##Statistics Seminar##\\ Department of Mathematical Sciences
^ **DATE:**|Thursday, May 5, 2022 |
^ **TIME:**|1:15pm -- 2:15pm |
^ **LOCATION:**|Zoom meeting |
^ **SPEAKER:**|Zhou Wang, Binghamton University |
^ **TITLE:**|Learning Acceptance Regions for Many Classes with Anomaly Detection |
Consider a hypothesis test that determines if an observation
belongs to a particular class in a multicategory classification setting.
The set of all observations for which the null hypothesis is accepted is
called the acceptance region. Set-valued classification, a new
classification paradigm that aims to identify all the plausible classes
that an observation may belong to, can be obtained by constructing
acceptance regions for all classes. There is a growing literature on
set-valued classification; however, many existing methods do not take into
account the possibility that a new class that never appeared in the
training data suddenly appears in the test data. Moreover, many existing
methods are based on complex numerical optimization that aims to train a
set of decision functions for all the classes simultaneously, which can add
a significant computational burden especially when the number of classes is
large. In this article, we propose a Generalized Prediction Set (GPS)
approach to estimate the acceptance region for each class, while taking
into account the possibility of a new class in the test data. The proposed
classifier minimizes the expected size of the prediction set for each
observation while guaranteeing that the class-specific accuracy is at least
a pre-specified value. Unlike previous methods, the proposed method
achieves a good balance between accuracy, efficiency, and anomaly detection
rate. Moreover, our method can be applied in parallel to all the classes so
as to alleviate the computational burden. Both theoretical analysis and
numerical experiments are conducted to illustrate the effectiveness of the
proposed method.