~~META:title=Previous Homework~~ ===== Math 401 - 01 Previous Homework (Fall 2018)===== {{page>people:fer:401ws:401ws_homework_header&nofooter&noeditbtn}} ---- {{page>people:fer:401ws:defs&nofooter&noeditbtn}} **Problem Set 10** (complete) Due: 11/06/2018. Board presentation: 11/20/2018 - Let $G$ be a group, and $H,K\leq G$. - Prove that if $HK=KH$, then $HK\leq G$. - Prove that if $H\leq N_G(K)$, then $HK\leq G$. - Let $G$ be a group, $H\leq G$, and $C=\{gHg^{-1}|g\in G\}$ the set of all conjugates of $H$ in $G$. Prove that: \[ |C|=[G:N_G(H)]. \] - Let $G$ be a group of order $120$. What are the possible values of $n_2$, $n_3$, and $n_5$, i.e. the number of Sylow 2-subgroups, the number of Sylow 3-subgroups and the number of Sylow 5-subgroups? - How many groups of order $6727$ are there? Describe them. Justify your answers. Show all your work. **Problem Set 09** (complete) Due: 10/29/2018. Board presentation: 11/02/2018 - Prove that, up to isomorphism, the direct product operation is commutative and associative. - Give an example of a group $G$ with two subgroups $H$ and $K$ such that $HK=G$, $H\intersection K=1$, $K\normaleq G$, but $G$ is not isomorphic to the direct product $H\oplus K$. - Let $G$ be a group, and $H,N\leq G$. Prove that: - If $N\normaleq G$, then $HN\leq G$. - If both $H,N\normaleq G$, then $HN\normaleq G$. - Make a list of all abelian groups of order $2736$. Express each of them using the //"elementary divisors"// form and the //"invariant factors"// form. **Problem Set 08** (complete) Due: 10/22/2018. Problem 4 may be resubmitted by 10/24/2018. Board presentation 10/29/2018 - Let $n\in\N$ and $H\leq G$ such that $H$ is the only subgroup of $G$ of order $n$. Show that $H\normaleq G$. (Do not assume that $G$ is finite) - Let $n\in\N$ and $H\leq G$ such that $H$ is the only subgroup of $G$ of index $n$. Show that $H\normaleq G$. (Do not assume that $G$ is finite) - Combine the previous problem with problem 3 in Problem Set 6. - Let $p,q$ be primes such that $p < q$ and $p\not\mid (q-1)$. Prove that, up to isomorphism, there is only one group of order $pq$. (Hint: Use example 17, page 203, as a guide. No use this example, you may use the extra assumption that $(p-1)\not\mid (q-1)$, or equivalently that $(p-1)\not\mid (pq-1)$.) **Problem Set 07** (complete) Due: 10/15/2018. Board presentation 10/29/2018 - Prove Thm. 6.2.3, Thm. 6.3.2, Thm. 10.2.3. Combine all three proofs into one. - Chapter 10, problems 8, 10. **Problem Set 06** (complete) Due: 10/08/2018. Board presentation 10/10/2018 - Chapter 7, problem 8. - Chapter 7, problem 22. - Let $G$ be a finite group, and $p$ the smallest prime divisor of $|G|$. If $p^2\not\mid|G|$, then $G$ has at most one subgroup of index $p$. (Hint:Look at Example 6 on page 144) - Chapter 7, problem 12. Generalize. - Chapter 7, problem 48. **Problem Set 05** (complete) Due: 09/24/2018. Board presentation 09/28/2018 - Chapter 5, problems 6, 8. For all of them find the order and the parity. - Chapter 5, problem 10. What is the largest order of an element of $S_8$. Explain. - Chapter 5, problems 23, 24. - Chapter 5, problem 48. - Chapter 5, problem 50. Is $D_5$ a subgroup of $A_5$? Explain. **Problem Set 04** (complete) Due: 09/17/2018. Board presentation: 09/24/2018 - Chapter 4, problem 74. - Chapter 5, problem 2.a. - Chapter 5, problem 4. - Consider $\alpha\in S_8$ given in disjoint cycle form by $\alpha=(1\ 4\ 5)(3\ 7)$. Write $\alpha$ in array form. **Problem Set 03** (complete) Due: 09/12/2018. Board presentation: 09/17/2018 - Let $G=\pbr{a}$ be an infinite cyclic group, and $k_1,k_2\in\Z$. Prove that $$\pbr{a^{k_1}}\leq\pbr{a^{k_2}} \textrm{ iff } k_2\mid k_1.$$ - Let $G=\pbr{a}$ be a cyclic group of order $60$. - How many subgroups does $G$ have? - Which of them are cyclic? - List a generator for each of the cyclic subgroups of $G$. - Draw the subgroup lattice of $G$. - Prove that a finite group of prime order must be cyclic. - Chap. 4, problem 38, 62. - Chap. 4, problem 50. **Problem Set 02** (complete) Due: 09/04/2018. Board presentation: 09/12/2018 - Chap. 3, problems 4, 13, 20, 64 - Chap. 3, problems 6, 50 - Let $G$ be a group in which every non-identity element has order 2. Prove that $G$ must be Abelian. - Chap. 3, problem 34. what can you say about the union of two subgroups? **Problem Set 01** (complete) Due: 08/27/2018. Board presentation: 08/31/2018 - Page 38, prob. 18. What happens if you replace each H with an A? - Page 39, prob. 22. Explain. - Page 54, prob. 4. - Page 56, prob. 22. Compare with problem 13 on page 38. Additional problems to look at: 1.13 p.38, 1.14 p.38, 2.5 p.54, [[people:fer:401ws:fall2018:home| Home]]