====== Weekly schedule ======
**Math 223 Fall 2024**
**Note:** All videos for Math 223 course are located in WebAssign under the "Resources" tab located on bottom left, just click on "Stewart:: Precalculus-7e". The specific precalculus section video you are required to watch before lecture are listed in the last column of 223 weekly schedule below.
When you click on the specific precalculus section in "Resources" you will see two sets of videos offered, Kazmierczak videos and Mosley videos. You are required to view Kazmierczak ("Kaz.") videos; Mosley are recommended; your instructor will require others as needed.
**Math 223 begins Wednesday, August 21, and ends Monday, October 14**
| **Week ** | **Dates ** | **Sections in Calculus & Precalculus text** | **Topics ** |**Videos: Please view //before// class** Found in WebAssign under "Resources" tab|
|1| Aug 21-23|Calculus App. A; Precalc. Sec. 1.8| Inequalities & absolute values| Kaz. video in Precalc. Sec. 1.8|
| ::: |:::|Calculus App. B; Precalc. Sec. 1.10| Coordinate geometry & lines| Kaz. video, Precalc. Sec. 1.10|
|2| Aug 26-30\\ (**Add deadline** is Monday, August 26)|Calculus App. C; Precalc. Sec. 1.9| Graphs of second-degree equations (mainly, circles & parabolas)| Kaz. video in Precalc. Sec. 1.9|
| ::: |:::|Calculus Sec. 1.1; Precalc. Secs. 1.4, 2.2-2.3, 2.6|Functions|Kaz. videos, Precalc Secs. 1.4, 2.2-2.3, 2.6|
| ::: |:::|Calculus Sec. 1.2; Precalc. Secs. 1.5, 3.1-3.2|Mathematical models| Kaz. videos in Precalc. Secs. 1.5, 3.1, 3.2|
|3|Sep 2-6\\ (**Drop deadline** is Tuesday September 3)|**No Class**|**Labor Day**| |
| ::: |:::|Calculus Sec. 1.3; Precalc. Secs. 2.6-2.7|New functions from old| Kaz. videos in Precalc. Secs. 2.6-2.7|
| ::: |:::|Precalc. Secs. 3.3-3.4; also, see Content in Brightspace with Prof Behr's pdf covering this topic thoroughly. |Dividing polynomials and factoring| Kaz. & Mosely videos in Precalc. Sec. 3.3; Kaz. videos in Precalc. Sec. 3.4|
|4| Sep 9-13|Calculus Appendix D; Precalc. Secs. 5.1-5.2, 6.1-6.2|Trigonometry |Kaz. videos in Precalc. Secs. 5.1-5.2, 6.1-6.2|
| ::: |:::|Calculus Appendix D; Precalc Secs. 5.3-5.4, 6.3|Trigonometric Functions| Kaz. videos in Precalc. Secs. 5.3-5.4, 6.3|
| ::: |:::|Review for Math 223 Midterm Exam| | |
|5| Sep 16-20|**Math 223 Midterm Exam** |Exam takes place in person during class in usual classroom||
| ::: |:::|Calculus Sec. 6.1 (No Calculus Covered) |Inverse Functions| Kaz. videos in Precalc Sec. 2.8|
| ::: |:::|Calculus Sec. 6.6 (No Calculus Covered) | Inverse Trig Functions| Kaz. videos in Precalc. Secs. 5.5, 6.4|
|6| Sep 23-27 \\ (**Withdraw deadline** is Wednesday, September 25) |Calculus Sec. 6.2 (No Calculus Covered)|Exponential Functions | Kaz videos in Precalc 4.1-4.2 |
| ::: |:::|Calculus Sec. 6.3 (No Calculus Covered) |Logarithmic Functions Functions |Kaz videos in Precalc Secs. 4.3-4.6|
| ::: |:::|Calculus Secs. 6.2, 6.3 (No Calculus Covered) |More Exponential & Logarithmic Functions |No video or warmup|
|7|Sep 30-Oct 4| Calculus Sec. 1.5|Limit of a function | Kaz & Mosely videos, Precalc Sec..13.1|
| ::: |:::|**No Class** |**Rosh Hashanah**|
| ::: |:::|**No Class**| **Rosh Hashanah**|
|8| Oct 7-11 |Calculus Sec..1.6|Calculating Limits Using Limit Laws | Kaz. & Mosely videos, Precalc Sec. 13.2|
| ::: |**(Friday Classes Meet**-Tuesday, October 8)|Review for Final Exam |
| ::: |Class Wednesday |Review for Final Exam |
| ::: ||**No Class** |**Yom Kippur**|
|9| Oct 14-16 |**The Math 223 Final Exam is on Monday Oct 14** |Covering all topics App. D-Sec. 1.6|Exam takes place in person during class in usual classroom on Monday Oct 14|
| ::: |:::|**No Class** |
**Math 224 begins Friday, October 18, and ends Wednesday, December 4**
See [[calculus:math_224_225:start| Math 224/225 website]] for Math 224 syllabus, required videos, and other helpful material. Your weekly schedule for the 2nd half-semester is below.
