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===== SPRING 2025 =====
Anticipated sp... >
<HTML><li></HTML>**Tuesday, 2/18**\\
Speaker: ThomasZaslavsky (Binghamton) \\
Title: What a Projective Rectang... candidacy exam. The examining committee will be ThomasZaslavsky (chair) and ? and ? (!).
--... s, Tara Koskulitz, Ali Salahshoori, Stefan Viola, ThomasZaslavsky\\
Title: Like speed dating, but combinatorics\\
epresentability of Bias Matroids of Signed Graphs|ThomasZaslavsky|
|1998|Denise Reboli|On Generalized Hamiltonian G... |Orientations of Biased Graphs and Their Matroids|ThomasZaslavsky|
|2000|Joanna Su|Homotopy Theory of Modules|Peter... Characterization of the Mixed Branching Greedoid|ThomasZaslavsky|
|2003|John Donnelly|Properties of Richard Thomps... Matroids, and Biased Expansions of Biased Graphs|ThomasZaslavsky|
|2004|Omar Saldarriaga|Fusion Algebras, Symmetri
son]], [[matthias/|Matthias Beck]], and [[zaslav/|ThomasZaslavsky]].
* **Monday, January 27**\\
//Speaker//: ThomasZaslavsky (Binghamton)\\
//Title//: [[abstract.200301zas|Semiunique Representation of Some Biase... e consists of Matthias Beck, Fernando Guzmán, and ThomasZaslavsky (chair). Everyone is invited to attend.
* **Tue... e consists of Matthias Beck, Fernando Guzmán, and ThomasZaslavsky (chair). Everyone is invited to attend.
* **Fri
s: [[delucchi/|Emanuele Delucchi]], and [[zaslav/|ThomasZaslavsky]].
The usual day, time, and place are:
**Tuesda... ng (all should come)\\
+ chat with\\
//Speaker//: ThomasZaslavsky (Binghamton)\\
//Title//: [[abstract.200809zas|Fu... i></HTML>**Tuesday, September 16**\\
//Speaker//: ThomasZaslavsky (Binghamton)\\
//Title//: [[abstract.200809zasa|Q... ><li></HTML>**Tuesday, October 7**\\
//Speaker//: ThomasZaslavsky (Binghamton)\\
//Title//: [[abstract.200810zas|Tu
son]], [[matthias/|Matthias Beck]], and [[zaslav/|ThomasZaslavsky]].
* **Wednesday, September 4**\\
//Speaker//: ThomasZaslavsky (Binghamton)\\
//Title//: [[abstract.200209zas|The Circle Test for Balance of a Ga... November 18 (Note special day.)**\\
//Speaker//: ThomasZaslavsky (Binghamton)\\
//Title//: [[abstract.200211zas|In... ee consists of Laura Anderson, Matthias Beck, and ThomasZaslavsky.\\
//Time//: 2:50-3:50\\
//Room//: LN-2205
* **
ganizers: [[laura/|Laura Anderson]] and [[zaslav/|ThomasZaslavsky]].
===== Scheduled Talks in the Spring Se... 2205
* **Thursday, February 10**\\
//Speaker//: ThomasZaslavsky (Binghamton)\\
//Title//: [[abstract.200502zas|Qu... LN-2201
* **Thursday, March 3**\\
//Speaker//: ThomasZaslavsky (Binghamton)\\
//Title//: [[abstract.200503zas|Si... of Mr. Flórez's thesis defense. The committee is ThomasZaslavsky (chair), Laura Anderson, Marcin Mazur, and Gary G