##Statistics Seminar##\\ Department of Mathematical Sciences
^ **DATE:**|Thursday, March 12, 2020 |
^ **TIME:**|1:15pm -- 2:15pm |
^ **LOCATION:**|WH 100E |
^ **SPEAKER:**|Yifei Zeng, Binghamton University |
^ **TITLE:**|Genome-wide mapping of global-to-local genetic effects on human facial shape |
Genome-wide association scans of complex multipartite traits like the human face typically use preselected phenotypic mea-
sures. In this paper, they report a data-driven approach to phenotyping facial shape at multiple levels of organization, allowing for an open-ended description of facial variation while preserving statistical power. Compared to previous study there are 15 replicated loci been detected which highlighted distinctive patterns of global-to-local genetic effects on facial shape and showed
enrichment for active chromatin elements in human cranial neural crest cells, suggesting an early developmental origin of the
facial variation captured.