills Test begins on Monday, March 27. You have until Friday, March 31 to take your first attempt. You then have until Friday, April 21 to take your second attempt. You cannot take more than one attempt on any one day. \\ \\ The Skills Test covers Sections 10.3, 11.1, & 11.2.|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.4|Comparison Tests|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.5|Alternating Series|:::|
 +| | Apr 3 - 7 |**Easter Break**||:::​|
 +| ::: |:::| **Easter Break** ||:::|
 +| ::: |:::| **Easter Break** ||:::|
 +|12| Apr 10 - 14 \\ (**Monday Classes Meet on Wednesday, April 12**) | **Easter Break** ||:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|Review| | ::: |
 +| ::: |:::|**Exam 1** \\ Topics cover Sections 10.3 - 11.5|Exam will take place in person during regular class time|:::|
 +|13| Apr 17 - 21 \\ (**Withdraw & Pass/Fail Grade Option Deadline** - Friday, April 21)|11.6|Absolute Convergence,​ Ratio & Root Tests |:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.8|Power Series|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.8|More Power Series|**Last Day to Take Skills Test**|
 +|14| April 24 - 28 |11.9 (Video Required)|Representing Functions as a Power Series|None|
 +| ::: |:::| 11.9|Differentiation & Integration of a Power Series|:::|
 +| ::: |:::| 11.10 |Taylor Series (No Binomial Series) |:::|
 +|15| May 1 - 4 \\ (**Friday Classes Meet on Tuesday, May 2**)|11.10 |More Taylor Series |:::|
 +| ::: |:::|11.11 |Taylor Polynomials|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|Review for Final ||:::|
 +|16| May 5 - 11 |**Final Exam on Wednesday, May 10, 2023; 10:25am -- 12:25pm in GW 69EX. View Final Exam [[http://​​exams/​ | schedule here]]**|Final Exam covers all topics from Chapter 11 but with a focus on Sections 11.5 - 11.11|:::|
 +===== Schedule for Math 227 (Beginning January 18) =====
 +Next to certain sections below you'll see "​**Video Required**"​. These videos are located at the beginning of that section'​s assignment in WebAssign. You are required to watch these videos before that section is covered in class. ​
 +|<100% 8% 26% 22% 22% 22%>|
 +| Week | Dates | Sections | Topics | Basic Skills Tests |
 +| 1 | Jan 18 - 20 |10.3|Polar Coordinates|None|
 +| ::: |:::​|10.4|Calculus Using Polar Coordinates|:::​|
 +|2| Jan 23 - 27 \\ (**Add Deadline** - Monday, January 23)|10.4|More Calculus Using Polar Coordinates|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|11.1 (Video Required)|Sequences|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|11.1 & 11.2|More Sequences & Introduction to Series|:::|
 +|3| Jan 30 - Feb 3 \\ (**Drop Deadline** - Monday, January 30) |11.2|Infinite Series|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|11.3 (Video Required) |Integral Test|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.4|Comparison Tests|:::|
 +|4| Feb 6 - 10|11.5|Alternating Series|The Basic Skills Test begins on Feb 6 and you have until Feb 10 to take at least your first attempt. You cannot take more than one attempt on any one day. \\ \\ The Skills Test covers Sections 10.3, 11.1, & 11.2. \\ \\ **Last day to take your last (second) attempt is Feb 20.**|
 +| ::: |:::​|Review| | ::: |
 +| ::: |:::|**Exam 1** \\ Topics cover Sections 10.3 - 11.5|Exam will take place in person during regular class time|:::|
 +|5| Feb 13 - 17|11.6|Absolute Convergence,​ Ratio & Root Tests |:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.8|Power Series|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.8|More Power Series|:::|
 +|6| Feb 20 - 24 \\ (**Withdraw Deadline** - Monday, February 20)|11.9 (Video Required)|Representing Functions as a Power Series & Integration of a Power Series|Last day to take your last (second) attempt of the Skills Test|
 +| ::: |:::|11.10 |Taylor Series |None|
 +| ::: |:::|11.10 |More Taylor Series|:::|
 +|7| Feb 27 - Mar 3 |11.11 |Taylor Polynomials|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|Review for Final| | ::: |
 +| ::: |:::​|**Spring Break**||:::​|
 +|8| Mar 6 - 8 |**Final Exam**|Final Exam covers all topics from the course but with focus on Sections ​ 11.5 - 11.11|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|No class|(Math 227 is over)|:::|
 +===== Schedule for Math 226 (Beginning March 10) =====
 +Next to certain sections below you'll see "​**Video Required**"​. These videos are located at the beginning of that section'​s assignment in WebAssign. You are required to watch these videos before that section is covered in class. ​
 +|<100% 8% 26% 22% 22% 22%>|
 +| Week | Dates | Sections | Topics | Basic Skills Tests |
 +|8| Mar 10|6.1 (Video Required)|Functions and their Inverses|None|
 +|9| Mar 13 - 17 \\ (**Add Deadline** - Thursday, March 16)|6.2*|The Natural Logarithmic Function|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.2*|The Natural Logarithmic Function|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.3*|The Natural Exponential Function|:::​|
 +|10| Mar 20 - 24 \\ (**Drop Deadline** - Thursday, March 23)|6.4* |General Logarithmic & Exponential Functions|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|6.5 (Video Required) |Exponential Growth and Decay|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.6|Inverses of Trigonometric Functions|:::​|
 +|11| Mar 27 - 31|6.8 (Video Required)|"​Indeterminate Forms" & L'​Hospital'​s Rule|The Basic Skills Test begins on Monday, March 27 and you have until Friday, March 31 to take at least your first attempt. You then have until Monday, April 24 to take your second attempt. You cannot take more than one attempt on any one day.|
 +| ::: |:::|6.8 (Video Required)|More L'​Hospital'​s Rule|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|7.1 (Video Required)|Integration by Parts|Last day to take your first attempt of the Skills Test|
 +| | Apr 3 - 7 |**Easter Break**|||
 +| ::: |:::| **Easter Break** ||:::|
 +| ::: |:::| **Easter Break** ||:::|
 +|12| Apr 10 - 14 \\ (**Monday Classes Meet on Wednesday, April 12**)| **Easter Break** ||:::|
 +| ::: |:::|7.1 (Video Required) & 7.2|More Integration by Parts & Trig Integrals|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|7.2|Trigonometric Integrals|:::​|
 +|13| Apr 17 - 21 \\ (**Withdraw & Pass/Fail Grade Option Deadline** - Friday, April 21)|Review| |:::|
 +| ::: |:::| **Exam 1** \\ Topics cover Sections 6.1 - 7.2|Exam will take place in person during regular class time| :::|
 +| ::: |:::|7.3 (Video Required) |Inverse Trig Substitution|:::​|
 +|14| April 24 - 28 |7.4 (Video required)| Integration of Rational Functions|The last day to take your last (second) attempt of the Skills Test|
 +| ::: |:::|7.4 (Video required)| More Integration of Rational Functions|None|
