##Statistics Seminar##\\ Department of Mathematical Sciences ~~META:title =March 24, 2016~~ ^ **DATE:**|Thursday, March 24, 2016 | ^ **TIME:**|1:15pm to 2:15pm | ^ **LOCATION:**|WH 100E | ^ **SPEAKER:**|Qiqing Yu, Binghamton University | ^ **TITLE:**|The Marginal Distribution Diagnostic Plotting Method And Tests for Multiple Linear Regression Models| \\ **Abstract** We propose a new diagnostic plotting method, called the marginal distribution plots, for the linear regression model. The method induces a class of model checking tests. The MD approach has certain advantages over the residuals plots and existing model checking tests. It can be a nice complement to the existing approaches. Simulation results suggest that the MD tests are more powerful than the existing tests when the linear regression models are not appropriate.