| **Week** | **Dates** | **Sections** \\ All readings are in Calculus text, unless otherwise noted| **Topics** | **Basic Skills Tests** |
|9|Oct 18 |App. A; Precalc. Sec. 1.8| Inequalities & absolute values| Kaz. video in Precalc. Sec. 1.8|
|10| Oct 21-25 \\ (**Add deadline** is Thursday, October 24|1.5|Limit of a Function (review from Math 223)|Kaz. & Mosely videos, Precalc Sects 13.1-13.2|
| ::: |:::|1.6|Calculating Limits|:::|
| ::: |:::|1.8|Continuity|:::|
|11| Oct 28 - Nov 1 \\ (**Drop deadline** is Thursday, October 31)|1.4 & 2.1|Tangents/Velocity Problems & Derivatives and Rates of Change|:::|
| ::: |:::|Sec. 2.2| Derivative as a Function|:::|
| ::: |:::|Sec. 2.3| Differentiation formulas|:::|
|12| Nov 4-8|App. D, Sec. 2.4|Derivatives of trig functions|Skills Test 1 begins on November 4 and you have until Nov 8 to take your first attempt, but can take other attempts this week as well. It covers limits, continuity, and differentiation formulas. **You have until Friday, November 15, to take all 3 attempts.**|
| ::: |:::|2.5|Chain Rule|:::|
| ::: |:::|Review for Midterm Exam| Midterm covers everything through Sec 2.5|:::|
|13| Nov 11-15|**224 Exam 1 (Midterm)**| Midterm covers everything through Sec 2.5 |:::|
| ::: |:::|2.6|Implicit Differentiation|:::|
| ::: |:::|Secs. 2.7-2.8|Rates of change in science & related rates |:::|
|14|Nov 18-22 \\ (**Withdraw deadline** is Tuesday, November 19) |Sec. 2.8 | More related rates|Skills Test 2 begins Monday, Nov 18. It covers trigonometric derivatives, chain rule, and implicit differentiation. **You have until Friday, Nov 22, to take your 1st attempt.**|
| ::: |:::|Sec. 3.1|Maximum and minimum values of a Funct|:::|
| ::: |:::|3.3|How derivatives affect a graph's shape|:::|
|15| Nov 25-29 \\ **(Friday classes meet on Tuesday, November 26)** | **Thanksgiving Break on Wed & Fri** ||:::|
|:::|Mon, Nov 25|3.4|Limits at Infinity|:::|
| ::: |Tues, Nov 26|3.5|Curve Sketching|:::|
|16|Dec 2-6|3.5|More Curve Sketching| Last days to take your 2nd or 3rd attempt of Skills Test 2. **You have until Thurs, Dec 5, to take all 3 attempts.**|
| ::: |:::|Final Exam review|Last day of classes|**Last day to take Skills Test 2 is Thursday, December 5**|
|17| Dec 9-13|**Final Exam on Date and Time Assigned by Registrar, View Final Exam [[http://bannertools.binghamton.edu/exams/ | schedule here]]**|The final is cumulative and covers all topics from the course with a majority of the questions covering Secs. 2.4-3.5 |None|
**Math 223 Spring 2023**
**Note:** All videos for Math 223 course are located in WebAssign under the "Resources" tab located on bottom left, just click on "Stewart:: Precalculus-7e". The specific precalculus section video you are required to watch before lecture are listed in the last column of 223 weekly schedule below.
When you click on the specific Precalculus section in "Resources," you'll see two sets of videos, Dr. Kazmierczak and Mosley videos. You're required to view only Kazmierczak videos, but Mosley are recommended.