 +| ::: |:::|7.8 (Video Required)| Improper Integrals|:::​|
 +|15| May 1 - 4 \\ (**Friday Classes Meet on Tuesday, May 2**)|10.1|Parametric Curves|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|10.2 (Video Required)|Calculus with Parametric Curves|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|Review for Final | | ::: |
 +|16| May 5 - 11 |**Final Exam on Date and Time Assigned by Registrar, View Final Exam [[http://​​exams/​ | schedule here]]**|Final Exam covers all topics from the course but with focus on Sections 7.2-10.2|:::​|
 +===== Schedule for Math 226/227 (Beginning August 23) =====
 +Next to certain sections below you'll see "​**Video Required**"​. These videos are located at the beginning of that section'​s assignment in WebAssign. You are required to watch these videos before that section is covered in class. ​
 +|<100% 8% 26% 22% 22% 22%>|
 +| Week | Dates | Sections | Topics | Basic Skills Tests |
 +| 1 | Aug 24 - 26 |6.1 (Video Required)|Functions and their Inverses|None|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.2*|The Natural Logarithmic Function|:::​|
 +|2| Aug 29 - Sep 2 \\ (**Add Deadline** - Monday, August 29)|6.2*|The Natural Logarithmic Function|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.3*|The Natural Exponential Function|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|6.4* |General Logarithmic & Exponential Functions|:::​|
 +|3| Sep 5 - 9 \\ (**Drop Deadline** - Thursday, September 8) |**No Class**|**Labor Day**|:::|
 +| ::: |(**Monday Classes Meet - ** Tuesday, September 6)|6.4* |Finish General Logarithmic & Exponential Functions|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|6.5 (Video Required) |Exponential Growth and Decay|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.6|Inverses of Trigonometric Functions|:::​|
 +|4| Sep 12 - 16|6.8|Indeterminate Forms & L'​Hospital'​s Rule|The Basic Skills Test begins on Sep 12 and you have until Sep 21 to take at least your first attempt. **Last day to take your last (2nd) attempt is Sep 30.**|
 +| ::: |:::|6.8 & 7.1 (Video Required)|L'​Hospital'​s Rule & Integration by Parts|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|7.1 (Video Required)|Integration by Parts|:::|
 +|5| Sep 19 - 23|7.2|Trigonometric Integrals|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|Review| |Sep 21 is the last day to take your 1st attempt of the Skills Test|
 +| ::: |:::|**Exam 1** Topics cover Sections 6.1-7.2|Exam will take place in person during regular class time|:::|
 +|6| Sep 26 - 30 |**No Class**|**Rosh Hashanah Holiday**|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|7.3 (Video Required) |Inverse Trig Substitution|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|7.4 (Video required)| Integration of Rational Functions|The last day to take your last (2nd) attempt of the Skills Test|
 +|7| Oct 3 - 7 \\ (**Withdraw Deadline** - Monday, October 3)|7.4 (Video required)| Integration of Rational Functions|None|
 +| ::: |:::|**No Class**|**Yom Kippur Holiday**|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|7.8 (Video Required)|Improper Integrals|:::​|
 +|8| Oct 10 - 14|8.1 (Video Required) & 10.1|Arc Length & Parametric Curves|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|10.2 (Video Required)|Calculus with Parametric Curves|:::|
 +| ::: |:::| Review for Final | | ::: |
 +|9| Oct 17 - 21|**Final Exam**|Final Exam covers all topics from the course but with focus on Sections 7.2-10.2|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|No class|(Math 226 is over)|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|No class|** Fall Break **|:::|
 +**Math 227 Begins Monday, October 24**
 +|<100% 8% 26% 22% 22% 22%>|
 +| Week | Dates | Sections | Topics | Basic Skills Tests |
 +|10| Oct 24 - 28 |10.3|Polar Coordinates|None|
 +| ::: |:::​|10.4|Calculus Using Polar Coordinates|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|10.4|More Calculus Using Polar Coordinates|:::​|
 +|11| Oct 31 - Nov 4 \\ (**Add Deadline** - Monday, October 31)|11.1 (Video)|Sequences|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|11.1 & 11.2|Sequences & Infinite Series|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.2|Infinite Series|:::|
 +|12| Nov 7-11 \\ (**Drop Deadline** - Monday, November 7)|11.3 (Video) |Integral Test|Skills Test 1 Begins on Monday Nov 7 and covers sections 10.3, 11.1, & 11.2. **Last day to take your last attempt is Mon Nov 22**|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.4|Comparison Tests|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.5|Alternating Series|:::|
 +|13| Nov 14 - 18 |Review| |:::|
 +| ::: |:::|**Exam 1** Topics cover Sections 10.3 - 11.5|Exam will take place in person during regular class time|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.6|Absolute Convergence,​ Ratio & Root Tests|:::|
 +|14| Nov 21 - 25 |11.8|Power Series |**The last day to take your last attempt of the Skills Test is Mon Nov 22**|
 +| ::: | ::: |**No class**|**Thanksgiving Break**|None|
 +| ::: | ::: |**No class**|**Thanksgiving Break**|:::​|
 +|15| Nov 28 - Dec 2 \\ (**Withdraw Deadline** - Wednesday, November 30)|11.9 (Video)|Representing Functions as a Power Series|:::|
 +| ::: |:::| 11.9 (video) |Differentiation & Integration of a Power Series |:::|
 +| ::: |:::|11.10 |Taylor Series |:::|
 +|16| Dec 5 - 9  |11.10 |More Taylor Series|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|11.11 |Taylor Polynomials|:::​|
 +| ::: | ::: | Review for Final | | ::: |
 +|17| Dec 12 - 16 |**Final Exam on Date and Time Assigned by Registrar, View Final Exam [[http://​​exams/​ | schedule here]]**|Final Exam covers all topics from the course but with focus on Sections 11.5 - 11.11|:::|
 +===== Schedule for Math 226/227 (Beginning January 26) =====
 +Next to certain sections below you'll see "​**Video Required**"​. These videos are located at the beginning of that section'​s assignment in WebAssign. You are required to watch these videos before that section is covered in class. ​
 +|<100% 12% 22% 22% 22% 22%>|
 +| Week | Dates | Sections | Topics | Basic Skills Tests |
 +| 1 | Jan 26-28 |6.1 (Video Required)|Functions and their Inverses|None|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.2*|The Natural Logarithmic Function|:::​|
 +|2| Jan 31-Feb 4 (**Add Deadline** - Monday, Jan 31)|6.3*|The Natural Exponential Function|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.4*|General Logarithmic & Exponential Functions|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|Snow Day |Classes Cancelled|:::​|
