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===== Erik Kjær Pedersen =====
Professor Emeritus \\
Ph.D., 1974, University of Chicago \\
At Binghamton since 1989 \\
**Areas of Interest:** Algebraic and geometric topology \\
[[ :research#erik | Summary of research interests ]] \\
[[ http://www.ams.org/mathscinet/search/publications.html?pg1=IID&s1=137375 | Math Reviews list of published papers ]]. \\
(Institutional subscription to [[ http://www.ams.org/mathscinet/ | MathSciNet]] is needed for viewing.) \\
| **E-mail:** | , erik@math.binghamton.edu |
| **Fax:** | (607) 777-2450 |
* **Ph. D. Students:**
* Seshendra Pallekonda, Summer, 2008 \\ **Thesis:** Bounded Category of an Exact Category
* Ron Sperber, Fall, 2004 \\ **Thesis:** A Comparison of Assembly Maps in Algebraic K-Theory
* David H. Rosenthal, Spring, 2002 \\ **Thesis:** Splitting With Continuous Control In Algebraic K-Theory
* Manuel Cardenas, Fall, 1997 \\ **Thesis:** Localization For Exact Categories
* Douglas Mennella, Spring, 1997 \\ **Thesis:** A Comparison of Steenrod Homology Theories
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Here's a link to my [[http://people.math.binghamton.edu/erik|personal web page]].