Table of Contents

Math 502 Statistical Inference.
Spring 2015


Math 501.

Learning Objectives

  1. Coverage: Chapters 6 through 10 in Casella & Berger.
  2. Sufficiency, completeness, likelihood, estimation, testing, decision theory, Bayesian inference, sequential procedures, multivariate distributions and inference, nonparametric inference, asymptotic theory.

The required text is Casella & Berger (see below). Some reference texts are listed below as well.


Homework assignments

Week 1

Due on 02/04

Week 2

Due on 02/11

Week 3

Due on 02/18

Week 4

Due on 02/25

Week 5

Due on 03/06

Week 6

Due on 03/11

Week 7

Due on 03/18

Week 8

Due on 03/25

Week 9

Due on 04/1

Week 10/11/12

Due on 04/22

Week 13

I am not satisfied with some of your answers to 9.23 in the homework returned today. I am giving a second chance for those who lost points for 9.23. You may submit your new answers (especially the numerical answers) along with this homework. I will consider adding back some points to that homework assignment. Please indicate that how many points you lost for 9.23. For the numerical answer, I have provided a Monte Carlo method to calculate the p value in the solution. You should use some other approach. For example, you can calculate the p value by taking the sum of the probabilities of $x$ which satisfies $LR(x)<LR(x_0)$ for $x=0,1,2,\dots,10000$ (instead of $\infty$) to approximate the p value, where $x_0$ is the observed data. This is just one suggestion and there are other approaches.

Due on 05/01

Week 14

R code notes pp. 60, fig10.r

	x=rgamma(m,n,1)/n # m X’s
	y=-2*(n*log(x)+n*(1-x)) # m λ’s
	qqplot(y,u,main=paste("QQ plot, n=",n))
	plot(sy,ppoints(sy), xlim=c(0.5,2), ylim=c(0.4,0.9), type="l", lty=1, main=paste("CDF, n=",n))
	lines(sy,pchisq(sy,1), xlim=c(0.5,2), ylim=c(0.4,0.9), type="l", lty=2)

pdf("fig10.pdf",height=9.0, width=6.5)

Due on 05/06