 +|3| Feb 7-11 (**Drop Deadline** - Thursday, Feb 10) |6.5 (Video Required) |Exponential Growth and Decay|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.6|Inverses of Trigonometric Functions|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.8|Indeterminate Forms & L'​Hospital'​s Rule|:::|
 +|4| Feb 14-18|7.1 (Video Required)|Integration by Parts|Skills Test Begins on Monday Feb 14. **You have until Wed March 2 to take your 1st and 2nd attempts, you cannot take more than 1 attempt per day.**|
 +| ::: |:::​|Review||:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|**Exam 1** Topics cover Sections 6.1-7.1|Exam will take place in person during regular class time|:::|
 +|5| Feb 21-25|7.2|Trigonometric Integrals|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|7.3 (Video Required) |Inverse Trig Substitution|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|7.3 & 7.4 (Video required)| More Inverse Trig Substitution & Integration of Rational Functions|:::​|
 +|6| Feb 28 - Mar 4 (**Withdraw Deadline** - Monday, Feb 28)|7.4 (Video required)| Integration of Rational Functions|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|7.8 (Video Required)|Improper Integrals|Last day to take your last (2nd) attempt of the Skills Test|
 +| ::: |:::​|10.1|Parametric Curves|None|
 +|7| Mar 7-11 |10.2 (Video Required)|Calculus with Parametric Curves (No Surface Area, No Area Under the Curve)|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|Review for Final|Final Exam covers Sections 7.2-10.2|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|**Final Exam**|Exam will take place in person during regular class time|:::|
 +|8| Mar 14-18|**Spring Break**||:::​|
 +**Math 227 Begins Wednesday, March 23**
 +|<100% 12% 22% 22% 22% 22%>|
 +| Week | Dates | Sections | Topics | Basic Skills Tests |
 +|9| Mar 23-25 |10.3|Polar Coordinates|None|
 +| ::: |:::​|10.4|Calculus Using Polar Coordinates|:::​|
 +|10| Mar 28 - Apr 1 (**Add Deadline** - Tuesday, March 29)|10.4|More Calculus Using Polar Coordinates|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|11.1 (Video)|Sequences|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|11.1 & 11.2|Sequences & Infinite Series|:::|
 +|11| April 4 - 8 (**Drop Deadline** - Thursday, April 7)|11.2|Infinite Series|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|11.3 (Video) |Integral Test|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.4|Comparison Tests|:::|
 +|12| April 11-15 |11.5|Alternating Series|The Basic Skills Test begins on Monday April 11. You have until Friday April 22 to take your 1st attempt. You then have until Friday April 29 to take your 2nd attempt. You cannot take more than one attempt on any one day. The Skills Test covers sections 10.3, 11.1, & 11.2.|
 +| ::: |:::​|Review||:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|**Easter Break**||:::​|
 +|13| April 18 - 22 (**Monday Classes Meet on Tuesday, April 19**) |Review||:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|**Exam 1** Topics cover Sections 10.3 - 11.5|Exam will take place in person during regular class time|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|**Exam 1 Rescheduled**|Rescheduled due to snow day on April 20|:::|
 +|14| April 25 - 29 (**Withdraw Deadline** is Thursday, April 28) |11.6|Absolute Convergence,​ Ratio & Root Tests |:::|
 +| ::: | ::: |11.8|Power Series|:::|
 +| ::: | ::: |11.8 & 11.9 (Video)|Representing Functions as a Power Series|**Last Day to Take Skills Test**|
 +|15| May 2-6 |11.9 (Video)|Differentiation & Integration of a Power Series|None|
 +| ::: |:::| 11.10 |Taylor Series |:::|
 +| ::: |:::|11.10 |More Taylor Series |:::|
 +|16| May 9-11 |11.11 |Taylor Polynomials|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|Review for Final ||:::|
 +|17| May 13-19 |**227 Final Exam** (Exam will take place in the West Gym on May 17 (Tues) at 12:50-2:50 PM) |Final Exam covers Sections 11.2 - 11.11|:::|
 +===== Schedule for Math 227 (Beginning August 23) =====
 +Next to certain sections below you'll see "​**Video Required**"​. These videos are located at the beginning of that section'​s assignment in WebAssign. You are required to watch these videos before that section is covered in class. ​
 +|<100% 8% 26% 22% 22% 22%>|
 +| Week | Dates | Sections | Topics | Basic Skills Tests |
 +| 1 | Aug 24-26 |10.3|Polar Coordinates|None|
 +| ::: |:::​|10.4|Calculus Using Polar Coordinates|:::​|
 +|2| Aug 29-Sep 2 \\ (**Add Deadline** - Monday, August 29)|10.4|More Calculus Using Polar Coordinates|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|11.1 (Video)|Sequences|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|11.1 (Video)| More Sequences|:::​|
 +|3| Sep 5-9 \\ (**Drop Deadline** - Thursday, September 8) |**No Class**|**Labor Day**|:::|
 +| ::: |(**Monday Classes Meet** - Tuesday, September 6)|11.2| Infinite Series|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.2|More Infinite Series|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|11.3 (Video) |Integral Test|:::|
 +|4| Sep 12-16|11.4|Comparison Tests|The Basic Skills Test begins on Sep 12 and you have until Sep 21 to take at least your first attempt. **Last day to take your last (2nd) attempt is Sep 30.**|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.5|Alternating Series|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|Review | |:::|
 +|5| Sep 19-23|**Exam 1** Topics cover Sections 10.3 - 11.5|Exam will take place in person during regular class time|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.6|Absolute Convergence,​ Ratio & Root Tests|Sep 21 is the last day to take your 1st attempt of the Skills Test|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.6|More Absolute Convergence,​ Ratio & Root Tests|:::|
 +|6| Sep 26-Sep 30 |**No Class**|**Rosh Hashanah Holiday**|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.8|Power Series |:::|
 +| ::: |:::|11.9 (Video)|Representing Functions as a Power Series|The last day to take your last (2nd) attempt of the Skills Test|
 +|7| Oct 3-7 \\ (**Withdraw Deadline** - Monday, October 3)| 11.9 (video) |Differentiation & Integration of a Power Series|None|
 +| ::: |:::|**No Class**|**Yom Kippur Holiday**|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|11.10 |Taylor Series |:::|
 +|8| Oct 10-14|11.10 |More Taylor Series|:::|
 +| ::: |:::| 11.11 |Taylor Polynomials|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::| Review for Final | | ::: |
 +|9| Oct 17-21|**Final Exam**|Final Exam covers all topics from the course but with focus on Sections 11.6 - 11.11|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|No class|(Math 227 is over)|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|No class|**Fall Break**|:::​|
 +===== Schedule for Math 227 (Beginning January 26) =====
