====== Weekly schedule ====== **Math 223 Fall 2018** | Week | Dates | Sections | Topics |**Videos to view before class in WebAssign (click on "Resources" tab)**| | 1 | August 22--24|Appendix A|Inequalities & Absolute Values|Kazmierczak video in precalc text section 1.8| | ::: |:::|Appendix B| Coordinate Geometry & Lines|Kazmierczak video in precalc text section 1.10| |2| August 27--31 |Appendix C|Graphs of Second-Degree Equations|Kazmierczak video in precalc text section 1.9| | ::: |:::|1.1|Functions|Kazmierczak videos in precalc text sections 1.4, 2.2 "Graphing a Piecewise Funct", 2.3, and 2.6 "Even & Odd Functs"| | ::: |:::|1.2|Mathematical Models|Kazmierczak videos in precalc text sections 1.5, 3.1, and 3.2| |3| September 3--7 (Wednesday, September 5 is **Drop Deadline**) |Labor Day|No Class| | ::: |:::|1.3 (**Drop Deadline**)|New Functions from Old Functions|Kazmierczak video in precalc text section 2.6 and 2.7| | ::: |:::|no section in book, material comes from class notes|Dividing Polynomials and Factoring|Kazmierczak and Mosely videos in precalc text section 3.3 and Kazmierczak videos in section 3.4| |4| September 10--14|Rosh Hashanah|No class| | ::: |:::|Appendix D|Trigonometry|Kazmierczak videos in precalc text sections 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3| | ::: |:::|Appendix D|Trigonometry|Kazmierczak videos in precalc text sections 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3| |5| September 17--21|Review| | ::: |:::|Yom Kippur|No class| | ::: |:::|**Exam 1**|All exams in class| |6| September 24--28|6.1 & 6.6 (no calculus)|Inverse Functions & Inverse Trig Functions|Kazmierczak videos in precalc | ::: |:::||6.2 (no calculus)|Exponential Functions|Kazmierczak videos in precalc text sections 4.1 & 4.2| | ::: |:::| 6.3 (no calculus) |Logarithmic Functions|Kazmierczak videos in precalc text sections 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, and 4.6| |7| October 1--5 (Thursday, October 4 is **withdraw with a "W" deadline**)| 1.5|Limit of a Function (intuitive)|Kazmierczak and Mosely videos in precalc text section 13.1| | ::: |:::|1.6|Calculating Limits|Kazmierczak and Mosely videos in precalc text section 13.2| | ::: |:::|1.6 & 1.8|More Limits & Continuity|No video or Warmup| |8| October 8-12|1.8| Continuity|No video or warmup| | ::: |:::|**Review**| | ::: |:::|Fall Break|No class| |9| October 15--19|**Review**|| ::: | | ::: |:::|**Final Exam** covering all topics from the course with a focus on Appendix D through continuity|All exams in class| ::: | | ::: |:::|**224 Begins**|1.4|Tangent and Velocity Problems|Kazmierczak videos in precalc text sections 2.4 and 13.3|