Olakunle Abawonse, Spring, 2022
Thesis: On the topology of flags of oriented matroids & spaces of flattenings of spheres
Ulysses Alvarez, Spring, 2022 (Co-advisor Ross Geoghegan)
Thesis: On the topology of corank 1 tropical phased matroids
Christopher Eppolito, Summer, 2022 (Co-advisor Thomas Zaslavsky)
Thesis: Matroids: Mystic Monoliths, Meta Missiles, and Myopic Meadows
Ting Su, Fall, 2018
Thesis: Extensions of Matroids Over Tracts and Doubly Distributive Partial Hyperfields
Amanda Ruiz, Summer, 2013
Thesis: Realization Spaces of Phased Matroids
Leandro Junes, summer, 2008
Thesis: Duality of Higher Order Non-Euclidean Property for Oriented Matroids