 +Next to certain sections below you'll see "​**Video Required**"​. These videos are located at the beginning of that section'​s assignment in WebAssign. You are required to watch these videos before that section is covered in class. ​
 +|<100% 12% 22% 22% 22% 22%>|
 +| Week | Dates | Sections | Topics | Basic Skills Tests |
 +| 1 | Jan 26-28 |10.3|Polar Coordinates|None|
 +| ::: |:::​|10.4|Calculus Using Polar Coordinates|:::​|
 +|2| Jan 31-Feb 4 (**Add Deadline** - Monday, Jan 31)|10.4|More Calculus Using Polar Coordinates|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|11.1 (Video)|Sequences|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|11.1 & 11.2|Sequences & Infinite Series|:::|
 +|3| Feb 7-11 (**Drop Deadline** - Thursday, Feb 10) |11.2|Infinite Series|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|11.3 (Video) |Integral Test|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.4|Comparison Tests|:::|
 +|4| Feb 14-18|11.5|Alternating Series|Skills Test Begins on Monday Feb 14. **You have until Wed March 2 to take your 1st and 2nd attempts, you cannot take more than 1 attempt per day.**|
 +| ::: |:::​|Review||:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|**Exam 1** Topics cover Sections 10.3 - 11.5|Exam will take place in person during regular class time|:::|
 +|5| Feb 21-25|11.6|Absolute Convergence,​ Ratio & Root Tests|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|11.6 & 11.8|Absolute Convergence & Power Series |:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.8|Power Series |:::|
 +|6| Feb 28 - Mar 4 (**Withdraw Deadline** - Monday, Feb 28)|11.9 (Video)|Representing Functions as a Power Series|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|11.9 (video) |Differentiation & Integration of a Power Series |Last day to take your last (2nd) attempt of the Skills Test|
 +| ::: |:::|11.10 |Taylor Series |None|
 +|7| Mar 7-11 |11.11 |Taylor Polynomials|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|Review for Final|Final Exam covers all topics from the course but with focus on Sections 11.6 - 11.11|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|**Final Exam**|Exam will take place in person during regular class time|:::|
 +|8| Mar 14-18|**Spring Break**||:::​|
 +===== Schedule for Math 226 (Beginning October 24) =====
 +Next to certain sections below you'll see "​**Video Required**"​. These videos are located at the beginning of that section'​s assignment in WebAssign. You are required to watch these videos before that section is covered in class. ​
 +|<100% 8% 26% 22% 22% 22%>|
 +| Week | Dates | Sections | Topics | Basic Skills Tests |
 +|10| Oct 24 - 28 |6.1 (Video Required)|Functions and their Inverses|None|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.2*|The Natural Logarithmic Function|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.2*|The Natural Logarithmic Function|:::​|
 +|11| Oct 31 - Nov 4 \\ (**Add Deadline** - Monday, October 31)|6.3*|The Natural Exponential Function|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|6.4* |General Logarithmic & Exponential Functions|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|6.5 (Video Required) |Exponential Growth and Decay|:::|
 +|12| Nov 7-11 \\ (**Drop Deadline** - Monday, November 7)| 6.6|Inverses of Trigonometric Functions|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.8|Indeterminate Forms & L'​Hospital'​s Rule|The Basic Skills Tests begin on Nov 9.  **Last day to take last attempt is Nov 22**|
 +| ::: |:::|6.8 & 7.1 (Video Required)|L'​Hospital'​s Rule & Integration by Parts| ::: |
 +|13| Nov 14 - 18 |7.1 (Video Required)|Integration by Parts|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|7.2|Trigonometric Integrals|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|Review| ​ | ::: |
 +|14| Nov 21 - 25 |**Exam 1** Topics cover Sections 6.1-7.2|Exam will take place in person during regular class time|**Last day to take the last attempt of the Basic Skills Test is Tues Nov 22**|
 +| ::: | ::: |**No class**|**Thanksgiving Break**|None|
 +| ::: | ::: |**No class**|**Thanksgiving Break**|:::​|
 +|15| Nov 28 - Dec 2 \\ (**Withdraw Deadline** - Wednesday, November 30)|7.3 (Video Required) |Inverse Trig Substitution|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|7.3 (Video Required) |Inverse Trig Substitution|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|7.4 (Video required)| Integration of Rational Functions|:::​|
 +|16| Dec 5 - 8  |7.8 (Video Required)|Improper Integrals|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|8.1 (Video Required) & 10.1|Arc Length & Parametric Curves| ::: |
 +| ::: |:::|10.2 (Video Required)|Calculus with Parametric Curves| ::: |
 +|17| Dec 13 |**In FA 212, 8:00-10:00 AM**|Final Exam will cover Sections 7.2 - 10.2|:::|
 +===== Schedule for Math 226 (Beginning Wednesday March 23) =====
 +Next to certain sections below you'll see "​**Video Required**"​. These videos are located at the beginning of that section'​s assignment in WebAssign. You are required to watch these videos before that section is covered in class. ​
 +|<100% 12% 22% 22% 22% 22%>|
 +| Week | Dates | Sections | Topics | Basic Skills Tests |
 +|9| Mar 23-25 |6.1 (Video Required)|Inverse Functions| None|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.2*|The Natural Logarithmic Function| :::|
 +|10| Mar 28 - Apr 1 (**Add Deadline** - Tuesday, March 29)|6.3*|The Natural Exponential Function|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.4*|General Logarithmic and Exponential Functions|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|6.5 (Video Required)|Exponential Growth and Decay|:::|
 +|11| April 4 - 8 (**Drop Deadline** - Thursday, April 7)|6.6|Inverse Trigonometric Functions|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.6|Inverse Trigonometric Functions|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.8|Indeterminate Forms and l'​Hospital'​s Rule|:::|
 +|12| April 11-15 |7.1|Integration By Parts|The Basic Skills Test begins on Monday April 11. You have until Friday April 22 to take your 1st attempt. You then have until Friday April 29 to take your 2nd attempt. You cannot take more than one attempt on any one day.|
 +| ::: |:::​|7.1|Integration By Parts|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|**Easter Break**||:::​|
 +|13| April 18 - 22 (**Monday Classes Meet on Tuesday, April 19**) |Review||:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|**Exam 1** Topics cover Sections 6.1 through 7.1|Exam will take place in person during regular class time|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|**Exam 1**| Rescheduled due to snow day on April 20 |:::|
