==== Fall 2017 ==== * **August 31**\\ //Speaker//: [[http://www2.math.binghamton.edu/p/people/qyu/start/|Qiqing Yu]] (Binghamton University) \\ //Topic//: The Marginal Distribution Approach For Testing Independence And Goodness-of-fit In Linear Models \\ [[seminars:stat:170831|Abstract]] * **September 7**\\ //Speaker//: [[http://www2.math.binghamton.edu/p/people/grads/fang/start/|Yuan Fang]] (Binghamton University) \\ //Topic//: Bayesian Approach to Parameter Estimation for the mixtures of Multivariate Normal Inverse Gaussian Distributions \\ [[seminars:stat:170907|Abstract]] * **September 14**\\ //Speaker//: [[http://www2.math.binghamton.edu/p/people/grads/wang2/start/|Wenbo Wang]] (Binghamton University) \\ //Topic//: Vector representation of words from very large data sets \\ [[seminars:stat:170914|Abstract]] * **September 21**\\ //No seminar due to University holiday (Rosh Hashanah)// \\ * **September 28**\\ //Speaker//: [[https://sphhp.buffalo.edu/biostatistics/faculty-and-staff/faculty-directory/jinheeyu.html|Jihnhee Yu]] (SUNY Buffalo) \\ //Topic//: Applications of empirical likelihood methods to some U-statistics \\ [[seminars:stat:170928|Abstract]] * **October 5**\\ //Speaker//: [[http://www-math.mit.edu/~edelman/|Alan Edelman]] (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) \\ The Dean's Speaker Series in Statistics and Data Science. \\ //Special Location//: WH G02\\ //Topic//: The Generalized Singular Value Decomposition: Matrix Trigonometry or Where are the Ellipses? \\ [[seminars:stat:171005|Abstract]] * **October 12**\\ //Speaker//: [[https://orfe.princeton.edu/~jqfan/|Jianqing Fan]] (Princeton University) \\ The Dean's Speaker Series in Statistics and Data Science. \\ //Special Location//: WH G02\\ //Topic//: Distributed Estimation of Principal Eigenspaces \\ [[seminars:stat:171012|Abstract]] * **October 19**\\ //Speaker//: [[http://www.psych.mcgill.ca/labs/ramsay/ramsay.html|James O. Ramsay]] (McGill University) \\ The Dean's Speaker Series in Statistics and Data Science. \\ //Special Location//: WH G02\\ //Topic//: From Brain to Hand to Statistics with Dynamic Smoothing \\ [[seminars:stat:171019|Abstract]] * **October 26**\\ //Speaker//: [[https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/biostat/people/faculty/oakes.aspx|David Oakes]] (University of Rochester) \\ The Dean's Speaker Series in Statistics and Data Science. \\ //Special Location//: WH G02\\ //Topic//: The Win Ratio For Analysis of Clinical Trials With Multiple Outcomes \\ [[seminars:stat:171026|Abstract]] * **November 2**\\ //Speaker//: [[http://www2.math.binghamton.edu/p/people/grads/dong/start/|Junyi Dong]] (Binghamton University) \\ //Topic//:The Marginal Distribution Method for Generalized Linear Model \\ [[seminars:stat:171102|Abstract]] * **November 9**\\ //Speaker//: [[http://www2.math.binghamton.edu/p/people/grads/yao2/start/|Lin Yao]] (Binghamton University) \\ //Topic//:Optimal Model Averaging Estimation for Generalized Linear Models and Generalized Linear Mixed-Effects Models \\ [[seminars:stat:171109|Abstract]] * **November 16**\\ //Speaker//: [[http://www2.math.binghamton.edu/p/people/grads/cheny/start/|Yinsong Chen]] (Binghamton University) \\ //Topic//:Coupling Method and Coupling From the Past with Ising Model \\ [[seminars:stat:171116|Abstract]] * **November 30**\\ //Speaker//[[http://www2.math.binghamton.edu/p/people/grads/cheny/start/|Yinsong Chen]] (Binghamton University) \\ //Topic//:Coupling Method and Coupling From the Past with Ising Model \\ [[seminars:stat:171130|Abstract]] * **December 7**\\ //Speaker//: [[http://www2.math.binghamton.edu/p/people/grads/liu/start/|Ruiqi Liu]] (Binghamton University) \\ //Topic//:Identification and estimation of panel data models with group structures\\ [[seminars:stat:171207|Abstract]]