October 24
Speaker: Brian Hwang (Cornell)
Title: An application of automorphic forms to Galois theory
Abstract: A classical problem in Galois theory is a strong variant of the Inverse Galois Problem: “What finite groups arise as the Galois group of a finite Galois extension of the rational numbers, if you impose the additional condition that the extension can only ramify at finite set of primes?” This question is wide open in almost every nonabelian case, and one reason is our lack of knowledge about how to find number fields with prescribed ramification at fixed primes. While such fields are often constructed to answer arithmetic questions, there is currently no known way to systematically construct such extensions in full generality.
However, there are some inspiring programs that are gaining ground on this front. One method, initiated by Chenevier, is to construct such number fields using Galois representations and their associated automorphic representations via the Langlands correspondence. We will explain the method, show how some recent advances in these subfields allow us to gain some additional control over the number fields constructed, and indicate how this brings us closer to our goal. As a application, we will show how one can use this knowledge to study the arithmetic of curves over number fields.