 +|14| April 25 - 29 (**Withdraw Deadline** is Thursday, April 28) |7.2|Trigonometric Integrals|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|7.3 (Video Required)|Inverse Trigonometric Substitution|:::​|
 +| ::: | ::: |7.3 & 7.4|More Inverse Trig Substitution & Integration of Rational Functions|**Last Day to Take Skills Test**|
 +|15| May 2-6 |7.4|Integration of Rational Functions by Partial Fractions |None|
 +| ::: |:::​|7.8|Improper Integrals|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|10.1 (Video Required)|Curves Defined by Parametric Equations|:::​|
 +|16| May 9-11 |10.2 (Video Required)|Calculus with Parametric Curves|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|Review for Final ||:::|
 +|17| May 13-19 |**227 Final Exam** (Exam will take place at LH 008 on May 13 (Fri) at 8:00-10:00 AM) |Final Exam covers all topics from the course but with focus on Sections 7.2-10.2|:::​|
 +===== Schedule for Math 226/227 (Beginning August 25) =====
 +Next to certain sections below you'll see "​**Video Required**"​. These videos are located at the beginning of that section'​s assignment in WebAssign. You are required to watch these videos before that section is covered in class. ​
 +| Week | Dates | Sections | Topics | Basic Skills Tests |
 +| 1 | Aug 25-27 |6.1 (Video Required)|Functions and their Inverses|None|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.2*|The Natural Logarithmic Function|:::​|
 +|2| Aug 30-Sep 3 (**Add Deadline** - Monday, August 30)|6.2*|The Natural Logarithmic Function|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.3*|The Natural Exponential Function|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|6.4* |General Logarithmic & Exponential Functions|:::​|
 +|3| Sep 6-10 (**Drop Deadline** - Thursday, September 9) |**No Class**|**Labor Day/Rosh Hashanah**|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|**No Class**|:::​|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|6.5 (Video Required) |Exponential Growth and Decay|:::|
 +|4| Sep 13-17|6.6|Inverses of Trigonometric Functions|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.8|Indeterminate Forms & L'​Hospital'​s Rule|Skills Test Begins on Wednesday Sept 15. **You have until Friday Sept 24 to take your 1st and 2nd attempts, you cannot take more than 1 attempt per day.**|
 +| ::: |:::|6.8 & 7.1 (Video Required)|L'​Hospital'​s Rule & Integration by Parts|:::|
 +|5| Sep 20-24|7.1 (Video Required)|Integration by Parts|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|7.2|Trigonometric Integrals|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|Review||Last day to take your last (2nd) attempt of the Skills Test|
 +|6| Sep 27-Oct 1 (**Withdraw Deadline** - Friday, October 1)|**Exam 1** Topics cover Sections 6.1-7.2|Exam will take place in person during regular class time|None|
 +| ::: |:::|7.3 (Video Required) |Inverse Trig Substitution|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|7.3 & 7.4 (Video required)| More Inverse Trig Substitution & Integration of Rational Functions|:::​|
 +|7| Oct 4-8 |7.4 (Video required)| Integration of Rational Functions|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|7.8 (Video Required)|Improper Integrals|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|8.1 (Video Required) & 10.1|Arc Length & Parametric Curves|:::|
 +|8| Oct 11-15|10.2 (Video Required)|Calculus with Parametric Curves|:::|
 +| ::: |:::| Review for Final | | ::: |
 +| ::: | ::: |**No class**|**Fall Break**|:::​|
 +|9| Oct 18-20|**Final Exam**|Final Exam covers all topics from the course but with focus on Sections 7.2-10.2|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|No class|(Math 226 is over)|:::|
 +**Math 227 Begins Friday, October 22**
 +| Week | Dates | Sections | Topics | Basic Skills Tests |
 +|9| Oct 22 |10.3|Polar Coordinates|None|
 +|10| Oct 25 - 29 (**Add Deadline** - Thursday, October 28)|10.4|Calculus Using Polar Coordinates|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|10.4|More Calculus Using Polar Coordinates|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|11.1 (Video)|Sequences|:::​|
 +|11| Nov 1 - 5 (**Drop Deadline** - Thursday, November 4)|11.1 & 11.2|Sequences & Infinite Series|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.2|Infinite Series|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|11.3 (Video) |Integral Test|:::|
 +|12| Nov 8-12 |11.4|Comparison Tests|The Basic Skills Test begins on Monday Nov 8. You have until Friday Nov 12 to take your 1st attempt. You then have until Friday Nov 19 to take your 2nd (last) attempt. You cannot take more than one attempt on any one day. The Skills Test covers sections 10.3, 11.1, & 11.2.|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.5|Alternating Series|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|Review||:::​|
 +|13| Nov 15 - 19 |**Exam 1** Topics cover Sections 10.3 - 11.5|Exam will take place in person during regular class time|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.6|Absolute Convergence,​ Ratio & Root Tests|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.6|Absolute Convergence,​ Ratio & Root Tests|**Last Day to Take Skills Test**|
 +|14| Nov 22 - 26 |11.8|Power Series |None|
 +| ::: | ::: |**No class**|**Thanksgiving Break**|:::​|
 +| ::: | ::: |**No class**|**Thanksgiving Break**|:::​|
 +|15| Nov 29 - Dec 3 |11.9 (Video)|Representing Functions as a Power Series|:::|
 +| ::: |:::| 11.9 (video) |Differentiation & Integration of a Power Series |:::|
 +| ::: |:::|11.10 |Taylor Series |:::|
 +|16| Dec 5 - 9 (**Withdraw Deadline** is Friday, Dec 10) |11.10 |More Taylor Series|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|11.11 |Taylor Polynomials|:::​|
 +| ::: | ::: | Review for Final | | ::: |
 +|17| Dec 13 - 17 |**Final Exam on December 15, 12:50pm -- 2:50pm in GW 69EX**|Final Exam covers all topics from the course but with focus on Sections 11.6 - 11.11|:::|
 +===== Schedule for Math 226/227 (Beginning January 22) =====
 +Next to certain sections below you'll see "​**Video Required**"​. These videos are located at the beginning of that section'​s assignment in WebAssign. You are required to watch these videos before that section is covered in class. ​
 +| Week | Dates | Sections | Topics | Basic Skills Tests |
 +| 1 | Jan 22-24 |6.1 (Video Required)|Functions and their Inverses|none|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.2*|The Natural Logarithmic Function|:::​|
 +|2| Jan 27-31 (Add Deadline is Monday, 1/​27)|6.3*|The Natural Exponential Function|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|6.4* |General Logarithmic & Exponential Functions|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|6.5 (Video Required) |Exponential Growth and Decay|:::|
