Math 447 - Probability ---- The final is posted on blackboard. ---- Update 4/21 It seems to me the best way to do online Office Hours is by appointment. So if you want to talk, please send me a message with a few times in the next couple days that you can meet. ---- Update May 4- A final that I gave before is posted on Blackboard. It should give you an idea of the difficultly of questions and remind you of some of the earlier stuff we covered. The format will be similar to a normal final, with some changes due to the fact that it is not in class. You'll have to 2 hours hours, during the scheduled exam time to complete the exam and then a bit more time to upload it. ---- {{people:renfrew:Syllabus-447-2020.pdf|Syllabus}} **{{people:renfrew:ATP-Renfrew-447.pdf|Update to the Syllabus}} (Posted March 16.) ** To login into Webwork use your Binghamton username (from your email) as your username and password. Webwork link: ---- Homework: {{people:renfrew:hw1-447-20.pdf|Homework 1- Due Friday Jan. 31}} Solutions to written part are posted on Blackboard. {{people:renfrew:hw2-447-20.pdf|Homework 2- Due Friday Feb. 7}} {{people:renfrew:hw3-447-20.pdf|Homework 3- Due Friday Feb. 14}} {{people:renfrew:hw4-447-20.pdf|Homework 4- Due Friday Feb. 21}} {{people:renfrew:hw5-447-20.pdf|Homework 5- Due Friday Feb. 28}} {{people:renfrew:hw6-447-20.pdf|Homework 6- Due Monday Mar. 9}} (NOTE: I posted a wrong version of the homework on the 28th but fixed it that Saturday morning. If you somehow only saw the first version, and turned that in, please turn your homework back in for regrading.) {{people:renfrew:hw7-447-20.pdf|Homework 7- Due Friday Mar. 13}} {{people:renfrew:hw8-447-20.pdf|Homework 8- Due Friday Mar. 20}} {{people:renfrew:hw9-447-20.pdf|Homework 9- Due Friday Mar. 27}} {{people:renfrew:hw10-447-20.pdf|Homework 10- Due Friday Apr. 3}} (Note 1a, had a typo that made it not a probability distribution, it's fixed now) {{people:renfrew:hw10-447-20-hints.pdf|Homework 10 Hints}} {{people:renfrew:hw11-447-20.pdf|Homework 11- Due Friday Apr. 17}} Note: On the webwork problems you have until next Tuesday, but turn the written homework in on Friday. {{people:renfrew:hw12-447-20.pdf|Homework 12- Due Friday Apr. 24}} Note: No webwork problems this week. {{people:renfrew:447-20-hw13.pdf|Homework 13- Due Friday May 1}} Update 4/27: I slightly modified problem 2, to make it slightly nicer, you can do either version. {{people:renfrew:447-20-hw14.pdf|Homework 14}} The written problems will not be collected. The webwork problems should be done before May 11. From now on grades will just be posted on Gradescope (not Blackboard). {{people:renfrew:Midterm2info.pdf|Midterm 2 info.}} Please read carefully, and let me know as soon as possible any issues. Solutions to the practice midterm are posted. ---- Calendar: 1/22 Sections 2.3-4 1/24 Sections 2.3-5 1/27 Section 2.6 1/29 Section 2.6 1/31 Section 2.7 2/3 Section 2.8 2/5 Section 2.9-10 2/7 Snow Day 2/10 Section 2.9-10 2/12 Section 3.2-3.3 2/14 Section 3.4 2/17 Section 3.5-3.6 2/19 Section 3.7-3.8 2/21 Section 3.8 2/24 Section 3.9 2/26 Section Review 2/28 Midterm 1 {{people:renfrew:midterm1-447-2020-info.pdf|Midterm 1 info}} A practice Midterm is posted on Blackboard\\ Scores are posted on Blackboard. Log-in to Gradescope to see your exam (You should have gotten an email). 3/2 Section 4.2 3/4 Section 4.3/4.4 3/6 Holiday 3/9 Section 4.5 3/11 Section 4.6 3/13 Section 4.6-4.8 3/16 {{people:renfrew:447-3-16.pdf|Section 4.9}} 3/18 {{people:renfrew:447-3-18.pdf|Section 4.10}} Updated on 3/20 with a picture. 3/20 {{people:renfrew:447-3-20.pdf|Section 5.2}} Updated 3/20 to add shading to picture. Updated 3/31 to fix bounds of integration. 3/23 {{people:renfrew:447-3-23.pdf|Section 5.3}} Updated 3/25, more pictures added, typos corrected 3/25 The last 2 notes were long. So no new notes today. Review Double Integrals. 3/27 {{people:renfrew:447-3-27.pdf|Section 5.4}} 3/30 {{people:renfrew:447-3-30.pdf|Section 5.5/5.6}} (I forgot to change the title, it's fixed now) 4/1 {{people:renfrew:447-4-1.pdf|Section 5.7}} 4/3 Midterm 2 {{people:renfrew:Midterm2info.pdf|Midterm 2 info.}} See message at top of page from tutor. Solutions to the practice midterm are posted. 4/4-4/12 Spring Break NOTE: 4/14 I accidentally linked the same file for the following notes. It's fixed now. 4/13 {{people:renfrew:447-4-13.pdf|Section 5.8}} 4/16 I've updated these to include more details and explanations. I split it into 2 parts and more explanation is given in the examples in the second half. 4/15 {{people:renfrew:447-4-15.pdf|Section 5.9}} Note we skip 5.10. 4/17 {{people:renfrew:447-4-17.pdf|Section 5.11}} 4/20 {{people:renfrew:447-4-20.pdf|More problems from Chapter 5}} 4/22 No new notes today {{people:renfrew:447-4-22.pdf| Here is a short note on Conditional Expectations. Hopefully it makes it clearer. }} 4/24 {{people:renfrew:447-4-24.pdf|Section 6.2-6.4 Part I }} 4/27 {{people:renfrew:447-4-27.pdf|Section 6.2-6.4 Part II }} 4/29 No new notes {{people:renfrew:447-4-29.pdf|Short remark on functions of a random variable}} 5/1 {{people:renfrew:447-5-1.pdf|Section 6.5 }} 5/4 {{people:renfrew:447-5-4.pdf|Section 6.7}} The book does a lot in this section, you only need to worry about the minimum and maximum of n independent random variables. 5/11 12:50 Final {{people:renfrew:finalinfo-20-447.pdf|Final info}} Practice Final Problems are posted on Blackboard.