===== Previous talks in the Data Science Seminar =====
==== Spring 2017 ====
* **January 17**\\ **NO SEMINAR OR GROUP MEETING**
* **January 24**, **January 31**, **February 7**, **February 14**, **February 21**, **February 28**\\ Internal [[mlwg]] meeting
* **March 7**\\ **WINTER BREAK**
* **March 21**\\ //Speaker//: **[[people:udang:start]]** (Mathematical Sciences and CLT at Binghamton University)\\ //Topic//: **Tools for Efficient Statistical Computing in R**\\ [[seminars:datasci:170321|Abstract]]
* **March 28**\\ //Speaker//: **[[http://www.stat.osu.edu/~zhu.219/|Yunzhang Zhu]]** (Ohio State University)\\ //Topic//: **Maximum Likelihood Inference for a Large Precision Matrix**\\ [[seminars:datasci:170328|Abstract]]
* **April 4**\\ //Speaker//: **[[http://www.cs.binghamton.edu/~ghyan/|Guanhua Yan]]** (CS at Binghamton University)\\ //Topic//: **Improving Efficiency of Link Clustering on Multi-Core Machines**\\ [[seminars:datasci:170404|Abstract]]
* **April 11**\\ **SPRING BREAK**
* **April 18**\\ //Speaker//: **[[http://bingweb.binghamton.edu/~ccheng/|Changqing Cheng]]** (SSIE at Binghamton University)\\ //Topic//: **Heterogeneous Recurrence Monitoring of Dynamic Transients in Ultraprecision Machining Processes**\\ [[seminars:datasci:170418|Abstract]]
* **April 20 (special time: 1:15 -- 2:15 pm)**\\ //Speaker//: **[[http://wetlands.io/|Qiusheng Wu]]** (Geography at Binghamton University)\\ //Topic//: **Environmental Monitoring and Analysis with Geospatial Big Data Powered by Google Earth Engine**\\ [[seminars:datasci:170420|Abstract]]
* **April 25**\\ //Speaker//: **[[http://www.personal.psu.edu/lxx6/|Lingzhou Xue]]** (Pennsylvania State University)\\ //Topic//: **Sufficient Forecasting Using Factor Models**\\ [[seminars:datasci:170425|Abstract]]
* **May 2**\\ No Data Science seminar. There is a capstone seminar at noon and an admission to candidacy exam at 1:30 pm.
* **May 9**\\ //Speaker//: **[[https://cmse.msu.edu/directory/faculty/yuying-xie/|Yuying Xie]]** (Michigan State University)\\ //Topic//: **Joint Estimation of Multiple Dependent Gaussian Graphical Models with Applications to Mouse Genomics**\\ [[seminars:datasci:170509|Abstract]]
===== Previous talks in the Statistical Machine Learning Seminar =====
==== Fall 2016 ====
* **September 27**\\ //Speaker//: **Wei Qian** (Rochester Institute of Technology)\\ //Topic//: **Sufficient Dimension Reduction in High Dimension**\\ [[:seminars:sml:160927|Abstract]]
* **October 18**\\ //Speaker//: **Yang Feng** (Columbia University)\\ //Topic//: **Community detection with nodal information**\\ [[:seminars:sml:161018|Abstract]]
* **October 25**\\ //Speaker//: **Guan Yu** (University at Buffalo)\\ //Topic//: **Supervised Learning Incorporating Graphical Structure among Predictors**\\ [[:seminars:sml:161025|Abstract]]
* **November 1**\\ //Speaker//: **Yu Chen** (ECE at Binghamton University)\\ //Topic//: **Enabling Smart Urban Surveillance at The Edge**\\ [[:seminars:sml:161101|Abstract]]
* **November 8**\\ //Speaker//: **Chengbin Deng** (Geography at Binghamton University)\\ //Topic//: **Use of Big Geospatial Data for Better Mapping and Understanding Urban Environment**\\ [[:seminars:sml:161108|Abstract]]
* **November 15**\\ //Speaker//: **Ziang Zhang** (ECE at Binghamton University)\\ //Topic//: **Asymptotical Frequency Synchronization of Kuramoto
Oscillators by Topology Evolution**\\ [[:seminars:sml:161115|Abstract]]
* **December 06**\\ //Speaker//: **Yang Ning** (Cornell University)\\ //Topic//: **A General Framework for High-Dimensional Inference and Multiple Testing**\\ [[:seminars:sml:161206|Abstract]]
==== Spring 2016 ====
* **February 23**\\ //Speaker//: **Xin Qi** (Mathematical Sciences)\\ //Topic//: **RE: Joint estimation of multiple graphical models**\\ [[:seminars:sml:160223|Abstract]]
* ** March 1**\\ //Speaker//: **Wenbo Wang** (Mathematical Sciences)\\ //Topic//: **RE: Multicategory Angle-based Large-margin Classification and Reinforced SVM**\\ [[:seminars:sml:160301|Abstract]]
* **March 8**\\ //Speaker//: **Lin Yao** (Mathematical Sciences)\\ //Topic//: **RE: Sparse Regression Incorporating Graphical Structure among Predictors**\\ [[:seminars:sml:160308|Abstract]]
* ** March 15**\\ //Speaker//: **Junyi Dong** (Mathematical Sciences)\\ //Topic//: **Diagnostic Plotting Methods for Proportional Hazards Models With Time-dependent Covariates or Time-varying Regression Coefficients**\\ [[:seminars:sml:160315|Abstract]]
