AMS Sectional Meeting to be held in Binghamton in October

A Fall Sectional Meeting of the American Mathematical Society will take place at Binghamton University, Oct. 12-13, 2019, hosted by our department. Here is a link to important information about the meeting from the AMS website: Sectional AMS Meeting Information.

For visitors coming to our campus, we have modified a detailed campus map to show where the talks will be held, where to park, and where the reception will be held on Saturday, Oct. 12, 6:00-7:30 PM. Here is a link to the map as a pdf file: Binghamton University Campus Map for AMS Visitors.

After parking in lot M2, please come to the Lecture Hall building. In the lobby area near Lecture Hall 2, you will find the AMS registration desk. The AMS Book Sale will be located in Lecture Hall 3, as well as an Exhibition and Sale of mathematical artwork by Alex Feingold. The invited addresses will be in Lecture Hall 2. Special sessions will be located in other Lecture Hall rooms and in the Student (Classroom) Wing building attached to the Lecture Hall.

Once you know the room in which your talk will be given, you may learn more about the room and its available technology on the following EdComm Website. Once you are on that page, find the room in either the list of Lecture Hall rooms, or Classroom Wing rooms. Note that the Classroom Wing is marked as the Student Wing on the campus map available above. In most rooms, VGA and/or HDMI cable connections are available for your laptop, allowing you to project slides. The system controlling projectors should be turned on before the first talk each day by volunteers from our department, but you can view video tutorials about those controllers at the bottom of the following webpage: AV Tutorial Videos. The second tutorial about ``Laptop Ready Basic Instructions” is especially relevant to speakers and organizers of special sessions in the classrooms.

Here is a summary of the situation for presentations in each room. Every room has projectors and at least one screen if you wish to project slides from your computer. Only five laptops will be available for use if needed, so bring your own. All the rooms being used in the Lecture Hall (LH-4, 5, 11, 12, 13) have a glass whiteboard at the front of the room and a blackboard on the side wall. In the Classroom Wing, Rooms CW-108, 110, 212 and 214 have only writable walls requiring a dry erase marker. Rooms CW-305 and 307 have both a whiteboard and a blackboard. Rooms CW-321, 323, 325, 327, 329 and 331 have only a blackboard at the front of the room. Dry erase markers and erasers will be available at the AMS Registration Table, but those supplies should be returned at the end of the day to that Table to be ready if needed for the next day.