##Statistics Seminar##\\ Department of Mathematical Sciences
^ **DATE:**|Thursday, Sept. 24, 2020 |
^ **TIME:**|1:15pm -- 2:15pm |
^ **LOCATION:**|Zoom meeting |
^ **SPEAKER:**|Zhou Wang, Binghamton University |
^ **TITLE:**|Consistency of Plug-in Confidence Sets for Classification in Semi-supervised Learning|
Confident prediction is highly relevant in machine learning; for example, in
such as medical diagnoses, wrong prediction can be fatal. For classification, there
already exists procedures that allow to not classify data when the confidence in their
prediction is weak. This approach is known as classification with reject option. In the
this paper, the authors provide new methodology for this approach. Predicting a new
instance via a confidence set, they ensure an exact control of the probability of
classification. Moreover, they show that this methodology is easily implementable and
entails attractive theoretical and numerical properties.