Michael Gottstein, Spring, 2024
Thesis: Partitions and Gain Graphs
Nicholas Lacasse, Spring, 2023
Thesis: Signed Graphs & Gain Graphs:Packing, Root Systems,Alcoves & Arrangements
Christopher Eppolito, Summer, 2022 (Co-advisor Laura Anderson)
Thesis: Matroids: Mystic Monoliths, Meta Missiles, and Myopic Meadows
Amelia Mattern, Spring, 2020
Thesis: Deficiency in Signed Graphs
Richard Behr, Spring, 2018
Thesis: Edge Coloring and Special Edges of Signed Graphs
Simon Joyce, Fall, 2017
Thesis: Interaction Graphs Derived From Activation Functions and Their Application to Gene Regulation
Alexander Schaefer, Summer, 2017
Thesis: Permutable Matchings and Negative Cycle Vectors
Jackie Kaminski, Summer, 2013
Thesis: Classification of Factored Gain-Graphic Hyperplane Arrangements
Nathan Reff, Spring, 2012
Thesis: Gain Graphs, Group-Oriented Hypergraphs, and Matrices
Lucas Rusnak, Spring, 2010
Thesis: Oriented Hypergraphs
Garry Bowlin, Summer, 2009
Thesis: Maximum Frustration of Bipartite Signed Graphs
Rigoberto Florez, Summer, 2005
Thesis: Four Studies in the Geometry of Biased Graphs
Lori Koban, Summer, 2004
Thesis: Two Generalizations of Biased Graph Theory: Circuit Signatures and Modular Triples of Matroids, and Biased Expansions of Biased Graphs
Steven Tedford, Spring, 2002
Thesis: A Characterization of the Mixed Branching Greedoid
Daniel Slilaty, Summer, 2000
Thesis: Orientations of Biased Graphs and Their Matroids
Steve Pagano, Spring, 1998
Thesis: Separability and Representability of Bias Matroids of Signed Graphs