 +|3| Feb 3-7 (**Drop Deadline** Monday, Feb 3) |6.6|Inverses of Trigonometric Functions|Skills Test: First Attempt begins Tuesday, Feb 4. **Last day to take first attempt is Tuesday, Feb 11**|
 +| ::: |:::| 6.8|Indeterminate Forms & L'​Hospital'​s Rule|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|Class Cancelled|Snow Day|:::|
 +|4| Feb 10-14|6.8 & 7.1 (Video Required)|L'​Hospital'​s Rule & Integration by Parts|Skills Test: Second Attempt begins Monday, Feb 10. **Last day to take last attempt is Monday, Feb 17**|
 +| ::: |:::|7.1 (Video Required)|Integration by Parts|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|Review||:::​|
 +|5| Feb 17-21|**Exam 1**|All exams in class|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|7.2|Trigonometric Integrals|none|
 +| ::: |:::|7.3 (Video Required) |Trig Substitution|:::​|
 +|6| Feb 24-28 (**Withdraw Deadline** is Thursday Feb 27) |7.4 (Video required)| Partial Fractions|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|7.8 (Video Required)|Improper Integrals|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|8.1 (Video Required)|Arc Length|:::|
 +|7| Mar 2-6 |10.1|Parametric Curves|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|10.2 (Video Required)|Calculus with Parametric Curves|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|No Class|Winter Break|:::|
 +|8| Mar 9-11|Review for Final ||:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|**Final Exam**|Final Exam covers all topics from the course but with focus on sections 7.2-10.2|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|No class|(Math 226 is over)|:::|
 +**Math 227 Begins Monday, March 16**
 +| Week | Dates | Sections | Topics | Basic Skills Tests |
 +|9| Mar 16 - 20 (**Add Deadline** Friday March 20)|10.3|Polar Coordinates|None|
 +| ::: |:::​|10.4|Calculus Using Polar Coordinates|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|10.4|More Calculus Using Polar Coordinates|:::​|
 +|10| Mar 23 - 27 (**Drop Deadline** Friday March 27)|11.1 (Video)|Sequences|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|11.1 & 11.2|Sequences & Infinite Series|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.2|Infinite Series|:::|
 +|11| Mar 30 - April 3 |11.3 (Video)|Integral Test|:::​|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.4|Comparison Tests|Skills Test 1st attempt is Thursday, April 2. **The 2nd attempt will be on Friday, April 3**|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.5|Alternating Series|:::|
 +|12| April 6 - 10|No Class|Spring Break||
 +|13| April 13 - 17 |Extra day for studying||none|
 +| ::: |:::|**Exam 1**|All exams taken during class time|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.6|Absolute Convergence,​ Ratio & Root Tests|:::|
 +|14| April 20 - 24 |11.8|Power Series |:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.8|Power Series|none|
 +| ::: |:::|11.9 (Video)|Representing Functions as a Power Series|:::|
 +|15| April 27 - May 1 |11.9 (video)|Differentiation & Integration of a Power Series |:::|
 +| ::: |:::|11.10 |Taylor Series |:::|
 +| ::: |:::|11.10 |More Taylor Series|:::|
 +|16| May 4 (**Withdraw Deadline** June 5) |Extra day for studying |Last Day of Classes|:::​|
 +| ::: |May 7-11 (Finals week)|**Final Exam is May 11 (Monday), 12:50-2:50 PM**|Final covers 11.2 - 11.10 with a focus on 11.6 - 11.10|:::|
 +**Math 226 Weekly Schedule Beginning on Oct. 18**
 +| Week  | Dates  | Sections ​ | Topics ​ |Basic Skills Tests|
 +| 1 | October 22-26 (Add deadline October 26)|6.1|Functions and their Inverses|None|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.2*|The Logarithm Function|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.3*|The Exponential Function|:::​|
 +|2| October 29 - November 2 (Drop Deadline Nov 2) |6.4*|Arbitrary Bases|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.5|Exponential Growth and Decay|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|6.5 and 6.6|Exponential Growth and Decay and Inverses of Trigonometric Functions|:::​|
 +|3| November 5 - 9 |6.6|Inverses of Trigonometric Functions|Skills test 1 first attempt 11/6-11/12|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.8|Indeterminate Forms & L'​Hospital'​s Rule|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|Review|Review for midterm|:::​|
 +|4| November 12 - 16|Exam 1||Skills test 1 second attempt 11/​13-11/​28|
 +| ::: |:::​|7.1|Integration by Parts|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|7.2|Trigonometric Integrals|:::​|
 +|5| November 19 - 23|7.3|Inverse Trig Substitution Trigonometric Integrals|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|No class|Thanksgiving break|None|
 +| ::: |:::|No class|Thanksgiving break|:::|
 +|6| November 26 - 30 (Withdraw Deadline 11/27) |7.4|Integration of Rational Functions by Partial Fractions|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|7.8|Improper Integrals|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|8.1|Arc Length|
 +|7| December 3 - 7|10.1|Parametric Equations (Curves)|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|10.2|Calculus Using Parametric Curves|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|Review|| ::: |
 +===== Schedule for Math 227 (Beginning August 25) =====
 +Next to certain sections below you'll see "​**Video Required**"​. These videos are located at the beginning of that section'​s assignment in WebAssign. You are required to watch these videos before that section is covered in class. ​
 +| Week | Dates | Sections | Topics | Basic Skills Tests |
 +| 1 | Aug 25-27 |10.3|Polar Coordinates|None|
 +| ::: |:::​|10.4|Calculus Using Polar Coordinates|:::​|
 +|2| Aug 30-Sep 3 (**Add Deadline** - Monday, August 30)|10.4|More Calculus Using Polar Coordinates|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|11.1 (Video)|Sequences|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|11.1 & 11.2|Sequences & Infinite Series|:::|
 +|3| Sep 6-10 (**Drop Deadline** - Thursday, September 9) |**No Class**|**Labor Day/Rosh Hashanah**|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|**No Class**|:::​|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.2|Infinite Series|:::|
 +|4| Sep 13-17|11.3 (Video) |Integral Test|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.4|Comparison Tests|The Basic Skills Test begins (Sept 15). **You have until Tues Sept 21 to take your 1st attempt. You then have until Wed Sept 29 to take your 2nd (last) attempt.**|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.5|Alternating Series|:::|
 +|5| Sep 20-24|Review||:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|**Exam 1** Topics cover Sections 10.3 - 11.5|Exam will take place in person during regular class time|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.6|Absolute Convergence,​ Ratio & Root Tests|:::|
