Table of Contents

Math 448 Introduction to Probability and Statistics II.
Fall 2014


Math 447 (grade C or above). Probability is the foundation of statistics. There will be a probability aptitude test (referred to as the PAT below) scheduled on Sept. 15. Please review the materials in Math 447 as early and as thorough as possible. Failure to display adequate aptitude in probability may lead to difficulty in the current course.

Learning Objectives

  1. Point estimation, confidence intervals and hypothesis testing.
  2. Linear regression model.
  3. Basic statistical software - R. Data input and manipulation. Plots. Model and formula. Simulation.

This course is a 4-credit course, which means that students are expected to do at least 12.5 hours of course-related work or activity each week during the semester. This includes scheduled class lecture/discussion meeting times as well as time spent completing assigned readings, studying for tests and examinations, preparing written and computing assignments, and other course-related tasks.

Required Textbook

Mathematical Statistics with Applications (7th ed.) by Wackerly, Mendenhall, and Scheaffer.

In the University Bookstore, the list price for the soft cover version is \$167, and for the hard cover version \$315 (as of 2014). Amazon has the hard cover book at price of $247. You may also try to rent the textbook from providers such as Amazon.

Online resources for R


Class Attendance

Attendance is partially mandatory, enforced by the daily quizzes. Following the academic policy listed in the University Bulletin, the instructor will NOT grade exams of any student missing more than 25% of the quizzes. The final grade will be an F if a student misses more than 25% if the quizzes. See more details in the Grading section below.

For the semester of Fall 2014, missing more than 8 quizzes without an advance notice will lead to an F.


Components Dates Points Time allowed
Quiz Daily 280 10 minutes/day * (31-3) days
Probability Aptitude Test (PAT) Sept. 15 40 40 minutes
Test 1 Sept. 29 150 90 minutes
Test 2 Oct. 24 150 90 minutes
Test 3 Nov. 17 150 90 minutes
Exam Dec. 15 230 120 minutes
TOTAL 1000

Dates for Quizzes, Tests and Exam

Monday Wednesday Friday
9/3 9/5
9/8 9/10 9/12
9/15 PAT 9/17 9/19
9/22 9/24 9/26
9/29 Test 1 10/1 10/3
10/6 10/8 10/10
10/13 10/15 10/17
10/20 10/22 10/24 Test 2
10/27 10/29 10/31
11/3 11/5 11/7
11/10 11/12 11/14
11/17 Test 3 11/19 11/21
11/24 11/26 11/28
12/1 12/3 12/5
12/8 12/10 12/12
12/15 final exam 12:50-14:50 at SW321

Homework Assignment


Some Deadlines

Note that a “Pass” grade in the “Pass/Fail” grade option does not count toward math degrees. If you are a math major, it is not advised to change the grade option to “Pass/Fail” unless you are ready to retake the course at a later time.


If you need to take a make-up, if possible, an advance request should be given. Checkable written proof to justify the request should be given.

In order to minimize the need for make-up exams and the stress of dealing with multiple exams, within the first two weeks of the semester, all students must check the exam schedules of other courses they are taking and make sure that there is no major conflict. The exam dates may be changed accordingly only if the instructor determines necessary.

Academic Dishonesty

Students found cheating will be reported to the Provost Office following the academic procedure listed in the University Bulletin. Laptop and electrical communication devices cannot be used in a quiz, test or exam. Calculator in a cellphone cannot be used. Calculators are in general not allowed.

Calculators are in general not allowed. If you are used to using calculators, you should practice on homework problems without using a calculator.


No laptop usage in classroom. Text messaging should be minimal. Late arrivals, early departures, cell phone conversations, eating and drinking, etc., are inappropriate behaviors. According to the Faculty-Staff Handbook, the instructor may ask those who, in the instructor’s judgment, have seriously impaired the class’s ability to achieve the objectiveness of the course, to leave the classroom.

How to succeed in this course

  1. Read the book once, before class!
  2. Do not try to study by reading the book many times. Come to the class and listen to the lecture. Be proactive in class. Ask 'why?'. Focus on the motivations.
  3. Don't solve a question by matching it to a formula in your memory. To understand statistical procedures is much easier than to memorize (and search for) these formulas.
  4. Do practice more on probability skills. You need them.
  5. Don't be ashamed for low quiz grades. To be challenged is part of the life and is a very good way of study.
  6. Do not skip class! You may never be able to make it up. The nature of the course decides that materials are built one upon another.
  7. This is not a “read the book three times the night before the exam ⇒ get an A” class.