* ** March 22**\\ //Speaker//: **Grace Wang** (Syracuse University)\\ //Topic//: **ConceFT: Concentration of Frequency and Time via a multitapered synchrosqueezed transform**\\ [[:seminars:sml:160322|Abstract]]
* **April 12**\\ //Speaker//: **Ruiqi Liu** (Mathematical Sciences)\\ //Topic//: **TBD**\\ [[:seminars:sml:160412|Abstract]]
* ** April 19**\\ //Speaker//: **Rachael Kline** (Mathematical Sciences)\\ //Topic//: **RE: Joint Estimation of Multiple Precision Matrices with Common Structures**\\ [[:seminars:sml:160419|Abstract]]
* ** April 26**\\ //Speaker//: **Wolfgang Wefelmeyer** (Universit?t zu K?ln)\\ //Topic//: **Density estimators in regression models with errors in covariates**\\ [[:seminars:sml:160426|Abstract]]
* ** May 10** (Ph.D. dissertation defense)\\ //Time//: **12-2 pm**\\ //Location//: **WH 100E**\\ //Speaker//: **Qinggang Diao** (Mathematical Sciences)\\ //Topic//: **Cox proportional hazards model with time-dependent covariates**\\ [[:seminars:sml:160510|Abstract]]
==== Fall 2015 ====
* **September 29**\\ //Speaker//: **Xu Chu** (Mathematical Sciences)\\ //Topic//: **Lasso, AdaLasso and Sure Independence Screening**\\ [[:seminars:sml:150929|Abstract]]
* **October 6**\\ //Speaker//: **Wenbo Wang** (Mathematical Sciences)\\ //Topic//: **Selection consistency of lasso and Stability Selection**\\ [[:seminars:sml:151006|Abstract]]
* **October 13**\\ //Speaker//: **Wenming Deng** (Mathematical Sciences)\\ //Topic//: **The Bolasso, the Dantzig selector and more on Stability Selection**\\ [[:seminars:sml:151013|Abstract]]
* **October 20**\\ Speaker: **Xin Qi** (Mathematical Sciences)\\ Topic: **On False Discovery Rate (I)**\\ [[:seminars:sml:151020|Abstract]]
* **October 27**\\ Speaker: **Lin Yao** (Mathematical Sciences)\\ Topic: **On False Discovery Rate (II)**\\ [[:seminars:sml:151027|Abstract]]
* **November 3**\\ //Speaker//: **Xiaojie Du** (Binghamton University)\\ //Topic//: **Inference About the Slope in Linear Regression with Missing Responses: An Empirical Likelihood Approach.**\\ [[:seminars:sml:151103|Abstract]]
* **November 10**\\ Speaker: **Junyi Dong** (Mathematical Sciences)\\ Topic: **The Family of Distributions With Proportional Hazards**\\ [[:seminars:sml:151110|Abstract]]
* **December 1**\\ Speaker: **Chen Liang** (Mathematical Sciences)\\ Topic: **On Information Criterion**\\ [[:seminars:sml:151201|Abstract]]
* **December 8**\\ Speaker: **Baiyang Qi** (Mathematical Sciences)\\ Special Location: **WH G02**\\ Topic: **Building a model for scoring 20 or more runs in a baseball game**\\ [[:seminars:sml:151208|Abstract]]
==== Fall 2014 ====
* **September 9**\\ Speaker: Ganggang Xu (Mathematical Sciences)\\ Topic: Asymptotic optimality and efficient computation of the leave-subject-out cross-validation\\ [[:seminars:sml:140909|Abstract]]
* **September 11** (talk in the [[seminars:stat|Statistics Seminar]])\\ Time: 1:15-2:15 pm (NOTE SPECIAL DAY AND TIME)\\ Speaker: Guang Cheng (Purdue University)\\ Topic: Semi-Nonparametric Inference for Massive Data\\ [[:seminars:stat:140911|Abstract]]
* **September 23**\\ Speaker: Wei Sun (Purdue University)\\ Topic: Causal Inference Framework for Complex Advertising Effect Measurement\\ [[:seminars:sml:140923|Abstract]]
* **October 29**\\ Note for special day, time & location.\\ Time: 12:00 - 1:30 \\ Location: OW-G002 \\ Speaker: Rob Graessle, MathWorks Application Engineer\\ Topic: Machine Learning with MATLAB \\ Abstract: Learn about machine learning techniques available in MATLAB and how you can use them to quickly explore your data, evaluate algorithms, compare the results, and apply the best technique to your problem. \\ {{:seminars:sml:102914_Binghamton_Poster.pdf|Poster}}\\ Lunch will be provided. Please register at this link: http://www.mathworks.com/seminars/BU2014\\ Walk-in is welcome.\\ The time of the session has been changed due to the change of venue in response to the unexpected number of registrations.
* **November 18**\\ Speaker: Ming Yang (Computer Science)\\ Topic: Multi-task learning with Gaussian Matrix Generalized Inverse Gaussian Model\\ [[:seminars:sml:141118|Abstract]]
* **THIS TALK IS POSTPONED TO SPRING**\\ Speaker: Yingming Li (Computer Science)\\ Topic: Scientific Articles Recommendation\\ [[:seminars:sml:141202|Abstract]]
/* * **November 4**\\ Speaker: ?? (??? University)\\ Topic: ??????????????\\ [[:seminars:sml:141104|Abstract]]
* **November 18**\\ Speaker: ?? (??? University)\\ Topic: ??????????????\\ [[:seminars:sml:141118|Abstract]]
* **December 2**\\ Speaker: ?? (??? University)\\ Topic: ??????????????\\ [[:seminars:sml:141202|Abstract]]