 +|6| Sep 27-Oct 1 (**Withdraw Deadline** - Friday, October 1)|11.6|Absolute Convergence,​ Ratio & Root Tests|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.8|Power Series |**Last Day to Take the Skills Test**|
 +| ::: |:::|11.9 (Video)|Representing Functions as a Power Series|None|
 +|7| Oct 4-8 | 11.9 (video) |Differentiation & Integration of a Power Series |:::|
 +| ::: |:::|11.10 |Taylor Series |:::|
 +| ::: |:::|11.10 |More Taylor Series|:::|
 +|8| Oct 11-15|11.11 |Taylor Polynomials|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::| Review for Final | | ::: |
 +| ::: | ::: |**No class**|**Fall Break**|:::​|
 +|9| Oct 18-20|**Final Exam**|Final Exam covers all topics from the course but with focus on Sections 11.6 - 11.11|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|No class|(Math 227 is over)|:::|
 +| Week | Dates | Sections | Topics | Basic Skills Tests |
 +| 1 | Jan 21--24| 6.1 (Video Required)|Functions and their Inverses|none|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.2*|The Natural Logarithmic Function|:::​|
 +|2| Jan 28--Feb 1\\ (**Add Deadline:** Monday, Jan 28)|6.3*|The Natural Exponential Function|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|6.4* |Genral Logarithmic & Exponential Functions|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|6.5 (Video Required) |Exponential Growth and Decay|:::|
 +|3| Feb 4--8\\ (**Drop Deadline:​**\\ Monday, Feb 4) |6.6|Inverses of Trigonometric Functions|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.8|Indeterminate Forms & L'​Hospital'​s Rule|Skills Test 1: First Attempt begins Wednesday, Feb 6. **Last day to take first attempt is Wednesday, Feb 13**|
 +| ::: |:::|7.1 (Video Required)|Integration by Parts|:::|
 +|4| Feb 11--15|7.1|More Integration by Parts|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|Review||Skills Test 1: Second Attempt begins Thursday, Feb 14. **Last day to take last attempt is Thursday, Feb 21**|
 +| ::: |:::​|Review||:::​|
 +|5| Feb 18--22|**Exam 1**|All exams in class|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|7.2|Trigonometric Integrals|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|7.3 (Video Required)|Inverse Trig Substitution |None|
 +|6|Feb 25--Mar 1\\ (**Withdraw Deadline:** Thursday, Feb 28)|7.3|More Inverse Trig Substitution |:::|
 +| ::: |:::|7.4 (video required)| Integration of Rational Functs. by Partial Fractions|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|7.8 (Video Required)|Improper Integrals|:::​|
 +|7| Mar 4--8|8.1 (Videos Required)|Arc Length|:::|
 +|:::​|:::​|10.1|Parametric Equations (Curves)|:::​|
 +|:::​|:::​|10.2 (Videos Required)|Calculus with Parametric Curves|:::|
 +|8| Mar 11--15|Review||:::​|
 +|:::​|:::​|**Final Exam**|In class|:::|
 +|:::​|:::​|Math 226 is over.|No Class|:::|
 +**Math 227 Begins Monday, March 25**
 +| Week | Dates | Sections | Topics | Basic Skills Tests |
 +|10| March 25--29\\ (**Add Deadline:** Friday, March 29) |10.3|Polar Coordinates|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|10.4|Calculus Using Polar Coordinates|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|10.4|More Calculus Using Polar Coordinates|:::​|
 +|11| April 1--5 \\ (**Drop Deadline:** Friday, April 5) |11.1 (Videos Required)|More Sequences| :::|
 +| ::: |:::|11.1 & 11.2|Sequences & Series| :::|
 +| ::: |:::|11.2 (Videos Required)|Series| :::|
 +|12| April 8-12|11.2|More Series|Skills Test 1: First attempt window is Monday, April 8 through Friday, April 12.|
 +| ::: |:::|11.3 (Video Required)|Integral Test|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.4|Comparison Test|:::|
 +|13|April 15--19 |Review||Skills Test 1: Second attempt begins Monday, April 15.|
 +| ::: |:::|**Exam 1**|All exams in class|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|Easter Break||:::|
 +|14|April 22--26 |11.5|Alternating Series Test & Estimation Thm|Skills Test 1: Last day to take second attempt is Tuesday, April 23.|
 +| ::: |:::|11.6, 11.7|Absolute Convergence & Ratio and Root Tests|None|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.8|Power Series|:::|
 +|15|April 29--May 3 \\ (**Withdraw Deadline:** Monday, April 29) |11.9 (Video Required)|Representing Functions as Power Series|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|11.9, 11.10|Taylor and Maclaurin Series|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.10|More Taylor and Maclaurin Series|:::|
 +|16|May 6--10|11.11 (Video Required)|Taylor Polynomials and their Applications|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|11.11|Taylor Polynomials|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|Review||:::​|
 +|17|Wednesday May 14|**Final Exam:** 5:40-7:40 in GW 69EX (West Gym)|Final exam will cover sections 11.2-11.11 with a focus on sections 11.5 through 11.11.||
 +**Math 226 Weekly Schedule Beginning on March 25**
 +|9| March 25-29 (Add Deadline is Friday, 3/29)|6.1 (video required)|Inverses of Functions| None|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.2*|The Logarithm Function|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|6.2* and 6.3*|More Logarithm Function; The Exponential Function|:::​|
 +|10| April 1-5 (Drop Deadline is Friday, 4/​5)|6.3*|More Exponential Function|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.4*|General Exponential and Logarithmic Functions|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|6.4* and 6.5|General Exponential and Logarithmic Functions; Growth and Decay|:::|
 +|11| April 8-12|6.5 (video required)|Exponential Growth and Decay|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.6|Inverses of Trigonometric Functions|The Basic Skills Test starts Thursday, April 11, covering 6.2-6.4 and 6.6. You have until Thursday April 18 to take 1st attempt.|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.8|Indeterminate Forms & L'​Hospital'​s Rule|:::|
 +|12| April 15-19|7.1 (video required)|Integration by Parts|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|7.2|Trigonometric Integrals|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|Easter Break||:::|
 +|13| April 22-26|Review for Exam 1 on sections 6.1 through 7.1||2nd attempt for Basic Skills Test can be taken April 22 - April 26|
 +| ::: |:::|Exam 1|All Exams in Class|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|7.3 (video required)|Inverse Trigonometric Substitution|Last day for Basic Skills Test|
 +|14| April 29-May 3 (Withdrawal Deadline is Monday, 4/29)|7.4 (video required)|Integration of Rational Functions & Partial Fractions|None|
