##Statistics Seminar##\\ Department of Mathematics and Statistics
^ **DATE:**|Thursday, September 28, 2023 |
^ **TIME:**|1:15pm -- 2:15pm |
^ **LOCATION:**|WH 100E |
^ **SPEAKER:**|Yangsheng Wang, Binghamton University |
^ **TITLE:**|Neural networks for clustered and longitudinal data using mixed effects models |
Although most statistical methods for the analysis of
longitudinal data have focused on retrospective models of association, new
advances in mobile health data have presented opportunities for predicting
future health status by leverag- ing an individual’s behavioral history
alongside data from similar patients. Meth- ods that incorporate both
individual-level and sample-level effects are critical to using these data
to its full predictive capacity. Neural networks are powerful tools for
prediction, but many assume input observations are independent even when
they are clustered or correlated in some way, such as in longitudinal data.
Gener- alized linear mixed models (GLMM) provide a flexible framework for
modeling longitudinal data but have poor predictive power particularly when
the data are highly nonlinear. We propose a generalized neural network
mixed model that replaces the linear fixed effect in a GLMM with the output
of a feed-forward neural network. The model simultaneously accounts for the
correlation struc- ture and complex nonlinear relationship between input
variables and outcomes, and it utilizes the predictive power of neural
networks. We apply this approach to predict depression and anxiety levels
of schizophrenic patients using longitu- dinal data collected from passive
smartphone sensor data.