|<100% 8% 26% 22% 22% 22%>|
| **Week ** | **Dates ** | **Sections in Calculus text** | **Topics ** |**Videos under the "Resources" tab, to view before class in WebAssign** |
|1| January 18 - 20 |Appendix A| Inequalities and absolute values| Kazmierczak video, Precalculus Sec. 1.8|
| ::: |:::|Appendix B| Coordinate geometry and lines| Kazmierczak video, Precalculus text Sec. 1.10|
|2| January 23 - 27 \\ (**Add Deadline** - Monday, January 23)|Appendix C| Graphs of second-degree equations| Kazmierczak video, Precalculus Sec. 1.9|
| ::: |:::|1.1|Functions|Kazmierczak videos, Precalculus Secs. 1.4, 2.2, 2.3, and 2.6|
|:::|:::|1.2|Mathematical models |Kazmierczak videos, Precalculus Secs. 1.5, 3.1, and 3.2|
|3| January 30 - February 3 \\ (**Drop Deadline** - Monday, January 30)|Sec. 1.3|New functions from old| Kazmierczak videos, Precalculus Secs. 2.6 and 2.7|
|:::|:::|No section in book, material comes from class notes|Dividing polynomials and factoring| Kazmierczak and Mosely videos, Precalculus Sec. 3.3 and Kazmierczak videos, Sec. 3.4|
|:::|:::|Appendix D|Trigonometry|Kazmierczak videos, Precalculus text Secs. 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3|
|4| February 6 - 10 |Appendix D|Trigonometry|Kazmierczak videos, Precalculus Secs. 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3|
|:::|:::|Review for Midterm| Covers all topics up until this point|
|:::|:::|**Math 223 Midterm**|All exams in class|
|5| February 13 - 17 \\ |6.1 and 6.6 (no calculus)|Inverses and inverses of trigonometric functions|Kazmierczak videos, Precalculus Secs. 2.8, 5.5, and 6.4|
|:::|:::|6.2 (no calculus)|Exponential functions|Kazmierczak videos, Precalculus Secs. 4.1 & 4.2|
|:::|:::|6.3 (no calculus) |Logarithmic functions |Kazmierczak videos, Precalculus Secs. 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, and 4.6|
|6| February 20 - 24 \\ (**Withdraw deadline** - Monday, February 20)|6.2, 6.3| More exponential and logarithmic functions |No video or warmup|
|:::|:::|1.5|Limit of a function (intuitive)|Kazmierczak and Mosely videos, Precalculus Sec. 13.1|
|:::|:::||1.6|More Limits |No video or warmup|
|7| February 27 - March 3|1.8|Continuity|No video or Warmup|
| ::: |:::|Review for final| Exam is comprehensive, covers all topics, Appendix D through Sec. 1.8|
| ::: |:::|No Class| **Spring Break**|:::|
|8| March 6 - 8 \\ |**223 Final Exam**|Exam will take place in person during regular class time in your regular classroom|
| ::: |:::|No Class| (Math 223 is over)|:::|
**Math 224 Spring 2023**
Math 224 begins Monday, March 10, and ends Friday, May 11
Click [[calculus:math_224_225:start|here]] for the Math 224/225 website, syllabus, etc. Your instructor will go over this in class in the first lecture, showing how to find and view the videos and syllabus. Your weekly schedule for the 2nd half-semester is below.
|<100% 8% 26% 22% 22% 22%>|
| **Week** | **Dates** | **Sections** | **Topics** | **Basic Skills Tests** |
|9|March 13-15 |Calculus App. A; Precalc. Sec. 1.8| Inequalities & absolute values| Kaz. video in Precalc. Sec. 1.8|
| ::: |:::|Calculus Secs. 1.5 and 1.6|Limits (review)|:::|
|10|March 18-22 \\ (**Add Deadline** is Tuesday March 19|Calculus App. A; Precalc. Sec. 1.8|Continuity|:::|
|11| March 25-29 \\ (**Drop Deadline** is Tuesday, March 26) |Secs. 1.4 and 2.1|Derivatives and rates of change: motivation and definition |:::|
| ::: |:::|Calculus Sec. 2.2|Derivative as a function |:::|
| ::: |:::|Calculus Sec. 2.3|Differentiation formulas|:::|
|11| March 27 - 31 |Calculus App. D and Sec. 2.4|Trig review and derivatives of trig functions| Skills Test 1 begins Monday, March 27. It covers limits, continuity, and differentiation formulas. **You have until April 21 to take all 3 attempts.**|
| ::: |:::|Calculus Sec. 2.5|Chain rule|:::|
| ::: |:::|Calculus Sec. 2.6|Differentiation of functions with implicit definitions|:::|
| |April 3 - 7|**Easter break**|
|12|April 10 - 14 \\ **Monday classes meet on Wednesday April 12**|**Easter break**| ::: |:::|
| ::: |:::|Review for Midterm Exam| Midterm will cover through Sec. 2.6 (implicit differentiation)|:::|
| ::: |:::|**224 Midterm exam**|All exams in class|:::|
|13| April 17 - 21 \\ (**Withdraw & Pass/Fail Grade Option Deadline** - Friday, April 21)|Sec. 2.7|Rates of Change in Science|:::|
| ::: |:::|Sec. 2.8|Related Rates |:::|
| ::: |:::|Sec. 2.8|More related Rates |**The last day to take Skills Test 1 is Friday April 21**|
|14| April 24 - 28 |Sec. 3.1|Maximum and Minimum Values| Skills Test 2 begins Monday, April 24. It covers trigonometric derivatives, the chain rule, and implicit differentiation. **You have until May 4, to take all 3 attempts.**|
|:::|:::|Sec. 3.3|How derivatives affect the shape of a graph|:::|
|:::|:::|Sec. 3.4|Limits at Infinity| ::: |
|15| May 1 - 4 \\ **Friday classes meet on Tuesday May 2**|Sec. 3.5|Curve sketching|:::|
|:::|:::|Sec. 3.5|More curve Sketching| ::: |
| ::: |:::|Review for Final exam| Exam is comprehensive, but emphasizing Sections 2.6-3.5|**Last day to take Skills Test 2, Thursday, May 4**|
|16| May 5 - 11 |**Final Exam TBD by Registrar**| |None|