 +| ::: |:::|7.3 & 7.4|Review of Integration Techniques|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|7.8 (video required)|Improper Integrals|:::​|
 +|15| May 6-10|8.1 (video required)|Arc Length|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|10.1|Curves Defined Parametrically|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|10.2 (video required)|Calculus with Parametric Curves; Last Day of Class|:::|
 +|15| May 13-17|Final Exam Period; Mon. May 13, 2019 12:50--2:50 GW 68EX; Check BU Brain for confirmation;​ Final exam will cover all topics with a focus on sections 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.8, 8.1, 10.1-10.2||:::​|
 +**Math 226 Weekly Schedule Beginning on Oct. 22**
 +| Week  | Dates  | Sections ​ | Topics ​ |Basic Skills Tests|
 +| 1 | October 22-26 (Add deadline October 26)|6.1|Functions and their Inverses|None|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.2*|The Logarithm Function|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.3*|The Exponential Function|:::​|
 +|2| October 29 - November 2 (Drop Deadline Nov 2) |6.4*|Arbitrary Bases|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.5|Exponential Growth and Decay|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|6.5 and 6.6|Exponential Growth and Decay and Inverses of Trigonometric Functions|:::​|
 +|3| November 5 - 9 |6.6|Inverses of Trigonometric Functions|Skills test 1 first attempt 11/6-11/12|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.8|Indeterminate Forms & L'​Hospital'​s Rule|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|Review|Review for midterm|:::​|
 +|4| November 12 - 16|Exam 1||Skills test 1 second attempt 11/​13-11/​28|
 +| ::: |:::​|7.1|Integration by Parts|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|7.2|Trigonometric Integrals|:::​|
 +|5| November 19 - 23|7.3|Inverse Trig Substitution Trigonometric Integrals|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|No class|Thanksgiving break|None|
 +| ::: |:::|No class|Thanksgiving break|:::|
 +|6| November 26 - 30 (Withdraw Deadline 11/27) |7.4|Integration of Rational Functions by Partial Fractions|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|7.8|Improper Integrals|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|8.1|Arc Length|
 +|7| December 3 - 7|10.1|Parametric Equations (Curves)|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|10.2|Calculus Using Parametric Curves|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|Review|| ::: |
 + ===== Schedule for Math 226 (Beginning Friday October 22) =====
 +Next to certain sections below you'll see "​**Video Required**"​. These videos are located at the beginning of that section'​s assignment in WebAssign. You are required to watch these videos before that section is covered in class. ​
 +| Week | Dates | Sections | Topics | Basic Skills Tests |
 +|9| Oct 22 |6.1 (Video Required)|Functions and their Inverses|None|
 +|10| Oct 25 - 29 (**Add Deadline** - Thursday, October 28)|6.2*|The Natural Logarithmic Function|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.2*|The Natural Logarithmic Function|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.3*|The Natural Exponential Function|:::​|
 +|11| Nov 1 - 9 (**Drop Deadline** - Thursday, November 4)|6.4* |General Logarithmic & Exponential Functions|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|6.5 (Video Required) |Exponential Growth and Decay|:::|
 +| ::: |:::​|6.6|Inverses of Trigonometric Functions|:::​|
 +|12| Nov 8-12 | 6.8|Indeterminate Forms & L'​Hospital'​s Rule|The Basic Skills Test begins on Monday Nov 8 and you have until Friday Nov 12 to take your 1st attempt. You then have until Fri Nov 19 to take your 2nd (final) attempt. You cannot take more than one attempt on any one day. The test covers sections 6.1-6.4 and 6.6.|
 +| ::: |:::|6.8 & 7.1 (Video Required)|L'​Hospital'​s Rule & Integration by Parts|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|7.1 (Video Required)|Integration by Parts| ::: |
 +|13| Nov 15 - 19 |7.2|Trigonometric Integrals|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|7.3 (Video Required) |Inverse Trig Substitution|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::​|Review| ​ | **Last Day to Take the Skills Test** |
 +|14| Nov 22 - 26 |**Exam 1** Topics cover Sections 6.1-7.2|Exam will take place in person during regular class time|None|
 +| ::: | ::: |**No class**|**Thanksgiving Break**|:::​|
 +| ::: | ::: |**No class**|**Thanksgiving Break**|:::​|
 +|15| Nov 29 - Dec 3 |7.3 (Video Required) |Inverse Trig Substitution|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|7.4 (Video required)| Integration of Rational Functions|:::​|
 +| ::: |:::|7.8 (Video Required)|Improper Integrals|:::​|
 +|16| Dec 6-10 (**Withdraw Deadline** is Friday, Dec 10) |8.1 (Video Required) & 10.1|Arc Length & Parametric Curves|:::|
 +| ::: |:::|10.2 (Video Required)|Calculus with Parametric Curves| ::: |
 +| ::: |:::| Review for Final | | ::: |
 +|17| Dec 13-17 |**Final Exam on Date and Time Assigned by Registrar**|Final Exam covers all topics from the course but with focus on Sections 11.6 - 11.11|:::|
 +===== Supplementary Materials and Links =====
 +Here we provide links to documents and websites you may find useful throughout the semester. ​
 +They do not constitute an official part of the course, nor are they endorsed by the Department
 +of Mathematical Sciences. Use them at your own discretion.
 +[[http://​​~scotz47781/​mat120/​notes/​divide_poly/​long_division/​long_division.html|Polynomial Long Division]]
 +(Useful for Partial Fractions)
 +[[http://​​Classes/​Alg/​Factoring.aspx#​Pre_Fac_Ex1_a|Factorization of polynomials]] ​
 +(Useful for Partial Fractions)
 +[[http://​​alex/​EXAMS_PUBLIC/​limitnotes.pdf|Useful Limits to Know]]
 +[[http://​​alex/​EXAMS_PUBLIC/​Convergence_Handout.pdf|Guide to Checking Convergence/​Divergence of Series (from Prof. Kazmierczak)]]
 +[[http://​​alex/​EXAMS_PUBLIC/​InfiniteSeries.pdf|Another Guide to Checking Convergence/​Divergence of Series]]
 +[[http://​​alex/​EXAMS_PUBLIC/​Series_Tests_Flowchart.pdf|A flowchart to help you check Convergence/​Divergence of Series]]
 +The following are pdf files with a polar coordinates grid (in radians or degrees) on which you can conveniently make graphs of functions given in polar coordinates.
 +[[http://​​alex/​EXAMS_PUBLIC/​polar_graph_paper_radians.pdf|Polar Coordinates Graph (radians)]]
 +[[http://​​alex/​EXAMS_PUBLIC/​polar_graph_paper_degrees.pdf|Polar Coordinates Graph (degrees)]]
 +For Calc II see:
 +[[http://​​calculus.php| An excellent source for math videos]] ​
 +[[http://​​ | Another excellent source for math videos]]
 +[[http://​​|MathWorld]] ​ - more math resources.