/* DEPT_INFO LOGIN=mfochler */ /* ====================== IMPORTANT ========================= */ /* The lines between DEPT_INFO above and END_DEPT_INFO below are system */ /* generated and are updated every night. If you desire to edit them, */ /* remove the lines with DEPT_INFO and DEPT_INFO_END so that you will not */ /* lose your editing. */ ~~NOCACHE~~ | {{http://people.math.binghamton.edu/images//faculty/mfochler.jpg?220x260}} | ===== Michael Fochler ===== Adjunct Lecturer \\ Ph.D., 1983, UC San Diego \\ At Binghamton since 2014 \\ [[ http://www2.math.binghamton.edu/p/research#mfochler | Summary of research interests ]] \\ | **E-mail:** | mfochler@math.binghamton.edu | | **Fax:** | (607) 777-2450 | | * **Office:** WH 222 * **Office hours:** |M|11:00 - 12:30| |T|10:00 - 11:30| * **Courses:** * **Fall 2024** \\ \\ | Math 330 | Section 01 :| Number systems | | |MWF 8:00 - 9:30 | WH-100B | | Math 447 | Section 02 :| Probability Theory | | |MWF 11:30 - 1:00 | SL-302 | /* END_DEPT_INFO */ /* ============================================================== */ /* ========= Start writing your web page below this line ======== */ /* ============== * **Course info for Math 330: Number systems:** \\ Click on this [[http://www.math.binghamton.edu/mfochler/math-330-2015-fall/html/math-330-home.html|Math 330 Section 5 home page]] link. * **Course info for Math 148: Elementary Statistics for Biologists, FALL 2021:** \\ Click on this [[http://people.math.binghamton.edu/mfochler/math-148-2021-08/html/math-148-home.html|Math 148 home page]] link. * **Course info for Math 330: Number systems, Section 4, FALL 2021:** \\ Click on this [[http://people.math.binghamton.edu/mfochler/math-330-2021-08/html/math-330-home.html|Math 330 Section 4 home page]] link. ================ */ * **Course info for Math 330: Number systems - Section 1, Fall 2024:** \\ * Mon Wed Fri 8:00 - 9:30 AM (WH 100B) * Click on this [[http://people.math.binghamton.edu/mfochler/math-330-2024-08/html/math-330-home.html|Math 330 Home page]] link. **(PRELIMINARY! Site may undergo changes!)** * **Course info for Math 447: Probability Theory - Section 2, Fall 2024:** \\ * Mon Wed Fri 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM (SL 302) * Click on this [[http://people.math.binghamton.edu/mfochler/math-447-2024-08/html/math-447-home.html|Math 447 home page]] link. **(PRELIMINARY! Site may undergo changes!)** * **The Spring 2024 courses (Math 330 and Math 447) have been moved to my archive.** \\ * Please see the link on the lower left of this page. ----- * ** [[http://people.math.binghamton.edu/mfochler/bu-mfx/bu-mfx-index.html|CLICK HERE for my ARCHIVE:]] Info concerning my lectures and talks during previous semesters. **